shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::SNMP::Live;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'FusionInventory::Agent::SNMP';
use Encode qw(encode);
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use Net::SNMP;
use Net::SNMP qw/SNMP_PORT/;
sub new {
my ($class, %params) = @_;
die "no hostname parameters\n" unless $params{hostname};
my $version =
! $params{version} ? 'snmpv1' :
$params{version} eq '1' ? 'snmpv1' :
$params{version} eq '2c' ? 'snmpv2c' :
$params{version} eq '3' ? 'snmpv3' :
undef ;
die "invalid SNMP version $params{version} parameter\n" unless $version;
my $self;
# shared options
my %options = (
-retries => 0,
-version => $version,
-hostname => $params{hostname},
-port => $params{port} || SNMP_PORT,
-domain => $params{domain} || 'udp/ipv4',
$options{'-timeout'} = $params{timeout} if $params{timeout};
# version-specific options
if ($version eq 'snmpv3') {
# only username is mandatory
$options{'-username'} = $params{username};
$options{'-authprotocol'} = $params{authprotocol}
if $params{authprotocol};
$options{'-authpassword'} = $params{authpassword}
if $params{authpassword};
$options{'-privprotocol'} = $params{privprotocol}
if $params{privprotocol};
$options{'-privpassword'} = $params{privpassword}
if $params{privpassword};
} else { # snmpv2c && snmpv1 #
$options{'-community'} = $params{community};
$self->{community} = $params{community};
($self->{session}, my $error) = Net::SNMP->session(%options);
if (!$self->{session}) {
die "no response from host $params{hostname}\n"
if $error =~ /^No response from remote host/;
die "authentication error on host $params{hostname}\n"
if $error =~ /^Received usmStats(WrongDigests|UnknownUserNames)/;
die $error . "\n";
if ($version ne 'snmpv3') {
my $oid = '.';
my $response = $self->{session}->get_request(
-varbindlist => [$oid]
die "no response from host $params{hostname}\n"
if !$response;
die "missing response from host $params{hostname}\n"
unless defined $response->{$oid};
die "no response from host $params{hostname}\n"
if $response->{$oid} =~ /No response from remote host/;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub switch_vlan_context {
my ($self, $vlan_id) = @_;
my $version_id = $self->{session}->version();
my $version =
$version_id == 0 ? 'snmpv1' :
$version_id == 1 ? 'snmpv2c' :
$version_id == 3 ? 'snmpv3' :
undef ;
my $error;
if ($version eq 'snmpv3') {
$self->{context} = 'vlan-' . $vlan_id;
} else {
# save original session
$self->{oldsession} = $self->{session} unless $self->{oldsession};
($self->{session}, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-timeout => $self->{session}->timeout(),
-retries => 0,
-version => $version,
-hostname => $self->{session}->hostname(),
-community => $self->{community} . '@' . $vlan_id
die $error."\n" unless $self->{session};
sub reset_original_context {
my ($self) = @_;
my $version_id = $self->{session}->version();
my $version =
$version_id == 0 ? 'snmpv1' :
$version_id == 1 ? 'snmpv2c' :
$version_id == 3 ? 'snmpv3' :
undef ;
if ($version eq 'snmpv3') {
delete $self->{context};
} else {
$self->{session} = $self->{oldsession};
delete $self->{oldsession};
sub get {
my ($self, $oid) = @_;
return unless $oid;
my $session = $self->{session};
my %options = (-varbindlist => [$oid]);
$options{'-contextname'} = $self->{context} if $self->{context};
my $response = $session->get_request(%options);
return unless $response;
return if $response->{$oid} =~ /noSuchInstance/;
return if $response->{$oid} =~ /noSuchObject/;
return if $response->{$oid} =~ /No response from remote host/;
my $value = $response->{$oid};
return $value;
sub walk {
my ($self, $oid) = @_;
return unless $oid;
my $session = $self->{session};
my %options = (-baseoid => $oid);
$options{'-contextname'} = $self->{context} if $self->{context};
$options{'-maxrepetitions'} = 1 if $session->version() != 0;
my $response = $session->get_table(%options);
return unless $response;
my $values;
my $offset = length($oid) + 1;
foreach my $oid (keys %{$response}) {
my $value = $response->{$oid};
$values->{substr($oid, $offset)} = $value;
return $values;
sub peer_address {
my ($self) = @_;
# transport() API is not documented in Net::SNMP
my $transport = $self->{session}->transport()
or return;
return $transport->peer_address();
=head1 NAME
FusionInventory::Agent::SNMP::Live - Live SNMP client
This is the object used by the agent to perform SNMP queries on live host.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new(%params)
The constructor. The following parameters are allowed, as keys of the %params
=item version (mandatory)
Can be one of:
=item '1'
=item '2c'
=item '3'
=item timeout
The transport layer timeout
=item hostname (mandatory)
=item port
=item domain
Can be one of:
=item 'udp/ipv4' (default)
=item 'udp/ipv6'
=item 'tcp/ipv4'
=item 'tcp/ipv6'
=item community
=item username
=item authpassword
=item authprotocol
=item privpassword
=item privprotocol