shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use URI;
use HTTP::Status;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use FusionInventory::Agent;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Logger;
my $log_prefix = "[http client] ";
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
die "non-existing certificate file $params{ca_cert_file}"
if $params{ca_cert_file} && ! -f $params{ca_cert_file};
die "non-existing certificate directory $params{ca_cert_dir}"
if $params{ca_cert_dir} && ! -d $params{ca_cert_dir};
my $self = {
logger => $params{logger} ||
user => $params{user},
password => $params{password},
ssl_set => 0,
no_ssl_check => $params{no_ssl_check},
no_compress => $params{no_compress},
ca_cert_dir => $params{ca_cert_dir},
ca_cert_file => $params{ca_cert_file}
bless $self, $class;
# create user agent
$self->{ua} = LWP::UserAgent->new(
requests_redirectable => ['POST', 'GET', 'HEAD'],
agent => $FusionInventory::Agent::AGENT_STRING,
timeout => $params{timeout} || 180,
parse_head => 0, # No need to parse HTML
keep_alive => 1,
if ($params{proxy}) {
$self->{ua}->proxy(['http', 'https'], $params{proxy});
} else {
return $self;
sub request {
my ($self, $request, $file, $no_proxy_host, $timeout) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
# Save current timeout to restore it before leaving
my $current_timeout = $self->{ua}->timeout();
if defined($timeout);
my $url = $request->uri();
my $scheme = $url->scheme();
$self->_setSSLOptions() if $scheme eq 'https' && !$self->{ssl_set};
# Avoid to use proxy if requested
if ($no_proxy_host) {
} elsif ($self->{ua}->proxy($scheme)) {
# keep proxy trace if one may be used
my $proxy_uri = URI->new($self->{ua}->proxy($scheme));
if ($proxy_uri->userinfo) {
# Obfuscate proxy password if present
my ($proxy_user, $proxy_pass) = split(':', $proxy_uri->userinfo);
$proxy_uri->userinfo( $proxy_user.":".('X' x length($proxy_pass)) )
if ($proxy_pass);
$log_prefix .
"Using '".$proxy_uri->as_string()."' as proxy for $scheme protocol"
my $result = HTTP::Response->new( 500 );
eval {
if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' && $scheme eq 'https') {
alarm $self->{ua}->timeout();
$result = $self->{ua}->request($request, $file);
alarm 0;
# check result first
if (!$result->is_success()) {
# authentication required
if ($result->code() == 401) {
if ($self->{user} && $self->{password}) {
$log_prefix .
"authentication required, submitting credentials"
# compute authentication parameters
my $header = $result->header('www-authenticate');
my ($realm) = $header =~ /^Basic realm="(.*)"/;
my $host = $url->host();
my $port = $url->port() ||
($scheme eq 'https' ? 443 : 80);
# replay request
eval {
if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32' && $scheme eq 'https') {
alarm $self->{ua}->{timeout};
$result = $self->{ua}->request($request, $file);
alarm 0;
if (!$result->is_success()) {
$log_prefix .
"authentication required, wrong credentials"
} else {
# abort
$log_prefix .
"authentication required, no credentials available"
} elsif ($result->code() == 407) {
$log_prefix .
"proxy authentication required, wrong or no proxy credentials"
} else {
# check we request through a proxy
my $proxyreq = defined $result->request->{proxy};
$log_prefix .
($proxyreq ? "proxy" : "communication") .
" error: " . $result->status_line()
# Always restore timeout
return $result;
sub _setSSLOptions {
my ($self) = @_;
# SSL handling
if ($self->{no_ssl_check}) {
# LWP 6 default behaviour is to check hostname
# Fedora also backported this behaviour change in its LWP5 package, so
# just checking on LWP version is not enough
$self->{ua}->ssl_opts(verify_hostname => 0, SSL_verify_mode => 0)
if $self->{ua}->can('ssl_opts');
} else {
# only IO::Socket::SSL can perform full server certificate validation,
# Net::SSL is only able to check certification authority, and not
# certificate hostname
"IO::Socket::SSL Perl module not available, " .
"unable to validate SSL certificates " .
"(workaround: use 'no-ssl-check' configuration parameter)"
# Activate SSL Debug if Stderr is in backends
my $DEBUG_SSL = 0;
$DEBUG_SSL = grep { ref($_) =~/Stderr$/ } @{$self->{logger}{backends}}
if (ref($self->{logger}{backends}) eq 'ARRAY');
if ( $DEBUG_SSL && $self->{logger}->debug_level() >= 2 ) {
$Net::SSLeay::trace = 3;
if ($LWP::VERSION >= 6) {
$self->{ua}->ssl_opts(SSL_ca_file => $self->{ca_cert_file})
if $self->{ca_cert_file};
$self->{ua}->ssl_opts(SSL_ca_path => $self->{ca_cert_dir})
if $self->{ca_cert_dir};
} else {
# SSL_verifycn_scheme and SSL_verifycn_name are required
"IO::Socket::SSL Perl module too old " .
"(available: $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION, required: 1.14), " .
"unable to validate SSL certificates " .
"(workaround: use 'no-ssl-check' configuration parameter)"
if $IO::Socket::SSL::VERSION < 1.14;
# use a custom HTTPS handler to workaround default LWP5 behaviour
ca_cert_file => $self->{ca_cert_file},
ca_cert_dir => $self->{ca_cert_dir},
'https', 'FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Protocol::https'
# abuse user agent internal to pass values to the handler, so
# as to have different behaviors in the same process
$self->{ua}->{ssl_check} = $self->{no_ssl_check} ? 0 : 1;
$self->{ssl_set} = 1;
=head1 NAME
FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client - An abstract HTTP client
This is an abstract class for HTTP clients. It can send messages through HTTP
or HTTPS, directly or through a proxy, and validate SSL certificates.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(%params)
The constructor. The following parameters are allowed, as keys of the %params
=item I<logger>
the logger object to use (default: a new stderr logger)
=item I<proxy>
the URL of an HTTP proxy
=item I<user>
the user for HTTP authentication
=item I<password>
the password for HTTP authentication
=item I<no_ssl_check>
a flag allowing to ignore untrusted server certificates (default: false)
=item I<ca_cert_file>
the file containing trusted certificates
=item I<ca_cert_dir>
the directory containing trusted certificates
=head2 request($request)
Send given HTTP::Request object, handling SSL checking and user authentication
automatically if needed.