;;; exceptions.scm --- The R6RS exceptions library
;; Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
(library (rnrs exceptions (6))
(export guard with-exception-handler raise raise-continuable)
(import (rnrs base (6))
(rnrs control (6))
(rnrs conditions (6))
(rnrs records procedural (6))
(rnrs records inspection (6))
(only (guile)
;; When a native guile exception is caught by an R6RS exception
;; handler, we convert it to an R6RS compound condition that includes
;; not only the standard condition objects expected by R6RS code, but
;; also a special &guile condition that preserves the original KEY and
;; ARGS passed to the native Guile catch handler.
(define-condition-type &guile &condition
make-guile-condition guile-condition?
(key guile-condition-key)
(args guile-condition-args))
(define (default-guile-condition-converter key args)
(condition (make-serious-condition)
(guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-common-conditions key args)
(apply (case-lambda
((subr msg margs . _)
(condition (make-who-condition subr)
(make-message-condition msg)
(make-irritants-condition margs)))
(_ (make-irritants-condition args)))
(define (convert-guile-condition key args)
(let ((converter (assv-ref guile-condition-converters key)))
(condition (or (and converter (converter key args))
(default-guile-condition-converter key args))
;; Preserve the original KEY and ARGS in the R6RS
;; condition object.
(make-guile-condition key args))))
;; If an R6RS exception handler chooses not to handle a given
;; condition, it will re-raise the condition to pass it on to the next
;; handler. If the condition was converted from a native Guile
;; exception, we must re-raise using the native Guile facilities and
;; the original exception KEY and ARGS. We arrange for this in
;; 'raise' so that native Guile exception handlers will continue to
;; work when mixed with R6RS code.
(define (raise obj)
(if (guile-condition? obj)
(apply throw (guile-condition-key obj) (guile-condition-args obj))
((@@ (rnrs records procedural) r6rs-raise) obj)))
(define raise-continuable
(@@ (rnrs records procedural) r6rs-raise-continuable))
(define raise-object-wrapper?
(@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper?))
(define raise-object-wrapper-obj
(@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper-obj))
(define raise-object-wrapper-continuation
(@@ (rnrs records procedural) raise-object-wrapper-continuation))
(define (with-exception-handler handler thunk)
(with-throw-handler #t
(lambda (key . args)
(cond ((not (eq? key 'r6rs:exception))
(let ((obj (convert-guile-condition key args)))
(handler obj)
(raise (make-non-continuable-violation))))
((and (not (null? args))
(raise-object-wrapper? (car args)))
(let* ((cargs (car args))
(obj (raise-object-wrapper-obj cargs))
(continuation (raise-object-wrapper-continuation cargs))
(handler-return (handler obj)))
(if continuation
(continuation handler-return)
(raise (make-non-continuable-violation)))))))))
(define-syntax guard0
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (variable cond-clause ...) . body)
(call/cc (lambda (continuation)
(lambda (variable)
(continuation (cond cond-clause ...)))
(lambda () . body)))))))
(define-syntax guard
(syntax-rules (else)
((_ (variable cond-clause ... . ((else else-clause ...))) . body)
(guard0 (variable cond-clause ... (else else-clause ...)) . body))
((_ (variable cond-clause ...) . body)
(guard0 (variable cond-clause ... (else (raise variable))) . body))))
;;; Exception printing
(define (exception-printer port key args punt)
(cond ((and (= 1 (length args))
(raise-object-wrapper? (car args)))
(let ((obj (raise-object-wrapper-obj (car args))))
(cond ((condition? obj)
(display "ERROR: R6RS exception:\n" port)
(format-condition port obj))
(format port "ERROR: R6RS exception: `~s'" obj)))))
(define (format-condition port condition)
(let ((components (simple-conditions condition)))
(if (null? components)
(format port "Empty condition object")
(let loop ((i 1) (components components))
(cond ((pair? components)
(format port " ~a. " i)
(format-simple-condition port (car components))
(when (pair? (cdr components))
(newline port))
(loop (+ i 1) (cdr components))))))))
(define (format-simple-condition port condition)
(define (print-rtd-fields rtd field-names)
(let ((n-fields (vector-length field-names)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((>= i n-fields))
(format port " ~a: ~s"
(vector-ref field-names i)
((record-accessor rtd i) condition))
(unless (= i (- n-fields 1))
(newline port)))))
(let ((condition-name (record-type-name (record-rtd condition))))
(let loop ((rtd (record-rtd condition))
(rtd.fields-list '())
(n-fields 0))
(cond (rtd
(let ((field-names (record-type-field-names rtd)))
(loop (record-type-parent rtd)
(cons (cons rtd field-names) rtd.fields-list)
(+ n-fields (vector-length field-names)))))
(let ((rtd.fields-list
(filter (lambda (rtd.fields)
(not (zero? (vector-length (cdr rtd.fields)))))
(reverse rtd.fields-list))))
(case n-fields
((0) (format port "~a" condition-name))
((1) (format port "~a: ~s"
((record-accessor (caar rtd.fields-list) 0)
(format port "~a:\n" condition-name)
(let loop ((lst rtd.fields-list))
(when (pair? lst)
(let ((rtd.fields (car lst)))
(print-rtd-fields (car rtd.fields) (cdr rtd.fields))
(when (pair? (cdr lst))
(newline port))
(loop (cdr lst)))))))))))))
(set-exception-printer! 'r6rs:exception exception-printer)
;; Guile condition converters
;; Each converter is a procedure (converter KEY ARGS) that returns
;; either an R6RS condition or #f. If #f is returned,
;; 'default-guile-condition-converter' will be used.
(define (guile-syntax-violation-converter key args)
(apply (case-lambda
((who what where form subform . extra)
(condition (make-syntax-violation form subform)
(make-who-condition who)
(make-message-condition what)))
(_ #f))
(define (guile-lexical-violation-converter key args)
(condition (make-lexical-violation) (guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-assertion-violation-converter key args)
(condition (make-assertion-violation) (guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-undefined-violation-converter key args)
(condition (make-undefined-violation) (guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-implementation-restriction-converter key args)
(condition (make-implementation-restriction-violation)
(guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-error-converter key args)
(condition (make-error) (guile-common-conditions key args)))
(define (guile-system-error-converter key args)
(apply (case-lambda
((subr msg msg-args errno . rest)
;; XXX TODO we should return a more specific error
;; (usually an I/O error) as expected by R6RS programs.
;; Unfortunately this often requires the 'filename' (or
;; other?) which is not currently provided by the native
;; Guile exceptions.
(condition (make-error) (guile-common-conditions key args)))
(_ (guile-error-converter key args)))
;; TODO: Arrange to have the needed information included in native
;; Guile I/O exceptions, and arrange here to convert them to the
;; proper conditions. Remove the earlier exception conversion
;; mechanism: search for 'with-throw-handler' in the 'rnrs'
;; tree, e.g. 'with-i/o-filename-conditions' and
;; 'with-i/o-port-error' in (rnrs io ports).
;; XXX TODO: How should we handle the 'misc-error', 'vm-error', and
;; 'signal' native Guile exceptions?
;; XXX TODO: Should we handle the 'quit' exception specially?
;; An alist mapping native Guile exception keys to converters.
(define guile-condition-converters
`((read-error . ,guile-lexical-violation-converter)
(syntax-error . ,guile-syntax-violation-converter)
(unbound-variable . ,guile-undefined-violation-converter)
(wrong-number-of-args . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(wrong-type-arg . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(keyword-argument-error . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(out-of-range . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(regular-expression-syntax . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(program-error . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(goops-error . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(null-pointer-error . ,guile-assertion-violation-converter)
(system-error . ,guile-system-error-converter)
(host-not-found . ,guile-error-converter)
(getaddrinfo-error . ,guile-error-converter)
(no-data . ,guile-error-converter)
(no-recovery . ,guile-error-converter)
(try-again . ,guile-error-converter)
(stack-overflow . ,guile-implementation-restriction-converter)
(numerical-overflow . ,guile-implementation-restriction-converter)
(memory-allocation-error . ,guile-implementation-restriction-converter)))
(define (set-guile-condition-converter! key proc)
(set! guile-condition-converters
(acons key proc guile-condition-converters))))