shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Server;
use strict;
use warnings;
use UNIVERSAL::require;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Basename;
use HTTP::Daemon;
use IO::Handle;
use Net::IP;
use Text::Template;
use File::Glob;
use URI;
use Socket qw(IN6ADDR_ANY inet_ntop);
use FusionInventory::Agent::Version;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Logger;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Network;
# Limit maximum requests number handled in a keep-alive connection
use constant MaxKeepAlive => 8;
my $log_prefix = "[http server] ";
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
my $self = {
logger => $params{logger} ||
agent => $params{agent},
htmldir => $params{htmldir},
ip => $params{ip},
port => $params{port} || 62354,
listeners => {},
bless $self, $class;
# Load any Server sub-module as plugin
my @plugins = ();
my ($sub_modules_path) = $INC{module2file(__PACKAGE__)} =~ /(.*)\.pm/;
foreach my $file (File::Glob::bsd_glob("$sub_modules_path/*.pm")) {
if ($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32') {
$file =~ s{\\}{/}g;
$sub_modules_path =~ s{\\}{/}g;
my ($name) = $file =~ m{$sub_modules_path/(\S+)\.pm$};
next unless $name;
# Don't load Plugin base class
next if $name eq "Plugin";
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "Trying to load $name Server plugin");
my $module = __PACKAGE__ . "::" . $name;
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "Failed to load $name Server plugin: $EVAL_ERROR");
my $plugin = $module->new(server => $self)
or next;
if ($plugin->disabled()) {
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "HTTPD $name Server plugin loaded but disabled");
} else {
$self->{logger}->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD $name Server plugin loaded");
push @plugins, $plugin;
# Sort and store loaded plugins
@plugins = sort { $b->priority() <=> $a->priority() } @plugins
if @plugins > 1;
$self->{_plugins} = \@plugins;
return $self;
sub setTrustedAddresses {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# compute addresses allowed for push requests
foreach my $target ($self->{agent}->getTargets()) {
next unless $target->isType('server');
my $url = $target->getUrl();
my $host = URI->new($url)->host();
my @addresses = compile($host, $self->{logger});
$self->{trust}->{$url} = \@addresses;
$self->{logger}->debug("Trusted target ip: ".join(", ",map { $_->print() } @addresses));
if ($params{trust}) {
foreach my $string (@{$params{trust}}) {
my @addresses = compile($string, $self->{logger})
or next;
$self->{trust}->{$string} = \@addresses;
$self->{logger}->debug("Trusted client ip: ".join(", ",map { $_->print() } @addresses));
sub _handle {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp, $maxKeepAlive) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
if (!$request) {
my $path = $request->uri()->path();
my $method = $request->method();
$logger->debug($log_prefix . "$method request $path from client $clientIp");
my $keepalive = $request->header('connection') =~ /keep-alive/i;
my $status = 400;
my $error_400 = $log_prefix . "invalid request type: $method";
# root request
if ($path eq '/') {
last SWITCH if $method ne 'GET';
$status = $self->_handle_root($client, $request, $clientIp);
last SWITCH;
# deploy request
if ($path =~ m{^/deploy/getFile/./../([\w\d/-]+)$}) {
last SWITCH if $method ne 'GET';
$status = $self->_handle_deploy($client, $request, $clientIp, $1);
last SWITCH;
# plugins request
foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{_plugins}}) {
next if $plugin->disabled();
if ($plugin->urlMatch($path)) {
undef $error_400;
last SWITCH unless $plugin->supported_method($method);
$status = $plugin->handle($client, $request, $clientIp);
last SWITCH if $status;
# now request
if ($path =~ m{^/now(?:/(\S*))?$}) {
last SWITCH if $method ne 'GET';
$status = $self->_handle_now($client, $request, $clientIp, $1);
last SWITCH;
# status request
if ($path eq '/status') {
last SWITCH if $method ne 'GET';
$status = $self->_handle_status($client, $request, $clientIp);
last SWITCH;
# static content request
if ($path =~ m{^/(logo.png|site.css|favicon.ico)$}) {
my $file = $1;
last SWITCH if $method ne 'GET';
$status = 200;
last SWITCH;
$error_400 = $log_prefix . "unknown path: $path";
if ($status == 400) {
$logger->error($error_400) if $error_400;
$logger->debug($log_prefix . "response status $status") unless $status == 1;
if ($status == 200 && $keepalive && --$maxKeepAlive) {
# Looking for another request
$request = $client->get_request();
$self->_handle($client, $request, $clientIp, $maxKeepAlive) if $request;
sub _handle_plugins {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp, $plugins, $maxKeepAlive) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
if (!$request) {
my $path = $request->uri()->path();
my $method = $request->method();
my $keepalive = $request->header('connection') =~ /keep-alive/i;
$logger->debug($log_prefix . "$method request $path from client $clientIp via plugin");
my $status = 400;
my $match = 0;
foreach my $plugin (@{$plugins}) {
next if $plugin->disabled();
if ($plugin->urlMatch($path)) {
$match = 1;
last unless ($plugin->supported_method($method));
$status = $plugin->handle($client, $request, $clientIp);
last if $status;
if ($status == 400) {
$logger->error($log_prefix . "unknown path: $path") unless $match;
$status = 400;
# Don't log status if we forked
$logger->debug($log_prefix . "response status $status") unless $status == 1;
if ($status == 200 && $keepalive && --$maxKeepAlive) {
# Looking for another request
$request = $client->get_request();
$self->_handle_plugins($client, $request, $clientIp, $plugins, $maxKeepAlive) if $request;
sub _handle_root {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my $template = Text::Template->new(
TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => "$self->{htmldir}/index.tpl"
if (!$template) {
$log_prefix . "Template access failed: $Text::Template::ERROR"
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(
HTTP::Headers->new('Content-Type' => 'text/html'),
"No template"
return 500;
my @server_targets =
map { { name => $_->getUrl(), date => $_->getFormatedNextRunDate() } }
grep { $_->isType('server') }
my @local_targets =
map { { name => $_->getPath(), date => $_->getFormatedNextRunDate() } }
grep { $_->isType('local') }
my @httpd_plugins = map { @{$_->{plugins}} } values(%{$self->{listeners}});
push @httpd_plugins, @{$self->{_plugins}};
my @listening_plugins =
map { { port => $_->config('port') || $self->{port}, name => $_->name() } }
grep { ! $_->disabled() }
my $hash = {
version => $FusionInventory::Agent::Version::VERSION,
trust => $self->_isTrusted($clientIp),
status => $self->{agent}->getStatus(),
httpd_plugins => \@listening_plugins,
server_targets => \@server_targets,
local_targets => \@local_targets
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(
HTTP::Headers->new('Content-Type' => 'text/html'),
$template->fill_in(HASH => $hash)
return 200;
sub _handle_deploy {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp, $sha512) = @_;
return unless $sha512 =~ /^(.)(.)(.{6})/;
my $subFilePath = $1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
if ($EVAL_ERROR) {
$logger->error("Failed to load Digest::SHA: $EVAL_ERROR");
# Return 501 (Not Implemented) to client with reason
$client->send_error(501, 'Digest::SHA perl library is missing');
return 501;
my $path;
my $count = 0;
LOOP: foreach my $target ($self->{agent}->getTargets()) {
foreach (File::Glob::bsd_glob($target->{storage}->getDirectory() . "/deploy/fileparts/shared/*")) {
next unless -f $_.'/'.$subFilePath;
$count ++;
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('512');
$sha->addfile($_.'/'.$subFilePath, 'b');
next unless $sha->hexdigest eq $sha512;
$path = $_.'/'.$subFilePath;
last LOOP;
if ($path) {
return 200;
} else {
if ($count) {
} else {
# Report this agent as nothing to share
$client->send_error(404, 'Nothing found');
return 404;
sub _handle_now {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
my ($code, $message, $trace);
foreach my $target ($self->{agent}->getTargets()) {
next unless $target->isType('server');
my $url = $target->getUrl();
my $addresses = $self->{trust}->{$url};
next unless isPartOf($clientIp, $addresses, $logger);
$code = 200;
$message = "OK";
$trace = "rescheduling next contact for target $url right now";
last BLOCK;
if ($self->_isTrusted($clientIp)) {
foreach my $target ($self->{agent}->getTargets()) {
$code = 200;
$message = "OK";
$trace = "rescheduling next contact for all targets right now";
last BLOCK;
$code = 403;
$message = "Access denied";
$trace = "invalid request (untrusted address)";
my $template = Text::Template->new(
TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => "$self->{htmldir}/now.tpl"
my $hash = {
message => $message
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(
HTTP::Headers->new('Content-Type' => 'text/html'),
$template->fill_in(HASH => $hash)
$logger->debug($log_prefix . $trace);
return $code;
sub _handle_status {
my ($self, $client, $request, $clientIp) = @_;
my $status = $self->{agent}->getStatus();
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(
HTTP::Headers->new('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'),
"status: ".$status
return 200;
sub _isTrusted {
my ($self, $address) = @_;
foreach my $trusted_addresses (values %{$self->{trust}}) {
return 1
if isPartOf(
return 0;
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
my $logger = $self->{logger};
$self->{listener} = HTTP::Daemon->new(
LocalAddr => $self->{ip},
LocalPort => $self->{port},
ReuseAddr => 1,
Timeout => 1,
Blocking => 0
if (!$self->{listener}) {
$logger->error($log_prefix . "failed to start the HTTPD service");
$log_prefix . "HTTPD service started on port $self->{port}"
# Load any plugin configuration and fix plugins list handled on main port
my %plugins = map { $_->name() => $_ } @{$self->{_plugins}};
foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{_plugins}}) {
next if $plugin->disabled();
# We handle SSL Plugin differently
if ($plugin->name() eq 'SSL') {
my $ports = $plugin->config('ports');
foreach my $port (@{$ports}) {
# Handle SSL case on default port
if (!$port || $port == $self->{port}) {
$self->{_ssl} = $plugin;
$logger->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD SSL Server plugin enabled on default port");
if (!$self->{listeners}->{$port}) {
my $listener = HTTP::Daemon->new(
LocalAddr => $self->{ip},
LocalPort => $port,
ReuseAddr => 1,
Timeout => 1,
Blocking => 0
unless ($listener) {
$logger->error($log_prefix . "failed to start the HTTPD service on port $port for SSL plugin");
$self->{listeners}->{$port} = {
ssl => $plugin,
listener => $listener,
plugins => [],
} else {
$self->{listeners}->{$port}->{ssl} = $plugin;
$logger->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD SSL Server plugin enabled on port $port");
delete $plugins{$plugin->name()};
# Add a port listener if a plugin uses a dedicated port
my $port = $plugin->port();
if ($port && $port != $self->{port}) {
if ($self->{listeners}->{$port}) {
push @{$self->{listeners}->{$port}->{plugins}}, $plugin;
$logger->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD ".$plugin->name()." Server plugin also used on port $port");
} else {
my $listener = HTTP::Daemon->new(
LocalAddr => $self->{ip},
LocalPort => $port,
ReuseAddr => 1,
Timeout => 1,
Blocking => 0
if (!$listener) {
$logger->error($log_prefix . "failed to start the HTTPD service on port $port for ".$plugin->name()." plugin");
} else {
$self->{listeners}->{$port} = {
listener => $listener,
plugins => [ $plugin ],
$logger->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD ".$plugin->name()." Server plugin also started on port $port");
delete $plugins{$plugin->name()};
} elsif ($port) {
$logger->info($log_prefix . "HTTPD ".$plugin->name()." Server plugin also used on main port $self->{port}");
$self->{_plugins} = [ values(%plugins) ];
return 1;
sub needToRestart {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
# If no httpd daemon was started, we need to really start it
return 1 unless $self->{listener};
# Restart httpd daemon if ip or port changed
return 1 if ($params{ip} && (!$self->{ip} || $params{ip} ne $self->{ip}));
return 1 if ($params{port} && (!$self->{port} || $params{port} ne $self->{port}));
# Reload any plugin configuration and check if port or status has changed
foreach my $plugin (@{$self->{_plugins}}) {
my $port = $plugin->port();
my $disabled = $plugin->disabled();
return 1 if $port != $plugin->port();
return 1 if $disabled != $plugin->disabled();
# Logger may have changed, but then resetting logger ref is sufficient
$self->{logger} = $params{logger};
$log_prefix . "HTTPD service still listening on port $self->{port}"
# Be sure to reset computed trusted addresses
delete $self->{trust};
return 0;
sub stop {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->{listener};
foreach my $port (keys(%{$self->{listeners}})) {
delete $self->{listeners}->{$port};
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "HTTPD service stopped");
delete $self->{_plugins};
delete $self->{listener};
sub handleRequests {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless $self->{listener}; # init() call failed
# First try to handle plugin requests on dedicated ports
foreach my $port (keys(%{$self->{listeners}})) {
my ($client, $socket) = $self->{listeners}->{$port}->{listener}->accept();
next unless $socket;
# Upgrade to SSL if required
my $ssl = $self->{listeners}->{$port}->{ssl};
if ($ssl && !$ssl->upgrade_SSL($client)) {
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "HTTPD can't start SSL session");
my $family = sockaddr_family($socket);
my $iaddr = $family == AF_INET ? unpack_sockaddr_in($socket) :
$family == AF_INET6 ? unpack_sockaddr_in6($socket) :
my $clientIp = inet_ntop($family, $iaddr);
my $request = $client->get_request();
$self->_handle_plugins($client, $request, $clientIp, $self->{listeners}->{$port}->{plugins}, MaxKeepAlive);
return unless $self->{listener}; # in case of config reload()
my ($client, $socket) = $self->{listener}->accept();
return unless $socket;
# Upgrade to SSL if required
if ($self->{_ssl} && !$self->{_ssl}->upgrade_SSL($client)) {
$self->{logger}->debug($log_prefix . "HTTPD can't start SSL session");
my $family = sockaddr_family($socket);
my $iaddr = $family == AF_INET ? unpack_sockaddr_in($socket) :
$family == AF_INET6 ? unpack_sockaddr_in6($socket) :
my $clientIp = inet_ntop($family, $iaddr);
my $request = $client->get_request();
$self->_handle($client, $request, $clientIp, MaxKeepAlive);
return 1;
=head1 NAME
FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Server - An embedded HTTP server
This is the server used by the agent to listen on the network for messages sent
by OCS or GLPI servers.
It is an HTTP server listening on port 62354 (by default). The following
requests are accepted:
=item /status
=item /deploy
=item /now
Authentication is based on connection source address: trusted requests are
accepted, other are rejected.
=head2 new(%params)
The constructor. The following parameters are allowed, as keys of the %params
=item I<logger>
the logger object to use
=item I<htmldir>
the directory where HTML templates and static files are stored
=item I<ip>
the network address to listen to (default: all)
=item I<port>
the network port to listen to
=item I<trust>
an IP address or an IP address range from which to trust incoming requests
(default: none)
=head2 $server->init()
Start the server internal listener.
=head2 $server->handleRequests()
Check if there any incoming request, and honours it if needed.