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� N� )�mixins�query)�CriteriaDescriptor�CriteriaSetDescriptor)�RuleUseError�RuleNotConditional)�IoctlSet�
TERuletype)�match_regex�match_indirect_regex�match_regex_or_setc s� e Zd ZdZeed�Zedd�ZdZ dZ
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Query the Type Enforcement rules.
policy The policy to query.
Keyword Parameters/Class attributes:
ruletype The list of rule type(s) to match.
source The name of the source type/attribute to match.
source_indirect If true, members of an attribute will be
matched rather than the attribute itself.
Default is true.
source_regex If true, regular expression matching will
be used on the source type/attribute.
Obeys the source_indirect option.
Default is false.
target The name of the target type/attribute to match.
target_indirect If true, members of an attribute will be
matched rather than the attribute itself.
Default is true.
target_regex If true, regular expression matching will
be used on the target type/attribute.
Obeys target_indirect option.
Default is false.
tclass The object class(es) to match.
tclass_regex If true, use a regular expression for
matching the rule's object class.
Default is false.
perms The set of permission(s) to match.
perms_equal If true, the permission set of the rule
must exactly match the permissions
criteria. If false, any set intersection
will match.
Default is false.
perms_regex If true, regular expression matching will be used
on the permission names instead of set logic.
Default is false.
perms_subset If true, the rule matches if the permissions criteria
is a subset of the rule's permission set.
Default is false.
default The name of the default type to match.
default_regex If true, regular expression matching will be
used on the default type.
Default is false.
boolean The set of boolean(s) to match.
boolean_regex If true, regular expression matching will be
used on the booleans.
Default is false.
boolean_equal If true, the booleans in the conditional
expression of the rule must exactly match the
criteria. If false, any set intersection
will match. Default is false.
boolean_regexZlookup_booleanNc C s | j S )N)�_xperms)�self� r �#/usr/lib64/python3.6/�xpermsd s zTERuleQuery.xpermsc C s� |r�t � }x�|D ]�\}}d| ko*dkn s>tdj|���d| koPdkn sdtdj|���||k rv|| }}|jdd� t||d �D �� qW t|�| _nd | _d S )Nr i�� z{0:#07x} is not a valid ioctl.c s s | ]
}|V qd S )Nr )�.0�ir r r � <genexpr>w s z%TERuleQuery.xperms.<locals>.<genexpr>r )�set�
ValueError�format�update�ranger r )r �valueZpending_xpermsZlowZhighr r r r h s
"c s$ t t| �j|f|� tjt�| _d S )N)�superr �__init__�loggingZ getLogger�__name__�log)r �policy�kwargs)� __class__r r r# } s zTERuleQuery.__init__c $ c sB | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j| j � | j| j � | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� | j jdj| �� �x�| jj� D �]�}| jr�|j| jkr�q�| j r�t
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| j
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�rr w�Y nX y&| j�r�t|j| j| jd � �r�w�W n tk
�r� w�Y nX | j�r�yt
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�r� w�Y nX | j�r4y t|jj| j| j | j!��sw�W n t"k
�r2 w�Y nX |V q�W dS )z-Generator which yields all matching TE rules.z*Generating TE rule results from {0.policy}zRuletypes: {0.ruletype}zLSource: {0.source!r}, indirect: {0.source_indirect}, regex: {0.source_regex}zLTarget: {!r}, indirect: {0.target_indirect}, regex: {0.target_regex}z*Xperms: {0.xperms!r}, eq: {0.xperms_equal}z0Default: {0.default!r}, regex: {0.default_regex}zGBoolean: {0.boolean!r}, eq: {0.boolean_equal}, regex: {0.boolean_regex}r FTN)#r&