shell bypass 403
�^� � @ sH d dl Z ddlmZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ G dd� deee�ZdS )� N� )�MatchContext� MatchName)�PolicyQuery)�match_regexc s( e Zd ZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Z� ZS )�
Network interface context query.
policy The policy to query.
Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
name The name of the network interface to match.
name_regex If true, regular expression matching will
be used for matching the name.
user The criteria to match the context's user.
user_regex If true, regular expression matching
will be used on the user.
role The criteria to match the context's role.
role_regex If true, regular expression matching
will be used on the role.
type_ The criteria to match the context's type.
type_regex If true, regular expression matching
will be used on the type.
range_ The criteria to match the context's range.
range_subset If true, the criteria will match if it is a subset
of the context's range.
range_overlap If true, the criteria will match if it overlaps
any of the context's range.
range_superset If true, the criteria will match if it is a superset
of the context's range.
range_proper If true, use proper superset/subset operations.
No effect if not using set operations.
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r r r r �results>