shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::Daemon;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; # WNOHANG
# By convention, we just use 5 chars string as possible internal IPC messages.
# As of this writing, only IPC_LEAVE from children is supported and is only
# really useful while debugging.
use constant IPC_LEAVE => 'LEAVE';
use parent 'FusionInventory::Agent';
use FusionInventory::Agent::Logger;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Version;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Generic;
my $PROVIDER = $FusionInventory::Agent::Version::PROVIDER;
sub init {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->{lastConfigLoad} = time;
# create HTTP interface if required
# install signal handler to handle reload signal
$SIG{HUP} = sub { $self->reinit(); };
$SIG{USR1} = sub { $self->runNow(); }
unless ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32');
sub reinit {
my ($self) = @_;
# Update PID file modification time so we can expire it
utime undef,undef,$self->{pidfile} if $self->{pidfile};
$self->{logger}->debug('agent reinit');
$self->{lastConfigLoad} = time;
# Reload init from parent class
# Reload HTTP interface if required
$self->{logger}->debug('agent reinit done.');
sub run {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my @targets = $self->getTargets();
if ($logger) {
if ($config->{'no-fork'}) {
$logger->debug2("Waiting in mainloop");
foreach my $target (@targets) {
my $date = $target->getFormatedNextRunDate();
my $type = $target->getType();
my $name = $target->getName();
$logger->debug2("$type target next run: $date - $name");
} else {
$logger->debug("Running in background mode");
# background mode: work on a targets list copy, but loop while
# the list really exists so we can stop quickly when asked for
while ($self->getTargets()) {
my $time = time();
@targets = $self->getTargets() unless @targets;
my $target = shift @targets;
if ($target->paused()) {
# Leave immediately if we passed in terminate method
last unless $self->getTargets();
} elsif ($time >= $target->getNextRunDate()) {
my $net_error = 0;
eval {
$net_error = $self->runTarget($target);
$logger->error($EVAL_ERROR) if ($EVAL_ERROR && $logger);
if ($net_error) {
# Prefer to retry early on net error
} else {
if ($logger && $config->{'no-fork'}) {
my $date = $target->getFormatedNextRunDate();
my $type = $target->getType();
$logger->debug2("$type target scheduled: $date");
# Leave immediately if we passed in terminate method
last unless $self->getTargets();
# Call service optimization after each target run
# This eventually check for http messages, default timeout is 1 second
sub runNow {
my ($self) = @_;
foreach my $target ($self->getTargets()) {
$self->{logger}->info("$PROVIDER Agent requested to run all targets now");
sub _reloadConfIfNeeded {
my ($self) = @_;
my $reloadInterval = $self->{config}->{'conf-reload-interval'} || 0;
return unless ($reloadInterval > 0);
my $reload = time - $self->{lastConfigLoad} - $reloadInterval;
$self->reinit() if ($reload > 0);
sub runTask {
my ($self, $target, $name, $response) = @_;
$self->setStatus("running task $name");
# server mode: run each task in a child process
if (my $pid = fork()) {
# parent
$self->{current_runtask} = $pid;
while (waitpid($pid, WNOHANG) == 0) {
# Wait but eventually handle http server requests
# Leave earlier while requested
last unless $self->getTargets();
delete $self->{current_runtask};
} else {
# child
die "fork failed: $ERRNO\n" unless defined $pid;
# Don't handle HTTPD interface in forked child
delete $self->{server};
delete $self->{pidfile};
delete $self->{_fork};
# Mostly to update process name on unix platforms
$self->setStatus("task $name");
$self->{logger}->debug("forking process $$ to handle task $name");
$self->runTaskReal($target, $name, $response);
sub createDaemon {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
my $logger = $self->{logger};
# Don't try to create a daemon if configured as a service
return $logger->info("$PROVIDER Agent service starting")
if $config->{service};
$logger->info("$PROVIDER Agent starting");
my $pidfile = $config->{pidfile};
if (defined($pidfile) && $pidfile eq "") {
# Set to default pidfile only when needed
$pidfile = $self->{vardir} . '/'. lc($PROVIDER). '';
$logger->debug("Using $pidfile as default PID file") if $logger;
} elsif (!$pidfile) {
$logger->debug("Skipping running daemon control based on PID file checking") if $logger;
# Expire PID file if daemon is not running while conf-reload-interval is
# in use and PID file has not been update since, including a minute safety gap
if ($pidfile && -e $pidfile && $self->{config}->{'conf-reload-interval'}) {
my $mtime = (stat($pidfile))[9];
if ($mtime && $mtime < time - $self->{config}->{'conf-reload-interval'} - 60) {
$logger->info("$pidfile PID file expired") if $logger;
unlink $pidfile;
my $daemon;
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->debug("Failed to load recommended Proc::Daemon library: $EVAL_ERROR") if $logger;
# Eventually check running process from pid found in pid file
if ($pidfile) {
my $pid = getFirstLine(file => $pidfile);
if ($pid && int($pid)) {
$logger->debug2("Last running daemon started with PID $pid") if $logger;
if ($pid != $$ && kill(0, $pid)) {
$logger->error("$PROVIDER Agent is already running, exiting...") if $logger;
exit 1;
$logger->debug("$PROVIDER Agent with PID $pid is dead") if $logger;
} else {
# If we use relative path, we must stay in the current directory
my $workdir = substr($self->{libdir}, 0, 1) eq '/' ? '/' : getcwd();
# Be sure to keep libdir in includes or we can fail to load need libraries
unshift @INC, $self->{libdir}
if ($workdir eq '/' && ! first { $_ eq $self->{libdir} } @INC);
$daemon = Proc::Daemon->new(
work_dir => $workdir,
pid_file => $pidfile
# Use Proc::Daemon API to check daemon status but it always return false
# if pidfile is not used
if ($daemon->Status()) {
$logger->error("$PROVIDER Agent is already running, exiting...") if $logger;
exit 1;
if ($config->{'no-fork'} || !$daemon) {
# Still keep current PID in PID file to permit Proc::Daemon to check status
if ($pidfile) {
if (open(my $pid, ">", $pidfile)) {
print $pid "$$\n";
} elsif ($logger) {
$logger->debug("Can't write PID file: $!");
undef $pidfile;
$logger->debug("$PROVIDER Agent started in foreground") if $logger;
} elsif (my $pid = $daemon->Init()) {
$logger->debug("$PROVIDER Agent daemonized with PID $pid") if $logger;
exit 0;
} else {
# Reload the logger in forked process to avoid some related issues
# From here we can enable our pidfile deletion on terminate
$self->{pidfile} = $pidfile;
# From here we can also support process forking
$self->{_fork} = {} unless $self->{_fork};
sub handleChildren {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->{_fork};
my @processes = keys(%{$self->{_fork}});
foreach my $pid (@processes) {
my $child = $self->{_fork}->{$pid};
# Check if any forked process is communicating
delete $child->{in} unless $child->{in} && $child->{in}->opened;
if ($child->{in} && $child->{pollin} && $child->{pollin}->poll(0)) {
my $msg = " " x 5;
if ($child->{in}->sysread($msg, 5)) {
$self->{logger}->debug2($child->{name} . "[$pid] message: ".($msg||"n/a"));
if ($msg eq IPC_LEAVE) {
# Check if any forked process has been finished
waitpid($pid, WNOHANG)
or next;
delete $self->{_fork}->{$pid};
$self->{logger}->debug2($child->{name} . "[$pid] finished");
sub sleep {
my ($self, $delay) = @_;
# Check if any forked process has been finished or is speaking
eval {
local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
# Check for http interface messages, default timeout is 1 second
unless ($self->{server} && $self->{server}->handleRequests()) {
delay($delay || 1);
$self->{logger}->error($EVAL_ERROR) if ($EVAL_ERROR && $self->{logger});
sub fork {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# Only fork if we are authorized
return unless $self->{_fork};
my ($child_ipc, $parent_ipc, $ipc_poller);
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $name = $params{name} || "child";
my $info = $params{description} || "$name job";
# Try to setup an optimized internal IPC based on IO::Pipe & IO::Poll objects
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->debug("Can't use IO::Pipe for internal IPC support: $!");
} else {
unless ($child_ipc = IO::Pipe->new()) {
$logger->debug("forking $name process without IO::Pipe support: $!");
if ($child_ipc && not $parent_ipc = IO::Pipe->new()) {
$logger->debug("forking $name process without IO::Pipe support: $!");
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->debug("Can't use IO::Poll to support internal IPC: $!");
} else {
$ipc_poller = IO::Poll->new();
my $pid = fork();
unless (defined($pid)) {
$logger->error("Can't fork a $name process: $!");
if ($pid) {
# In parent
$self->{_fork}->{$pid} = { name => $name };
if ($child_ipc && $parent_ipc) {
# Try to setup an optimized internal IPC based on IO::Pipe objects
if ($ipc_poller) {
$ipc_poller->mask($child_ipc => IO::Poll::POLLIN);
$self->{_fork}->{$pid}->{pollin} = $ipc_poller;
$self->{_fork}->{$pid}->{in} = $child_ipc;
$self->{_fork}->{$pid}->{out} = $parent_ipc;
$logger->debug("forking process $pid to handle $info");
} else {
# In child
$self->setStatus("processing $info");
delete $self->{server};
delete $self->{pidfile};
delete $self->{current_runtask};
delete $self->{_fork};
if ($child_ipc && $parent_ipc) {
# Try to setup an optimized internal IPC based on IO::Pipe objects
if ($ipc_poller) {
$ipc_poller->mask($parent_ipc => IO::Poll::POLLIN);
$self->{_ipc_pollin} = $ipc_poller;
$self->{_ipc_in} = $parent_ipc;
$self->{_ipc_out} = $child_ipc;
$self->{_forked} = 1;
$logger->debug2("$name\[$$]: forked");
return $pid;
sub forked {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
return 1 if $self->{_forked};
return 0 unless $self->{_fork} && $params{name};
# Be sure finished children are forgotten before counting forked named children
my @forked = grep { $self->{_fork}->{$_}->{name} eq $params{name} && kill 0, $_ }
return scalar(@forked);
sub fork_exit {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->forked();
if ($self->{_ipc_out}) {
delete $self->{_ipc_out};
if ($self->{_ipc_in}) {
delete $self->{_ipc_in};
delete $self->{_ipc_pollin};
sub child_exit {
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
if ($self->{_fork} && $self->{_fork}->{$pid}) {
my $child = $self->{_fork}->{$pid};
if ($child->{out}) {
delete $child->{out};
if ($child->{in}) {
delete $child->{in};
delete $child->{pollin};
sub loadHttpInterface {
my ($self) = @_;
my $config = $self->{config};
if ($config->{'no-httpd'}) {
# Handle re-init case
if ($self->{server}) {
$self->{server}->stop() ;
delete $self->{server};
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my %server_config = (
logger => $logger,
agent => $self,
htmldir => $self->{datadir} . '/html',
ip => $config->{'httpd-ip'},
port => $config->{'httpd-port'},
trust => $config->{'httpd-trust'}
# Handle re-init, don't restart httpd interface unless config changed
if ($self->{server}) {
return unless $self->{server}->needToRestart(%server_config);
delete $self->{server};
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->error("Failed to load HTTP server: $EVAL_ERROR");
} else {
$self->{server} = FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Server->new(%server_config);
sub ApplyServiceOptimizations {
my ($self) = @_;
# Preload all IDS databases to avoid reload them all the time during inventory
my @planned = map { $_->plannedTasks() } $self->getTargets();
if (grep { /^inventory$/i } @planned) {
my %datadir = ( datadir => $self->{datadir} );
sub RunningServiceOptimization {
my ($self) = @_;
sub terminate {
my ($self) = @_;
# Handle forked processes
my $children = delete $self->{_fork};
if ($children) {
my @pids = keys(%{$children});
foreach my $pid (@pids) {
kill 'TERM', $pid;
# Still stop HTTP interface
$self->{server}->stop() if ($self->{server});
$self->{logger}->info("$PROVIDER Agent exiting ($$)")
unless ($self->{current_task} || $self->forked());
# Kill current forked task
if ($self->{current_runtask}) {
kill 'TERM', $self->{current_runtask};
delete $self->{current_runtask};
# Remove pidfile
unlink $self->{pidfile} if $self->{pidfile};