;;; installed-scm-file
;;;; Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2001, 2006, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Erick Gallesio - I3S-CNRS/ESSI <eg@unice.fr>
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;;; This file was based upon describe.stklos from the STk distribution
;;;; version 4.0.1 by Erick Gallesio <eg@unice.fr>.
(define-module (oop goops describe)
:use-module (oop goops)
:use-module (ice-9 session)
:use-module (ice-9 format)
:export (describe)) ; Export the describe generic function
;;; describe for simple objects
(define-method (describe (x <top>))
(format #t "~s is " x)
((integer? x) (format #t "an integer"))
((real? x) (format #t "a real"))
((complex? x) (format #t "a complex number"))
((null? x) (format #t "an empty list"))
((boolean? x) (format #t "a boolean value (~s)" (if x 'true 'false)))
((char? x) (format #t "a character, ascii value is ~s"
(char->integer x)))
((symbol? x) (format #t "a symbol"))
((list? x) (format #t "a list"))
((pair? x) (if (pair? (cdr x))
(format #t "an improper list")
(format #t "a pair")))
((string? x) (if (eqv? x "")
(format #t "an empty string")
(format #t "a string of length ~s" (string-length x))))
((vector? x) (if (eqv? x '#())
(format #t "an empty vector")
(format #t "a vector of length ~s" (vector-length x))))
((eof-object? x) (format #t "the end-of-file object"))
(else (format #t "an unknown object (~s)" x)))
(format #t ".~%")
(define-method (describe (x <procedure>))
(let ((name (procedure-name x)))
(if name
(format #t "`~s'" name)
(display x))
(display " is ")
(display (if name #\a "an anonymous"))
(display " procedure")
(display " with ")
(arity x)))
;;; describe for GOOPS instances
(define (safe-class-name class)
(if (slot-bound? class 'name)
(class-name class)
(define-method (describe (x <object>))
(format #t "~S is an instance of class ~A~%"
x (safe-class-name (class-of x)))
;; print all the instance slots
(format #t "Slots are: ~%")
(for-each (lambda (slot)
(let ((name (slot-definition-name slot)))
(format #t " ~S = ~A~%"
(if (slot-bound? x name)
(format #f "~S" (slot-ref x name))
(class-slots (class-of x)))
;;; Describe for classes
(define-method (describe (x <class>))
(format #t "~S is a class. It's an instance of ~A~%"
(safe-class-name x) (safe-class-name (class-of x)))
;; Super classes
(format #t "Superclasses are:~%")
(for-each (lambda (class) (format #t " ~A~%" (safe-class-name class)))
(class-direct-supers x))
;; Direct slots
(let ((slots (class-direct-slots x)))
(if (null? slots)
(format #t "(No direct slot)~%")
(format #t "Directs slots are:~%")
(for-each (lambda (s)
(format #t " ~A~%" (slot-definition-name s)))
;; Direct subclasses
(let ((classes (class-direct-subclasses x)))
(if (null? classes)
(format #t "(No direct subclass)~%")
(format #t "Directs subclasses are:~%")
(for-each (lambda (s)
(format #t " ~A~%" (safe-class-name s)))
;; CPL
(format #t "Class Precedence List is:~%")
(for-each (lambda (s) (format #t " ~A~%" (safe-class-name s)))
(class-precedence-list x))
;; Direct Methods
(let ((methods (class-direct-methods x)))
(if (null? methods)
(format #t "(No direct method)~%")
(format #t "Class direct methods are:~%")
(for-each describe methods))))
; (format #t "~%Field Initializers ~% ")
; (write (slot-ref x 'initializers)) (newline)
; (format #t "~%Getters and Setters~% ")
; (write (slot-ref x 'getters-n-setters)) (newline)
;;; Describe for generic functions
(define-method (describe (x <generic>))
(let ((name (generic-function-name x))
(methods (generic-function-methods x)))
;; Title
(format #t "~S is a generic function. It's an instance of ~A.~%"
name (safe-class-name (class-of x)))
;; Methods
(if (null? methods)
(format #t "(No method defined for ~S)~%" name)
(format #t "Methods defined for ~S~%" name)
(for-each (lambda (x) (describe x #t)) methods)))))
;;; Describe for methods
(define-method (describe (x <method>) . omit-generic)
(letrec ((print-args (lambda (args)
;; take care of dotted arg lists
(cond ((null? args) (newline))
((pair? args)
(display #\space)
(display (safe-class-name (car args)))
(print-args (cdr args)))
(display #\space)
(display (safe-class-name args))
;; Title
(format #t " Method ~A~%" x)
;; Associated generic
(if (null? omit-generic)
(let ((gf (method-generic-function x)))
(if gf
(format #t "\t Generic: ~A~%" (generic-function-name gf))
(format #t "\t(No generic)~%"))))
;; GF specializers
(format #t "\tSpecializers:")
(print-args (method-specializers x))))
(provide 'describe)