* pg_opclass.h
* definition of the system "opclass" relation (pg_opclass)
* along with the relation's initial contents.
* The primary key for this table is <opcmethod, opcname, opcnamespace> ---
* that is, there is a row for each valid combination of opclass name and
* index access method type. This row specifies the expected input data type
* for the opclass (the type of the heap column, or the expression output type
* in the case of an index expression). Note that types binary-coercible to
* the specified type will be accepted too.
* For a given <opcmethod, opcintype> pair, there can be at most one row that
* has opcdefault = true; this row is the default opclass for such data in
* such an index. (This is not currently enforced by an index, because we
* don't support partial indexes on system catalogs.)
* Normally opckeytype = InvalidOid (zero), indicating that the data stored
* in the index is the same as the data in the indexed column. If opckeytype
* is nonzero then it indicates that a conversion step is needed to produce
* the stored index data, which will be of type opckeytype (which might be
* the same or different from the input datatype). Performing such a
* conversion is the responsibility of the index access method --- not all
* AMs support this.
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/include/catalog/pg_opclass.h
* the genbki.pl script reads this file and generates .bki
* information from the DATA() statements.
#ifndef PG_OPCLASS_H
#define PG_OPCLASS_H
#include "catalog/genbki.h"
/* ----------------
* pg_opclass definition. cpp turns this into
* typedef struct FormData_pg_opclass
* ----------------
#define OperatorClassRelationId 2616
Oid opcmethod; /* index access method opclass is for */
NameData opcname; /* name of this opclass */
Oid opcnamespace; /* namespace of this opclass */
Oid opcowner; /* opclass owner */
Oid opcfamily; /* containing operator family */
Oid opcintype; /* type of data indexed by opclass */
bool opcdefault; /* T if opclass is default for opcintype */
Oid opckeytype; /* type of data in index, or InvalidOid */
} FormData_pg_opclass;
/* ----------------
* Form_pg_opclass corresponds to a pointer to a tuple with
* the format of pg_opclass relation.
* ----------------
typedef FormData_pg_opclass *Form_pg_opclass;
/* ----------------
* compiler constants for pg_opclass
* ----------------
#define Natts_pg_opclass 8
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcmethod 1
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcname 2
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcnamespace 3
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcowner 4
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcfamily 5
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcintype 6
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opcdefault 7
#define Anum_pg_opclass_opckeytype 8
/* ----------------
* initial contents of pg_opclass
* Note: we hard-wire an OID only for a few entries that have to be explicitly
* referenced in the C code or in built-in catalog entries. The rest get OIDs
* assigned on-the-fly during initdb.
* ----------------
DATA(insert ( 403 abstime_ops PGNSP PGUID 421 702 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 array_ops PGNSP PGUID 397 2277 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 array_ops PGNSP PGUID 627 2277 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 bit_ops PGNSP PGUID 423 1560 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 bool_ops PGNSP PGUID 424 16 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 bpchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 426 1042 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 bpchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 427 1042 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 bytea_ops PGNSP PGUID 428 17 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 char_ops PGNSP PGUID 429 18 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 char_ops PGNSP PGUID 431 18 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 cidr_ops PGNSP PGUID 1974 869 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 cidr_ops PGNSP PGUID 1975 869 f 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3122 ( 403 date_ops PGNSP PGUID 434 1082 t 0 ));
#define DATE_BTREE_OPS_OID 3122
DATA(insert ( 405 date_ops PGNSP PGUID 435 1082 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 float4_ops PGNSP PGUID 1970 700 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 float4_ops PGNSP PGUID 1971 700 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3123 ( 403 float8_ops PGNSP PGUID 1970 701 t 0 ));
#define FLOAT8_BTREE_OPS_OID 3123
DATA(insert ( 405 float8_ops PGNSP PGUID 1971 701 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 inet_ops PGNSP PGUID 1974 869 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 inet_ops PGNSP PGUID 1975 869 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 inet_ops PGNSP PGUID 3550 869 f 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1979 ( 403 int2_ops PGNSP PGUID 1976 21 t 0 ));
#define INT2_BTREE_OPS_OID 1979
DATA(insert ( 405 int2_ops PGNSP PGUID 1977 21 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1978 ( 403 int4_ops PGNSP PGUID 1976 23 t 0 ));
#define INT4_BTREE_OPS_OID 1978
DATA(insert ( 405 int4_ops PGNSP PGUID 1977 23 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3124 ( 403 int8_ops PGNSP PGUID 1976 20 t 0 ));
#define INT8_BTREE_OPS_OID 3124
DATA(insert ( 405 int8_ops PGNSP PGUID 1977 20 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 interval_ops PGNSP PGUID 1982 1186 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 interval_ops PGNSP PGUID 1983 1186 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 macaddr_ops PGNSP PGUID 1984 829 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 macaddr_ops PGNSP PGUID 1985 829 t 0 ));
* Here's an ugly little hack to save space in the system catalog indexes.
* btree doesn't ordinarily allow a storage type different from input type;
* but cstring and name are the same thing except for trailing padding,
* and we can safely omit that within an index entry. So we declare the
* btree opclass for name as using cstring storage type.
DATA(insert ( 403 name_ops PGNSP PGUID 1986 19 t 2275 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 name_ops PGNSP PGUID 1987 19 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3125 ( 403 numeric_ops PGNSP PGUID 1988 1700 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 numeric_ops PGNSP PGUID 1998 1700 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 1981 ( 403 oid_ops PGNSP PGUID 1989 26 t 0 ));
#define OID_BTREE_OPS_OID 1981
DATA(insert ( 405 oid_ops PGNSP PGUID 1990 26 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 oidvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 1991 30 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 oidvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 1992 30 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 record_ops PGNSP PGUID 2994 2249 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 record_image_ops PGNSP PGUID 3194 2249 f 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3126 ( 403 text_ops PGNSP PGUID 1994 25 t 0 ));
#define TEXT_BTREE_OPS_OID 3126
DATA(insert ( 405 text_ops PGNSP PGUID 1995 25 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 time_ops PGNSP PGUID 1996 1083 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 time_ops PGNSP PGUID 1997 1083 t 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3127 ( 403 timestamptz_ops PGNSP PGUID 434 1184 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 timestamptz_ops PGNSP PGUID 1999 1184 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 timetz_ops PGNSP PGUID 2000 1266 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 timetz_ops PGNSP PGUID 2001 1266 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 varbit_ops PGNSP PGUID 2002 1562 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 varchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 1994 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 varchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 1995 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert OID = 3128 ( 403 timestamp_ops PGNSP PGUID 434 1114 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 timestamp_ops PGNSP PGUID 2040 1114 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 text_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2095 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 varchar_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2095 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 bpchar_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2097 1042 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 money_ops PGNSP PGUID 2099 790 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 bool_ops PGNSP PGUID 2222 16 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 bytea_ops PGNSP PGUID 2223 17 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 int2vector_ops PGNSP PGUID 2224 22 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 tid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2789 27 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 xid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2225 28 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 cid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2226 29 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 abstime_ops PGNSP PGUID 2227 702 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 reltime_ops PGNSP PGUID 2228 703 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 text_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2229 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 varchar_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2229 25 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 bpchar_pattern_ops PGNSP PGUID 2231 1042 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 reltime_ops PGNSP PGUID 2233 703 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 tinterval_ops PGNSP PGUID 2234 704 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 aclitem_ops PGNSP PGUID 2235 1033 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 box_ops PGNSP PGUID 2593 603 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 point_ops PGNSP PGUID 1029 600 t 603 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 poly_ops PGNSP PGUID 2594 604 t 603 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 circle_ops PGNSP PGUID 2595 718 t 603 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _int4_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1007 t 23 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _text_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1009 t 25 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _abstime_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1023 t 702 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _bit_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1561 t 1560 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _bool_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1000 t 16 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _bpchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1014 t 1042 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _bytea_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1001 t 17 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _char_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1002 t 18 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _cidr_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 651 t 650 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _date_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1182 t 1082 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _float4_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1021 t 700 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _float8_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1022 t 701 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _inet_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1041 t 869 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _int2_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1005 t 21 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _int8_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1016 t 20 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _interval_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1187 t 1186 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _macaddr_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1040 t 829 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _name_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1003 t 19 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _numeric_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1231 t 1700 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _oid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1028 t 26 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _oidvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1013 t 30 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _time_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1183 t 1083 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _timestamptz_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1185 t 1184 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _timetz_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1270 t 1266 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _varbit_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1563 t 1562 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _varchar_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1015 t 1043 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _timestamp_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1115 t 1114 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _money_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 791 t 790 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _reltime_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1024 t 703 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 _tinterval_ops PGNSP PGUID 2745 1025 t 704 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 uuid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2968 2950 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 uuid_ops PGNSP PGUID 2969 2950 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 pg_lsn_ops PGNSP PGUID 3253 3220 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 pg_lsn_ops PGNSP PGUID 3254 3220 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 enum_ops PGNSP PGUID 3522 3500 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 enum_ops PGNSP PGUID 3523 3500 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 tsvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 3626 3614 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 tsvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 3655 3614 t 3642 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 tsvector_ops PGNSP PGUID 3659 3614 t 25 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 tsquery_ops PGNSP PGUID 3683 3615 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 tsquery_ops PGNSP PGUID 3702 3615 t 20 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 range_ops PGNSP PGUID 3901 3831 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 range_ops PGNSP PGUID 3903 3831 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 783 range_ops PGNSP PGUID 3919 3831 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 4000 range_ops PGNSP PGUID 3474 3831 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 4000 box_ops PGNSP PGUID 5000 603 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 4000 quad_point_ops PGNSP PGUID 4015 600 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 4000 kd_point_ops PGNSP PGUID 4016 600 f 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 4000 text_ops PGNSP PGUID 4017 25 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 403 jsonb_ops PGNSP PGUID 4033 3802 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 405 jsonb_ops PGNSP PGUID 4034 3802 t 0 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 jsonb_ops PGNSP PGUID 4036 3802 t 25 ));
DATA(insert ( 2742 jsonb_path_ops PGNSP PGUID 4037 3802 f 23 ));
/* BRIN operator classes */
/* no brin opclass for bool */
DATA(insert ( 3580 bytea_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4064 17 t 17 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 char_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4062 18 t 18 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 name_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4065 19 t 19 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 int8_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4054 20 t 20 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 int2_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4054 21 t 21 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 int4_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4054 23 t 23 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 text_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4056 25 t 25 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 oid_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4068 26 t 26 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 tid_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4069 27 t 27 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 float4_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4070 700 t 700 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 float8_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4070 701 t 701 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 abstime_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4072 702 t 702 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 reltime_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4073 703 t 703 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 macaddr_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4074 829 t 829 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 inet_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4075 869 f 869 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 inet_inclusion_ops PGNSP PGUID 4102 869 t 869 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 bpchar_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4076 1042 t 1042 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 time_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4077 1083 t 1083 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 date_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4059 1082 t 1082 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 timestamp_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4059 1114 t 1114 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 timestamptz_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4059 1184 t 1184 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 interval_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4078 1186 t 1186 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 timetz_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4058 1266 t 1266 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 bit_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4079 1560 t 1560 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 varbit_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4080 1562 t 1562 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 numeric_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4055 1700 t 1700 ));
/* no brin opclass for record, anyarray */
DATA(insert ( 3580 uuid_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4081 2950 t 2950 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 range_inclusion_ops PGNSP PGUID 4103 3831 t 3831 ));
DATA(insert ( 3580 pg_lsn_minmax_ops PGNSP PGUID 4082 3220 t 3220 ));
/* no brin opclass for enum, tsvector, tsquery, jsonb */
DATA(insert ( 3580 box_inclusion_ops PGNSP PGUID 4104 603 t 603 ));
/* no brin opclass for the geometric types except box */
#endif /* PG_OPCLASS_H */