shell bypass 403
package FusionInventory::Agent::Task::ESX;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent 'FusionInventory::Agent::Task';
use FusionInventory::Agent::Config;
use FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client::Fusion;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Logger;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Inventory;
use FusionInventory::Agent::XML::Query::Inventory;
use FusionInventory::Agent::SOAP::VMware;
use FusionInventory::Agent::Task::ESX::Version;
our $VERSION = FusionInventory::Agent::Task::ESX::Version::VERSION;
sub isEnabled {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!$self->{target}->isType('server')) {
$self->{logger}->debug("ESX task not compatible with local target");
return 1;
sub connect {
my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
my $url = 'https://' . $params{host} . '/sdk/vimService';
my $vpbs =
FusionInventory::Agent::SOAP::VMware->new(url => $url, vcenter => 1 );
if ( !$vpbs->connect( $params{user}, $params{password} ) ) {
$self->{vpbs} = $vpbs;
sub createInventory {
my ( $self, $id, $tag ) = @_;
die unless $self->{vpbs};
my $vpbs = $self->{vpbs};
my $host = $vpbs->getHostFullInfo($id);
my $inventory = FusionInventory::Agent::Inventory->new(
logger => $self->{logger},
tag => $tag
$inventory->setBios( $host->getBiosInfo() );
$inventory->setHardware( $host->getHardwareInfo() );
foreach my $cpu ($host->getCPUs()) {
$inventory->addEntry(section => 'CPUS', entry => $cpu);
foreach my $controller ($host->getControllers()) {
$inventory->addEntry(section => 'CONTROLLERS', entry => $controller);
if ($controller->{PCICLASS} && $controller->{PCICLASS} eq '300') {
section => 'VIDEOS',
entry => {
NAME => $controller->{NAME},
PCISLOT => $controller->{PCISLOT},
my %ipaddr;
foreach my $network ($host->getNetworks()) {
$ipaddr{ $network->{IPADDRESS} } = 1 if $network->{IPADDRESS};
$inventory->addEntry(section => 'NETWORKS', entry => $network);
$inventory->setHardware( { IPADDR => join '/', ( keys %ipaddr ) } );
# foreach (@{$host->[0]{config}{fileSystemVolume}{mountInfo}}) {
# }
foreach my $storage ($host->getStorages()) {
# $volumnMapping{$entry->{canonicalName}} = $entry->{deviceName};
$inventory->addEntry(section => 'STORAGES', entry => $storage);
foreach my $drive ($host->getDrives()) {
$inventory->addEntry( section => 'DRIVES', entry => $drive);
foreach my $machine ($host->getVirtualMachines()) {
$inventory->addEntry(section => 'VIRTUALMACHINES', entry => $machine);
return $inventory;
sub getHostIds {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{vpbs}->getHostIds();
sub run {
my ( $self, %params ) = @_;
$self->{client} = FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client::Fusion->new(
logger => $self->{logger},
user => $params{user},
password => $params{password},
proxy => $params{proxy},
ca_cert_file => $params{ca_cert_file},
ca_cert_dir => $params{ca_cert_dir},
no_ssl_check => $params{no_ssl_check},
debug => $self->{debug}
die unless $self->{client};
my $globalRemoteConfig = $self->{client}->send(
"url" => $self->{target}->{url},
args => {
action => "getConfig",
machineid => $self->{deviceid},
task => { ESX => $VERSION },
if (!$globalRemoteConfig->{schedule}) {
$self->{logger}->info("No job schedule returned from server at ".$self->{target}->{url});
if (ref( $globalRemoteConfig->{schedule} ) ne 'ARRAY') {
$self->{logger}->info("Malformed schedule from server at ".$self->{target}->{url});
if ( !@{$globalRemoteConfig->{schedule}} ) {
$self->{logger}->info("No ESX job enabled or ESX support disabled server side.");
foreach my $job ( @{ $globalRemoteConfig->{schedule} } ) {
next unless $job->{task} eq "ESX";
$self->{esxRemote} = $job->{remote};
if ( !$self->{esxRemote} ) {
$self->{logger}->info("No ESX job found in server jobs list.");
my $jobs = $self->{client}->send(
"url" => $self->{esxRemote},
args => {
action => "getJobs",
machineid => $self->{deviceid}
return unless $jobs;
return unless ref( $jobs->{jobs} ) eq 'ARRAY';
"Got " . int( @{ $jobs->{jobs} } ) . " VMware host(s) to inventory." );
my $ocsClient = FusionInventory::Agent::HTTP::Client::OCS->new(
logger => $self->{logger},
user => $params{user},
password => $params{password},
proxy => $params{proxy},
ca_cert_file => $params{ca_cert_file},
ca_cert_dir => $params{ca_cert_dir},
no_ssl_check => $params{no_ssl_check},
no_compress => $params{no_compress},
foreach my $job ( @{ $jobs->{jobs} } ) {
if ( !$self->connect(
host => $job->{host},
user => $job->{user},
password => $job->{password}
)) {
"url" => $self->{esxRemote},
args => {
action => 'setLog',
machineid => $self->{deviceid},
part => 'login',
uuid => $job->{uuid},
msg => $self->lastError(),
code => 'ko'
my $hostIds = $self->getHostIds();
foreach my $hostId (@$hostIds) {
my $inventory = $self->createInventory(
$hostId, $self->{config}->{tag}
my $message = FusionInventory::Agent::XML::Query::Inventory->new(
deviceid => $self->{deviceid},
content => $inventory->getContent()
url => $self->{target}->getUrl(),
message => $message
"url" => $self->{esxRemote},
args => {
action => 'setLog',
machineid => $self->{deviceid},
uuid => $job->{uuid},
code => 'ok'
return $self;
sub lastError {
my ($self, $error) = @_;
$self->{lastError} = $error if $error;
return $self->{lastError} || "n/a";
=head1 NAME
FusionInventory::Agent::SOAP::VMware - Access to VMware hypervisor
This module allow access to VMware hypervisor using VMware SOAP API
and _WITHOUT_ their Perl library.
=head2 connect ( $self, %params )
Connect the task to the VMware ESX, ESXi or vCenter.
=head2 createInventory ( $self, $id, $tag )
Returns an FusionInventory::Agent::Inventory object for a given
host id.
=head2 getHostIds
Returns the list of the host id.