;;; scan-api --- Scan and group interpreter and libguile interface elements
;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2006, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License along with this software; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If
;; not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
;; Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;; Author: Thien-Thi Nguyen <ttn@gnu.org>
;;; Commentary:
;; Usage: scan-api GUILE SOFILE [GROUPINGS ...]
;; Invoke GUILE, an executable guile interpreter, and use nm(1) on SOFILE, a
;; shared-object library, to determine available interface elements, and
;; display them to stdout as an alist:
;; ((meta ...) (interface ...))
;; The meta fields are `GUILE_LOAD_PATH', `LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH', `guile'
;; `libguileinterface', `sofile' and `groups'. The interface elements are in
;; turn sub-alists w/ keys `groups' and `scan-data'. Interface elements
;; initially belong in one of two groups `Scheme' or `C' (but not both --
;; signal error if that happens).
;; Optional GROUPINGS ... are files each containing a single "grouping
;; definition" alist with each entry of the form:
;; (NAME (description "DESCRIPTION") (members SYM...))
;; All of the SYM... should be proper subsets of the interface. In addition
;; to `description' and `members' forms, the entry may optionally include:
;; (grok USE-MODULES (lambda (x) CODE))
;; where CODE implements a group-membership predicate to be applied to `x', a
;; symbol. [When evaluated, CODE can assume (use-modules MODULE) has been
;; executed where MODULE is an element of USE-MODULES, a list. [NOT YET
;; Currently, there are two convenience predicates that operate on `x':
;; (in-group? x GROUP)
;; (name-prefix? x PREFIX)
;; TODO: Allow for concurrent Scheme/C membership.
;; Completely separate reporting.
;;; Code:
(define-module (scripts scan-api)
:use-module (ice-9 popen)
:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
:use-module (ice-9 regex)
:export (scan-api))
(define %include-in-guild-list #f)
(define %summary "Generate an API description for a Guile extension.")
(define put set-object-property!)
(define get object-property)
(define (add-props object . args)
(let loop ((args args))
(if (null? args)
object ; retval
(let ((key (car args))
(value (cadr args)))
(put object key value)
(loop (cddr args))))))
(define (scan re command match)
(let ((rx (make-regexp re))
(port (open-pipe command OPEN_READ)))
(let loop ((line (read-line port)))
(or (eof-object? line)
(cond ((regexp-exec rx line) => match))
(loop (read-line port)))))))
(define (scan-Scheme! ht guile)
(scan "^.guile.+: ([^ \t]+)([ \t]+(.+))*$"
(format #f "~A -c '~S ~S'"
'(use-modules (ice-9 session))
'(apropos "."))
(lambda (m)
(let ((x (string->symbol (match:substring m 1))))
(put x 'Scheme (or (match:substring m 3)
(hashq-set! ht x #t)))))
(define (scan-C! ht sofile)
(scan "^[0-9a-fA-F]+ ([B-TV-Z]) (.+)$"
(format #f "nm ~A" sofile)
(lambda (m)
(let ((x (string->symbol (match:substring m 2))))
(put x 'C (string->symbol (match:substring m 1)))
(and (hashq-get-handle ht x)
(error "both Scheme and C:" x))
(hashq-set! ht x #t)))))
(define THIS-MODULE (current-module))
(define (in-group? x group)
(memq group (get x 'groups)))
(define (name-prefix? x prefix)
(string-match (string-append "^" prefix) (symbol->string x)))
(define (add-group-name! x name)
(put x 'groups (cons name (get x 'groups))))
(define (make-grok-proc name form)
(let* ((predicate? (eval form THIS-MODULE))
(p (lambda (x)
(and (predicate? x)
(add-group-name! x name)))))
(put p 'name name)
(define (make-members-proc name members)
(let ((p (lambda (x)
(and (memq x members)
(add-group-name! x name)))))
(put p 'name name)
(define (make-grouper files) ; \/^^^o/ . o
(let ((hook (make-hook 1))) ; /\____\
(lambda (file)
(lambda (gdef)
(let ((name (car gdef))
(members (assq-ref gdef 'members))
(grok (assq-ref gdef 'grok)))
(or members grok
(error "bad grouping, must have `members' or `grok'"))
(add-hook! hook
(if grok
(add-props (make-grok-proc name (cadr grok))
(assq-ref gdef 'description))
(make-members-proc name members))
#t))) ; append
(read (open-file file OPEN_READ))))
(define (scan-api . args)
(let ((guile (list-ref args 0))
(sofile (list-ref args 1))
(grouper (false-if-exception (make-grouper (cddr args))))
(ht (make-hash-table 3331)))
(scan-Scheme! ht guile)
(scan-C! ht sofile)
(let ((all (sort (hash-fold (lambda (key value prior-result)
'string (symbol->string key)
'scan-data (or (get key 'Scheme)
(get key 'C))
'groups (if (get key 'Scheme)
(and grouper (run-hook grouper key))
(cons key prior-result))
(lambda (a b)
(string<? (get a 'string)
(get b 'string))))))
(format #t ";;; generated by scan-api -- do not edit!\n\n")
(format #t "(\n")
(format #t "(meta\n")
(format #t " (GUILE_LOAD_PATH . ~S)\n"
(or (getenv "GUILE_LOAD_PATH") ""))
(format #t " (LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH . ~S)\n"
(or (getenv "LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH") ""))
(format #t " (guile . ~S)\n" guile)
(format #t " (libguileinterface . ~S)\n"
(let ((i #f))
(scan "(.+)"
(format #f "~A -c '(display ~A)'"
'(assq-ref %guile-build-info
(lambda (m) (set! i (match:substring m 1))))
(format #t " (sofile . ~S)\n" sofile)
(format #t " ~A\n"
(cons 'groups (append (if grouper
(map (lambda (p) (get p 'name))
(hook->list grouper))
'(Scheme C))))
(format #t ") ;; end of meta\n")
(format #t "(interface\n")
(for-each (lambda (x)
(format #t "(~A ~A (scan-data ~S))\n"
(cons 'groups (get x 'groups))
(get x 'scan-data)))
(format #t ") ;; end of interface\n")
(format #t ") ;; eof\n")))
(define main scan-api)
;;; scan-api ends here