* plpgsql.h - Definitions for the PL/pgSQL
* procedural language
* Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
* src/pl/plpgsql/src/plpgsql.h
#ifndef PLPGSQL_H
#define PLPGSQL_H
#include "postgres.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "commands/event_trigger.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
* Definitions
/* define our text domain for translations */
#undef _
#define _(x) dgettext(TEXTDOMAIN, x)
/* ----------
* Compiler's namespace item types
* ----------
/* ----------
* A PLPGSQL_NSTYPE_LABEL stack entry must be one of these types
* ----------
enum PLpgSQL_label_types
PLPGSQL_LABEL_LOOP, /* looping construct */
PLPGSQL_LABEL_OTHER /* anything else */
/* ----------
* Datum array node types
* ----------
/* ----------
* Variants distinguished in PLpgSQL_type structs
* ----------
PLPGSQL_TTYPE_SCALAR, /* scalar types and domains */
PLPGSQL_TTYPE_ROW, /* composite types */
PLPGSQL_TTYPE_REC, /* RECORD pseudotype */
PLPGSQL_TTYPE_PSEUDO /* other pseudotypes */
/* ----------
* Execution tree node types
* ----------
enum PLpgSQL_stmt_types
/* ----------
* Execution node return codes
* ----------
/* ----------
* GET DIAGNOSTICS information items
* ----------
/* --------
* RAISE statement options
* --------
/* --------
* Behavioral modes for plpgsql variable resolution
* --------
typedef enum
PLPGSQL_RESOLVE_ERROR, /* throw error if ambiguous */
PLPGSQL_RESOLVE_VARIABLE, /* prefer plpgsql var to table column */
PLPGSQL_RESOLVE_COLUMN /* prefer table column to plpgsql var */
} PLpgSQL_resolve_option;
* Node and structure definitions
typedef struct
{ /* Postgres data type */
char *typname; /* (simple) name of the type */
Oid typoid; /* OID of the data type */
int ttype; /* PLPGSQL_TTYPE_ code */
int16 typlen; /* stuff copied from its pg_type entry */
bool typbyval;
char typtype;
Oid typrelid;
Oid collation; /* from pg_type, but can be overridden */
bool typisarray; /* is "true" array, or domain over one */
int32 atttypmod; /* typmod (taken from someplace else) */
} PLpgSQL_type;
* PLpgSQL_datum is the common supertype for PLpgSQL_expr, PLpgSQL_var,
* PLpgSQL_row, PLpgSQL_rec, PLpgSQL_recfield, and PLpgSQL_arrayelem
typedef struct
{ /* Generic datum array item */
int dtype;
int dno;
} PLpgSQL_datum;
* The variants PLpgSQL_var, PLpgSQL_row, and PLpgSQL_rec share these
* fields
typedef struct
{ /* Scalar or composite variable */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *refname;
int lineno;
} PLpgSQL_variable;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_expr
{ /* SQL Query to plan and execute */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *query;
SPIPlanPtr plan;
Bitmapset *paramnos; /* all dnos referenced by this query */
int rwparam; /* dno of read/write param, or -1 if none */
/* function containing this expr (not set until we first parse query) */
struct PLpgSQL_function *func;
/* namespace chain visible to this expr */
struct PLpgSQL_nsitem *ns;
/* fields for "simple expression" fast-path execution: */
Expr *expr_simple_expr; /* NULL means not a simple expr */
int expr_simple_generation; /* plancache generation we checked */
Oid expr_simple_type; /* result type Oid, if simple */
int32 expr_simple_typmod; /* result typmod, if simple */
* if expr is simple AND prepared in current transaction,
* expr_simple_state and expr_simple_in_use are valid. Test validity by
* seeing if expr_simple_lxid matches current LXID. (If not,
* expr_simple_state probably points at garbage!)
ExprState *expr_simple_state; /* eval tree for expr_simple_expr */
bool expr_simple_in_use; /* true if eval tree is active */
LocalTransactionId expr_simple_lxid;
} PLpgSQL_expr;
typedef struct
{ /* Scalar variable */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *refname;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_type *datatype;
int isconst;
int notnull;
PLpgSQL_expr *default_val;
PLpgSQL_expr *cursor_explicit_expr;
int cursor_explicit_argrow;
int cursor_options;
Datum value;
bool isnull;
bool freeval;
} PLpgSQL_var;
typedef struct
{ /* Row variable */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *refname;
int lineno;
TupleDesc rowtupdesc;
* Note: TupleDesc is only set up for named rowtypes, else it is NULL.
* Note: if the underlying rowtype contains a dropped column, the
* corresponding fieldnames[] entry will be NULL, and there is no
* corresponding var (varnos[] will be -1).
int nfields;
char **fieldnames;
int *varnos;
} PLpgSQL_row;
typedef struct
{ /* Record variable (non-fixed structure) */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *refname;
int lineno;
HeapTuple tup;
TupleDesc tupdesc;
bool freetup;
bool freetupdesc;
} PLpgSQL_rec;
typedef struct
{ /* Field in record */
int dtype;
int dno;
char *fieldname;
int recparentno; /* dno of parent record */
} PLpgSQL_recfield;
typedef struct
{ /* Element of array variable */
int dtype;
int dno;
PLpgSQL_expr *subscript;
int arrayparentno; /* dno of parent array variable */
/* Remaining fields are cached info about the array variable's type */
Oid parenttypoid; /* type of array variable; 0 if not yet set */
int32 parenttypmod; /* typmod of array variable */
Oid arraytypoid; /* OID of actual array type */
int32 arraytypmod; /* typmod of array (and its elements too) */
int16 arraytyplen; /* typlen of array type */
Oid elemtypoid; /* OID of array element type */
int16 elemtyplen; /* typlen of element type */
bool elemtypbyval; /* element type is pass-by-value? */
char elemtypalign; /* typalign of element type */
} PLpgSQL_arrayelem;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_nsitem
{ /* Item in the compilers namespace tree */
int itemtype;
int itemno;
/* For labels, itemno is a value of enum PLpgSQL_label_types. */
/* For other itemtypes, itemno is the associated PLpgSQL_datum's dno. */
struct PLpgSQL_nsitem *prev;
char name[FLEXIBLE_ARRAY_MEMBER]; /* nul-terminated string */
} PLpgSQL_nsitem;
typedef struct
{ /* Generic execution node */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
} PLpgSQL_stmt;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_condition
{ /* One EXCEPTION condition name */
int sqlerrstate; /* SQLSTATE code */
char *condname; /* condition name (for debugging) */
struct PLpgSQL_condition *next;
} PLpgSQL_condition;
typedef struct
int sqlstate_varno;
int sqlerrm_varno;
List *exc_list; /* List of WHEN clauses */
} PLpgSQL_exception_block;
typedef struct
{ /* One EXCEPTION ... WHEN clause */
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_condition *conditions;
List *action; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_exception;
typedef struct
{ /* Block of statements */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
List *body; /* List of statements */
int n_initvars;
int *initvarnos;
PLpgSQL_exception_block *exceptions;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_block;
typedef struct
{ /* Assign statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
int varno;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_assign;
typedef struct
{ /* PERFORM statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_perform;
typedef struct
{ /* Get Diagnostics item */
int kind; /* id for diagnostic value desired */
int target; /* where to assign it */
} PLpgSQL_diag_item;
typedef struct
{ /* Get Diagnostics statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
bool is_stacked; /* STACKED or CURRENT diagnostics area? */
List *diag_items; /* List of PLpgSQL_diag_item */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_getdiag;
typedef struct
{ /* IF statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *cond; /* boolean expression for THEN */
List *then_body; /* List of statements */
List *elsif_list; /* List of PLpgSQL_if_elsif structs */
List *else_body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_if;
typedef struct /* one ELSIF arm of IF statement */
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *cond; /* boolean expression for this case */
List *stmts; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_if_elsif;
typedef struct /* CASE statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *t_expr; /* test expression, or NULL if none */
int t_varno; /* var to store test expression value into */
List *case_when_list; /* List of PLpgSQL_case_when structs */
bool have_else; /* flag needed because list could be empty */
List *else_stmts; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_case;
typedef struct /* one arm of CASE statement */
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr; /* boolean expression for this case */
List *stmts; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_case_when;
typedef struct
{ /* Unconditional LOOP statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
List *body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_loop;
typedef struct
{ /* WHILE cond LOOP statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_expr *cond;
List *body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_while;
typedef struct
{ /* FOR statement with integer loopvar */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_var *var;
PLpgSQL_expr *lower;
PLpgSQL_expr *upper;
PLpgSQL_expr *step; /* NULL means default (ie, BY 1) */
int reverse;
List *body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_fori;
* PLpgSQL_stmt_forq represents a FOR statement running over a SQL query.
* It is the common supertype of PLpgSQL_stmt_fors, PLpgSQL_stmt_forc
* and PLpgSQL_dynfors.
typedef struct
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_rec *rec;
PLpgSQL_row *row;
List *body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_forq;
typedef struct
{ /* FOR statement running over SELECT */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_rec *rec;
PLpgSQL_row *row;
List *body; /* List of statements */
/* end of fields that must match PLpgSQL_stmt_forq */
PLpgSQL_expr *query;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_fors;
typedef struct
{ /* FOR statement running over cursor */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_rec *rec;
PLpgSQL_row *row;
List *body; /* List of statements */
/* end of fields that must match PLpgSQL_stmt_forq */
int curvar;
PLpgSQL_expr *argquery; /* cursor arguments if any */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_forc;
typedef struct
{ /* FOR statement running over EXECUTE */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
PLpgSQL_rec *rec;
PLpgSQL_row *row;
List *body; /* List of statements */
/* end of fields that must match PLpgSQL_stmt_forq */
PLpgSQL_expr *query;
List *params; /* USING expressions */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_dynfors;
typedef struct
{ /* FOREACH item in array loop */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
char *label;
int varno; /* loop target variable */
int slice; /* slice dimension, or 0 */
PLpgSQL_expr *expr; /* array expression */
List *body; /* List of statements */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_foreach_a;
typedef struct
{ /* OPEN a curvar */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
int curvar;
int cursor_options;
PLpgSQL_row *returntype;
PLpgSQL_expr *argquery;
PLpgSQL_expr *query;
PLpgSQL_expr *dynquery;
List *params; /* USING expressions */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_open;
typedef struct
{ /* FETCH or MOVE statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_rec *rec; /* target, as record or row */
PLpgSQL_row *row;
int curvar; /* cursor variable to fetch from */
FetchDirection direction; /* fetch direction */
long how_many; /* count, if constant (expr is NULL) */
PLpgSQL_expr *expr; /* count, if expression */
bool is_move; /* is this a fetch or move? */
bool returns_multiple_rows; /* can return more than one row? */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_fetch;
typedef struct
{ /* CLOSE curvar */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
int curvar;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_close;
typedef struct
{ /* EXIT or CONTINUE statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
bool is_exit; /* Is this an exit or a continue? */
char *label; /* NULL if it's an unlabelled EXIT/CONTINUE */
PLpgSQL_expr *cond;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_exit;
typedef struct
{ /* RETURN statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr;
int retvarno;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_return;
typedef struct
{ /* RETURN NEXT statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr;
int retvarno;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_return_next;
typedef struct
{ /* RETURN QUERY statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *query; /* if static query */
PLpgSQL_expr *dynquery; /* if dynamic query (RETURN QUERY EXECUTE) */
List *params; /* USING arguments for dynamic query */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_return_query;
typedef struct
{ /* RAISE statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
int elog_level;
char *condname; /* condition name, SQLSTATE, or NULL */
char *message; /* old-style message format literal, or NULL */
List *params; /* list of expressions for old-style message */
List *options; /* list of PLpgSQL_raise_option */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_raise;
typedef struct
{ /* RAISE statement option */
int opt_type;
PLpgSQL_expr *expr;
} PLpgSQL_raise_option;
typedef struct
{ /* ASSERT statement */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *cond;
PLpgSQL_expr *message;
} PLpgSQL_stmt_assert;
typedef struct
{ /* Generic SQL statement to execute */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *sqlstmt;
bool mod_stmt; /* is the stmt INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE? */
bool into; /* INTO supplied? */
bool strict; /* INTO STRICT flag */
bool mod_stmt_set; /* is mod_stmt valid yet? */
PLpgSQL_rec *rec; /* INTO target, if record */
PLpgSQL_row *row; /* INTO target, if row */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_execsql;
typedef struct
{ /* Dynamic SQL string to execute */
int cmd_type;
int lineno;
PLpgSQL_expr *query; /* string expression */
bool into; /* INTO supplied? */
bool strict; /* INTO STRICT flag */
PLpgSQL_rec *rec; /* INTO target, if record */
PLpgSQL_row *row; /* INTO target, if row */
List *params; /* USING expressions */
} PLpgSQL_stmt_dynexecute;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_func_hashkey
{ /* Hash lookup key for functions */
Oid funcOid;
bool isTrigger; /* true if called as a DML trigger */
bool isEventTrigger; /* true if called as an event trigger */
/* be careful that pad bytes in this struct get zeroed! */
* For a trigger function, the OID of the relation triggered on is part of
* the hash key --- we want to compile the trigger separately for each
* relation it is used with, in case the rowtype is different. Zero if
* not called as a DML trigger.
Oid trigrelOid;
* We must include the input collation as part of the hash key too,
* because we have to generate different plans (with different Param
* collations) for different collation settings.
Oid inputCollation;
* We include actual argument types in the hash key to support polymorphic
* PLpgSQL functions. Be careful that extra positions are zeroed!
Oid argtypes[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
} PLpgSQL_func_hashkey;
typedef enum PLpgSQL_trigtype
} PLpgSQL_trigtype;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_function
{ /* Complete compiled function */
char *fn_signature;
Oid fn_oid;
TransactionId fn_xmin;
ItemPointerData fn_tid;
PLpgSQL_trigtype fn_is_trigger;
Oid fn_input_collation;
PLpgSQL_func_hashkey *fn_hashkey; /* back-link to hashtable key */
MemoryContext fn_cxt;
Oid fn_rettype;
int fn_rettyplen;
bool fn_retbyval;
bool fn_retistuple;
bool fn_retset;
bool fn_readonly;
int fn_nargs;
int fn_argvarnos[FUNC_MAX_ARGS];
int out_param_varno;
int found_varno;
int new_varno;
int old_varno;
int tg_name_varno;
int tg_when_varno;
int tg_level_varno;
int tg_op_varno;
int tg_relid_varno;
int tg_relname_varno;
int tg_table_name_varno;
int tg_table_schema_varno;
int tg_nargs_varno;
int tg_argv_varno;
/* for event triggers */
int tg_event_varno;
int tg_tag_varno;
PLpgSQL_resolve_option resolve_option;
bool print_strict_params;
/* extra checks */
int extra_warnings;
int extra_errors;
/* the datums representing the function's local variables */
int ndatums;
PLpgSQL_datum **datums;
Bitmapset *resettable_datums; /* dnos of non-simple vars */
/* function body parsetree */
PLpgSQL_stmt_block *action;
/* these fields change when the function is used */
struct PLpgSQL_execstate *cur_estate;
unsigned long use_count;
} PLpgSQL_function;
typedef struct PLpgSQL_execstate
{ /* Runtime execution data */
PLpgSQL_function *func; /* function being executed */
Datum retval;
bool retisnull;
Oid rettype; /* type of current retval */
Oid fn_rettype; /* info about declared function rettype */
bool retistuple;
bool retisset;
bool readonly_func;
TupleDesc rettupdesc;
char *exitlabel; /* the "target" label of the current EXIT or
* CONTINUE stmt, if any */
ErrorData *cur_error; /* current exception handler's error */
Tuplestorestate *tuple_store; /* SRFs accumulate results here */
MemoryContext tuple_store_cxt;
ResourceOwner tuple_store_owner;
ReturnSetInfo *rsi;
/* the datums representing the function's local variables */
int found_varno;
int ndatums;
PLpgSQL_datum **datums;
/* we pass datums[i] to the executor, when needed, in paramLI->params[i] */
ParamListInfo paramLI;
bool params_dirty; /* T if any resettable datum has been passed */
/* EState to use for "simple" expression evaluation */
EState *simple_eval_estate;
/* Lookup table to use for executing type casts */
HTAB *cast_hash;
MemoryContext cast_hash_context;
/* temporary state for results from evaluation of query or expr */
SPITupleTable *eval_tuptable;
uint64 eval_processed;
Oid eval_lastoid;
ExprContext *eval_econtext; /* for executing simple expressions */
/* status information for error context reporting */
PLpgSQL_stmt *err_stmt; /* current stmt */
const char *err_text; /* additional state info */
void *plugin_info; /* reserved for use by optional plugin */
} PLpgSQL_execstate;
* A PLpgSQL_plugin structure represents an instrumentation plugin.
* To instrument PL/pgSQL, a plugin library must access the rendezvous
* variable "PLpgSQL_plugin" and set it to point to a PLpgSQL_plugin struct.
* Typically the struct could just be static data in the plugin library.
* We expect that a plugin would do this at library load time (_PG_init()).
* It must also be careful to set the rendezvous variable back to NULL
* if it is unloaded (_PG_fini()).
* This structure is basically a collection of function pointers --- at
* various interesting points in pl_exec.c, we call these functions
* (if the pointers are non-NULL) to give the plugin a chance to watch
* what we are doing.
* func_setup is called when we start a function, before we've initialized
* the local variables defined by the function.
* func_beg is called when we start a function, after we've initialized
* the local variables.
* func_end is called at the end of a function.
* stmt_beg and stmt_end are called before and after (respectively) each
* statement.
* Also, immediately before any call to func_setup, PL/pgSQL fills in the
* error_callback and assign_expr fields with pointers to its own
* plpgsql_exec_error_callback and exec_assign_expr functions. This is
* a somewhat ad-hoc expedient to simplify life for debugger plugins.
typedef struct
/* Function pointers set up by the plugin */
void (*func_setup) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_function *func);
void (*func_beg) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_function *func);
void (*func_end) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_function *func);
void (*stmt_beg) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt);
void (*stmt_end) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt);
/* Function pointers set by PL/pgSQL itself */
void (*error_callback) (void *arg);
void (*assign_expr) (PLpgSQL_execstate *estate, PLpgSQL_datum *target,
PLpgSQL_expr *expr);
} PLpgSQL_plugin;
/* Struct types used during parsing */
typedef struct
char *ident; /* palloc'd converted identifier */
bool quoted; /* Was it double-quoted? */
} PLword;
typedef struct
List *idents; /* composite identifiers (list of String) */
} PLcword;
typedef struct
PLpgSQL_datum *datum; /* referenced variable */
char *ident; /* valid if simple name */
bool quoted;
List *idents; /* valid if composite name */
} PLwdatum;
* Global variable declarations
typedef enum
IDENTIFIER_LOOKUP_NORMAL, /* normal processing of var names */
IDENTIFIER_LOOKUP_DECLARE, /* In DECLARE --- don't look up names */
IDENTIFIER_LOOKUP_EXPR /* In SQL expression --- special case */
} IdentifierLookup;
extern IdentifierLookup plpgsql_IdentifierLookup;
extern int plpgsql_variable_conflict;
extern bool plpgsql_print_strict_params;
extern bool plpgsql_check_asserts;
/* extra compile-time checks */
#define PLPGSQL_XCHECK_ALL ((int) ~0)
extern int plpgsql_extra_warnings;
extern int plpgsql_extra_errors;
extern bool plpgsql_check_syntax;
extern bool plpgsql_DumpExecTree;
extern PLpgSQL_stmt_block *plpgsql_parse_result;
extern int plpgsql_nDatums;
extern PLpgSQL_datum **plpgsql_Datums;
extern char *plpgsql_error_funcname;
extern PLpgSQL_function *plpgsql_curr_compile;
extern MemoryContext plpgsql_compile_tmp_cxt;
extern PLpgSQL_plugin **plpgsql_plugin_ptr;
* Function declarations
/* ----------
* Functions in pl_comp.c
* ----------
extern PLpgSQL_function *plpgsql_compile(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
bool forValidator);
extern PLpgSQL_function *plpgsql_compile_inline(char *proc_source);
extern void plpgsql_parser_setup(struct ParseState *pstate,
PLpgSQL_expr *expr);
extern bool plpgsql_parse_word(char *word1, const char *yytxt,
PLwdatum *wdatum, PLword *word);
extern bool plpgsql_parse_dblword(char *word1, char *word2,
PLwdatum *wdatum, PLcword *cword);
extern bool plpgsql_parse_tripword(char *word1, char *word2, char *word3,
PLwdatum *wdatum, PLcword *cword);
extern PLpgSQL_type *plpgsql_parse_wordtype(char *ident);
extern PLpgSQL_type *plpgsql_parse_cwordtype(List *idents);
extern PLpgSQL_type *plpgsql_parse_wordrowtype(char *ident);
extern PLpgSQL_type *plpgsql_parse_cwordrowtype(List *idents);
extern PLpgSQL_type *plpgsql_build_datatype(Oid typeOid, int32 typmod,
Oid collation);
extern PLpgSQL_variable *plpgsql_build_variable(const char *refname, int lineno,
PLpgSQL_type *dtype,
bool add2namespace);
extern PLpgSQL_rec *plpgsql_build_record(const char *refname, int lineno,
bool add2namespace);
extern int plpgsql_recognize_err_condition(const char *condname,
bool allow_sqlstate);
extern PLpgSQL_condition *plpgsql_parse_err_condition(char *condname);
extern void plpgsql_adddatum(PLpgSQL_datum *newdatum);
extern int plpgsql_add_initdatums(int **varnos);
extern void plpgsql_HashTableInit(void);
/* ----------
* Functions in pl_handler.c
* ----------
extern void _PG_init(void);
/* ----------
* Functions in pl_exec.c
* ----------
extern Datum plpgsql_exec_function(PLpgSQL_function *func,
FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
EState *simple_eval_estate);
extern HeapTuple plpgsql_exec_trigger(PLpgSQL_function *func,
TriggerData *trigdata);
extern void plpgsql_exec_event_trigger(PLpgSQL_function *func,
EventTriggerData *trigdata);
extern void plpgsql_xact_cb(XactEvent event, void *arg);
extern void plpgsql_subxact_cb(SubXactEvent event, SubTransactionId mySubid,
SubTransactionId parentSubid, void *arg);
extern Oid plpgsql_exec_get_datum_type(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
PLpgSQL_datum *datum);
extern void plpgsql_exec_get_datum_type_info(PLpgSQL_execstate *estate,
PLpgSQL_datum *datum,
Oid *typeId, int32 *typMod, Oid *collation);
/* ----------
* Functions for namespace handling in pl_funcs.c
* ----------
extern void plpgsql_ns_init(void);
extern void plpgsql_ns_push(const char *label,
enum PLpgSQL_label_types label_type);
extern void plpgsql_ns_pop(void);
extern PLpgSQL_nsitem *plpgsql_ns_top(void);
extern void plpgsql_ns_additem(int itemtype, int itemno, const char *name);
extern PLpgSQL_nsitem *plpgsql_ns_lookup(PLpgSQL_nsitem *ns_cur, bool localmode,
const char *name1, const char *name2,
const char *name3, int *names_used);
extern PLpgSQL_nsitem *plpgsql_ns_lookup_label(PLpgSQL_nsitem *ns_cur,
const char *name);
extern PLpgSQL_nsitem *plpgsql_ns_find_nearest_loop(PLpgSQL_nsitem *ns_cur);
/* ----------
* Other functions in pl_funcs.c
* ----------
extern const char *plpgsql_stmt_typename(PLpgSQL_stmt *stmt);
extern const char *plpgsql_getdiag_kindname(int kind);
extern void plpgsql_free_function_memory(PLpgSQL_function *func);
extern void plpgsql_dumptree(PLpgSQL_function *func);
/* ----------
* Scanner functions in pl_scanner.c
* ----------
extern int plpgsql_base_yylex(void);
extern int plpgsql_yylex(void);
extern void plpgsql_push_back_token(int token);
extern bool plpgsql_token_is_unreserved_keyword(int token);
extern void plpgsql_append_source_text(StringInfo buf,
int startlocation, int endlocation);
extern int plpgsql_peek(void);
extern void plpgsql_peek2(int *tok1_p, int *tok2_p, int *tok1_loc,
int *tok2_loc);
extern int plpgsql_scanner_errposition(int location);
extern void plpgsql_yyerror(const char *message) pg_attribute_noreturn();
extern int plpgsql_location_to_lineno(int location);
extern int plpgsql_latest_lineno(void);
extern void plpgsql_scanner_init(const char *str);
extern void plpgsql_scanner_finish(void);
/* ----------
* Externs in gram.y
* ----------
extern int plpgsql_yyparse(void);
#endif /* PLPGSQL_H */