shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Collect;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'FusionInventory::Agent::Task';
use Digest::SHA;
use English qw(-no_match_vars);
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use File::stat;
use FusionInventory::Agent;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Logger;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Tools;
use FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client::Fusion;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Collect::Version;
our $VERSION = FusionInventory::Agent::Task::Collect::Version::VERSION;
my %functions = (
getFromRegistry => \&_getFromRegistry,
findFile => \&_findFile,
# As decided by developers team, the runCommand function is disabled for the moment.
# runCommand => \&_runCommand,
getFromWMI => \&_getFromWMI
# How to validate JSON for retreived jobs
sub _OPTIONAL { 0 }
sub _MANDATORY { 1 }
my %json_validation = (
getFromRegistry => {
path => _MANDATORY
findFile => {
dir => _MANDATORY,
limit => _MANDATORY,
recursive => _MANDATORY,
filter => {
regex => _OPTIONAL,
sizeEquals => _OPTIONAL,
sizeGreater => _OPTIONAL,
sizeLower => _OPTIONAL,
checkSumSHA512 => _OPTIONAL,
checkSumSHA2 => _OPTIONAL,
name => _OPTIONAL,
iname => _OPTIONAL,
is_file => _MANDATORY,
is_dir => _MANDATORY
getFromWMI => {
class => _MANDATORY,
properties => _MANDATORY
sub isEnabled {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->{target}->isType('server')) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Collect task not compatible with local target");
return 1;
sub _validateSpec {
my ($self, $base, $key, $spec) = @_;
if (ref($spec) eq 'HASH') {
if (!exists($base->{$key})) {
$self->{logger}->debug("$key mandatory values are missing in job");
return 0;
$self->{logger}->debug2("$key mandatory values are present in job");
foreach my $attribute (keys(%{$spec})) {
return 0 unless $self->_validateSpec($base->{$key}, $attribute, $spec->{$attribute});
return 1;
if ($spec == _MANDATORY) {
if (!exists($base->{$key})) {
$self->{logger}->debug("$key mandatory value is missing in job");
return 0;
$self->{logger}->debug2("$key mandatory value is present in job");
return 1;
if ($spec == _OPTIONAL && exists($base->{$key})) {
$self->{logger}->debug2("$key optional value is present in job");
sub _validateAnswer {
my ($self, $answer) = @_;
if (!defined($answer)) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: No answer from server.");
return 0;
if (ref($answer) ne 'HASH') {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: Bad answer from server. Not a hash reference.");
return 0;
if (!defined($answer->{jobs}) || ref($answer->{jobs}) ne 'ARRAY') {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: Missing jobs");
return 0;
foreach my $job (@{$answer->{jobs}}) {
foreach (qw/uuid function/) {
if (!defined($job->{$_})) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: Missing key '$_' in job");
return 0;
my $function = $job->{function};
if (!exists($functions{$function})) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: not supported 'function' key value in job");
return 0;
if (!exists($json_validation{$function})) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: Can't validate job");
return 0;
foreach my $attribute (keys(%{$json_validation{$function}})) {
if (!$self->_validateSpec( $job, $attribute, $json_validation{$function}->{$attribute} )) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Bad JSON: '$function' job JSON format is not valid");
return 0;
return 1;
sub run {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
$self->{client} = FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client::Fusion->new(
logger => $self->{logger},
user => $params{user},
password => $params{password},
proxy => $params{proxy},
ca_cert_file => $params{ca_cert_file},
ca_cert_dir => $params{ca_cert_dir},
no_ssl_check => $params{no_ssl_check},
debug => $self->{debug}
my $globalRemoteConfig = $self->{client}->send(
url => $self->{target}->getUrl(),
args => {
action => "getConfig",
machineid => $self->{deviceid},
task => { Collect => $VERSION },
if (!$globalRemoteConfig->{schedule}) {
$self->{logger}->info("No job schedule returned from server at ".$self->{target}->{url});
if (ref( $globalRemoteConfig->{schedule} ) ne 'ARRAY') {
$self->{logger}->info("Malformed schedule from server at ".$self->{target}->{url});
if ( !@{$globalRemoteConfig->{schedule}} ) {
$self->{logger}->info("No Collect job enabled or Collect support disabled server side.");
my $run_jobs = 0;
foreach my $job ( @{ $globalRemoteConfig->{schedule} } ) {
next unless (ref($job) eq 'HASH' && exists($job->{task})
&& $job->{task} eq "Collect");
$run_jobs ++;
if ( !$run_jobs ) {
$self->{logger}->info("No Collect job found in server jobs list.");
return 1;
sub _processRemote {
my ($self, $remoteUrl) = @_;
if ( !$remoteUrl ) {
my $answer = $self->{client}->send(
url => $remoteUrl,
args => {
action => "getJobs",
machineid => $self->{deviceid},
if (ref($answer) eq 'HASH' && !keys %$answer) {
$self->{logger}->debug("Nothing to do");
return unless $self->_validateAnswer($answer);
my @jobs = @{$answer->{jobs}}
or die "no jobs provided, aborting";
my $method = exists($answer->{postmethod}) && $answer->{postmethod} eq 'POST' ? 'POST' : 'GET' ;
my $token = exists($answer->{token}) ? $answer->{token} : '';
my %jobsdone = ();
foreach my $job (@jobs) {
$self->{logger}->debug2("Starting a collect job...");
if ( !$job->{uuid} ) {
$self->{logger}->error("UUID key missing");
$self->{logger}->debug2("Collect job has uuid: ".$job->{uuid});
if ( !$job->{function} ) {
$self->{logger}->error("function key missing");
if ( !defined( $functions{ $job->{function} } ) ) {
$self->{logger}->error("Bad function '$job->{function}'");
my @results = &{ $functions{ $job->{function} } }(%$job);
my $count = int(@results);
# Add an empty hash ref so send an answer with _cpt=0
push @results, {} unless $count ;
foreach my $result (@results) {
next unless ref($result) eq 'HASH';
next unless ( !$count || keys %$result );
$result->{uuid} = $job->{uuid};
$result->{action} = "setAnswer";
$result->{_cpt} = $count;
$result->{_glpi_csrf_token} = $token
if $token ;
$result->{_sid} = $job->{_sid}
if (exists($job->{_sid}));
$answer = $self->{client}->send(
url => $remoteUrl,
method => $method,
filename => sprintf('collect_%s_%s.js', $job->{uuid}, $count),
args => $result
$token = exists($answer->{token}) ? $answer->{token} : '';
# Set this job is done by uuid
$jobsdone{$job->{uuid}} = 1;
# Finally send jobsDone for each seen jobs uuid
foreach my $uuid (keys(%jobsdone)) {
my $answer = $self->{client}->send(
url => $remoteUrl,
args => {
action => "jobsDone",
uuid => $uuid
$self->{logger}->debug2("Got no response on $uuid jobsDone action")
unless $answer;
return $self;
sub _encodeRegistryValueForCollect {
my ($value, $type) = @_ ;
if (defined($type) && ($type == 3 || $type >= 8)) {
$value = join(" ", map { sprintf "%02x", ord } split(//, $value));
} else {
$value = FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Win32::encodeFromRegistry($value);
return $value;
sub _getFromRegistry {
my %params = @_;
return unless FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Win32->require();
# Here we need to retrieve values with their type, getRegistryValue API
# has been modify to support withtype flag as param
my $values = FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Win32::getRegistryValue(
path => $params{path},
withtype => 1
return unless $values;
my $result = {};
if (ref($values) eq 'HASH') {
foreach my $k (keys %$values) {
# Skip sub keys
next if ($k =~ m|/$|);
my ($value,$type) = @{$values->{$k}};
$result->{$k} = _encodeRegistryValueForCollect($value,$type) ;
} else {
my ($k) = $params{path} =~ m|([^/]+)$| ;
my ($value,$type) = @{$values};
$result->{$k} = _encodeRegistryValueForCollect($value,$type);
return ($result);
sub _findFile {
my %params = (
dir => '/',
limit => 50
, @_);
return unless -d $params{dir};
my @results;
wanted => sub {
if (!$params{recursive} && $File::Find::name ne $params{dir}) {
$File::Find::prune = 1 # Don't recurse.
if ( $params{filter}{is_dir}
&& !$params{filter}{checkSumSHA512}
&& !$params{filter}{checkSumSHA2} )
return unless -d $File::Find::name;
if ( $params{filter}{is_file} ) {
return unless -f $File::Find::name;
my $filename = basename($File::Find::name);
if ( $params{filter}{name} ) {
return if $filename ne $params{filter}{name};
if ( $params{filter}{iname} ) {
return if lc($filename) ne lc( $params{filter}{iname} );
if ( $params{filter}{regex} ) {
my $re = qr($params{filter}{regex});
return unless $File::Find::name =~ $re;
my $st = stat($File::Find::name);
my $size = $st->size;
if ( $params{filter}{sizeEquals} ) {
return unless $size == $params{filter}{sizeEquals};
if ( $params{filter}{sizeGreater} ) {
return if $size < $params{filter}{sizeGreater};
if ( $params{filter}{sizeLower} ) {
return if $size > $params{filter}{sizeLower};
if ( $params{filter}{checkSumSHA512} ) {
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('512');
$sha->addfile( $File::Find::name, 'b' );
if $sha->hexdigest ne $params{filter}{checkSumSHA512};
if ( $params{filter}{checkSumSHA2} ) {
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('2');
$sha->addfile( $File::Find::name, 'b' );
if $sha->hexdigest ne $params{filter}{checkSumSHA2};
push @results, {
size => $size,
path => $File::Find::name
goto DONE if @results >= $params{limit};
no_chdir => 1
return @results;
sub _runCommand {
my %params = @_;
my $line;
if ( $params{filter}{firstMatch} ) {
$line = getFirstMatch(
command => $params{command},
pattern => $params{filter}{firstMatch}
elsif ( $params{filter}{firstLine} ) {
$line = getFirstLine( command => $params{command} );
elsif ( $params{filter}{lineCount} ) {
$line = getLinesCount( command => $params{command} );
else {
$line = getAllLines( command => $params{command} );
return ( { output => $line } );
sub _getFromWMI {
my %params = @_;
return unless FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Win32->require();
return unless $params{properties};
return unless $params{class};
# Split given properties if possible
$params{properties} = [ split(/[, ]+/, $params{properties}[0]) ]
if $params{properties}[0] =~ /[, ]/;
my @results;
my @objects = FusionInventory::Agent::Tools::Win32::getWMIObjects(%params);
foreach my $object (@objects) {
push @results, $object;
return @results;