Make sure that winbind service is configured and enabled. See winbind documentation for more information.
{include if "with-fingerprint"}
- with-fingerprint is selected, make sure fprintd service is configured and enabled {include if "with-fingerprint"}
{include if "with-pam-gnome-keyring"}
- with-pam-gnome-keyring is selected, make sure the pam_gnome_keyring module {include if "with-pam-gnome-keyring"}
is present. {include if "with-pam-gnome-keyring"}
{include if "with-pam-u2f"}
- with-pam-u2f is selected, make sure that the pam u2f module is installed {include if "with-pam-u2f"}
- users can then configure keys using the pamu2fcfg tool {include if "with-pam-u2f"}
{include if "with-pam-u2f-2fa"}
- with-pam-u2f-2fa is selected, make sure that the pam u2f module is installed {include if "with-pam-u2f-2fa"}
- users can then configure keys using the pamu2fcfg tool {include if "with-pam-u2f-2fa"}
{include if "with-mkhomedir"}
- with-mkhomedir is selected, make sure pam_oddjob_mkhomedir module {include if "with-mkhomedir"}
is present and oddjobd service is enabled and active {include if "with-mkhomedir"}
- systemctl enable --now oddjobd.service {include if "with-mkhomedir"}