;;;; (texinfo reflection) -- documenting Scheme as stexinfo
;;;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2009 Andy Wingo <wingo at pobox dot com>
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
;;; Commentary:
;;Routines to generare @code{stexi} documentation for objects and
;;Note that in this context, an @dfn{object} is just a value associated
;;with a location. It has nothing to do with GOOPS.
;;; Code:
(define-module (texinfo reflection)
#:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (append-map))
#:use-module (oop goops)
#:use-module (texinfo)
#:use-module (texinfo plain-text)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-13)
#:use-module (ice-9 session)
#:use-module (ice-9 documentation)
#:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
#:use-module ((sxml transform) #:select (pre-post-order))
#:export (module-stexi-documentation
;; List for sorting the definitions in a module
(define defs
'(deftp defcv defivar deftypeivar defop deftypeop defmethod
deftypemethod defopt defvr defvar deftypevr deftypevar deffn
deftypefn defmac defspec defun deftypefun))
(define (sort-defs ordering a b)
(define (def x)
;; a and b are lists of the form ((anchor ...) (def* ...)...)
(cadr x))
(define (name x)
(cadr (assq 'name (cdadr (def x)))))
(define (priority x)
(list-index defs (car (def x))))
(define (order x)
(or (list-index ordering (string->symbol (name x)))
;; if the def is not in the list, a big number
(define (compare-in-order proc eq? < . args)
(if (not (eq? (proc a) (proc b)))
(< (proc a) (proc b))
(or (null? args)
(apply compare-in-order args))))
(compare-in-order order = <
priority = <
name string=? string<=?))
(define (list*-join l infix restfix)
(let lp ((in l) (out '()))
(cond ((null? in) (reverse! out))
((symbol? in) (reverse! (cons* in restfix out)))
(else (lp (cdr in) (if (null? out)
(list (car in))
(cons* (car in) infix out)))))))
(define (process-args args)
(map (lambda (x) (if (string? x) x (object->string x)))
(list*-join (or args '())
" " " . ")))
(define (get-proc-args proc)
((procedure-arguments proc)
=> (lambda (args)
(let ((required-args (assq-ref args 'required))
(optional-args (assq-ref args 'optional))
(keyword-args (assq-ref args 'keyword))
(rest-arg (assq-ref args 'rest)))
;; start with the required args...
(map symbol->string required-args)
;; add any optional args if needed...
(map (lambda (a)
(if (list? a)
(format #f "[~a = ~s]" (car a) (cadr a))
(format #f "[~a]" a)))
;; now the keyword args..
(map (lambda (a)
(if (pair? a)
(format #f "[~a]" (car a))
(format #f "[#:~a]" a)))
;; now the rest arg...
(if rest-arg
(list "." (symbol->string rest-arg))
(define (macro-arguments name type transformer)
(case type
(let ((patterns (procedure-property transformer 'patterns)))
(if (pair? patterns)
(car patterns)
(or (procedure-property transformer 'defmacro-args)
;; a procedural (syntax-case) macro. how to document these?
(define (macro-additional-stexi name type transformer)
(case type
(let ((patterns (procedure-property transformer 'patterns)))
(if (pair? patterns)
(map (lambda (x)
`(defspecx (% (name ,name)
(arguments ,@(process-args x)))))
(cdr patterns))
(define many-space? (make-regexp "[[:space:]][[:space:]][[:space:]]"))
(define initial-space? (make-regexp "^[[:space:]]"))
(define (string->stexi str)
(or (and (or (not str) (string-null? str))
(and (or (string-index str #\@)
(and (not (regexp-exec many-space? str))
(not (regexp-exec initial-space? str))))
(texi-fragment->stexi str)))
`(*fragment* (verbatim ,str))))
(define method-formals
(and (defined? 'method-formals) method-formals))
(define (method-stexi-arguments method)
(let lp ((formals (method-formals method))
(specializers (method-specializers method))
(out '()))
(define (arg-texinfo formal specializer)
`(" (" (var ,(symbol->string formal)) " "
(code ,(symbol->string (class-name specializer))) ")"))
((null? formals) (reverse out))
((pair? formals)
(lp (cdr formals) (cdr specializers)
(append (reverse (arg-texinfo (car formals) (car specializers)))
(append (reverse out) (arg-texinfo formals specializers)
(list "..."))))))
((method-source method)
(let lp ((bindings (cadr (method-source method))) (out '()))
(define (arg-texinfo arg)
`(" (" (var ,(symbol->string (car arg))) " "
(code ,(symbol->string (cadr arg))) ")"))
((null? bindings)
(reverse out))
((not (pair? (car bindings)))
(append (reverse out) (arg-texinfo bindings) (list "...")))
(lp (cdr bindings)
(append (reverse (arg-texinfo (car bindings))) out))))))
(else (warn method) '())))
(define* (object-stexi-documentation object #:optional (name "[unknown]")
#:key (force #f))
(if (symbol? name)
(set! name (symbol->string name)))
(let ((stexi ((lambda (x)
(cond ((string? x) (string->stexi x))
((and (pair? x) (eq? (car x) '*fragment*)) x)
(force `(*fragment*))
(else #f)))
(if (is-a? object <method>)
(method-procedure object)
(define (make-def type args)
`(,type (% ,@args) ,@(cdr stexi)))
((not stexi) #f)
;; stexi is now a list, headed by *fragment*.
((and (pair? (cdr stexi)) (pair? (cadr stexi))
(memq (caadr stexi) defs))
;; it's already a deffoo.
((is-a? object <class>)
(make-def 'deftp `((name ,name)
(category "Class"))))
((is-a? object <macro>)
(let* ((proc (macro-transformer object))
(type (and proc (procedure-property proc 'macro-type))))
`(defspec (% (name ,name)
(arguments ,@(macro-arguments name type proc)))
,@(macro-additional-stexi name type proc)
,@(cdr stexi))))
((is-a? object <procedure>)
(make-def 'defun `((name ,name)
(arguments ,@(get-proc-args object)))))
((is-a? object <method>)
(make-def 'deffn `((category "Method")
(name ,name)
(arguments ,@(method-stexi-arguments object)))))
((is-a? object <generic>)
,(make-def 'deffn `((name ,name)
(category "Generic")))
(lambda (method)
(object-stexi-documentation method name #:force force))
(generic-function-methods object))))
(make-def 'defvar `((name ,name)))))))
(define (module-name->node-name sym-name)
(string-join (map symbol->string sym-name) " "))
;; this copied from (ice-9 session); need to find a better way
(define (module-filename name)
(let* ((name (map symbol->string name))
(reverse-name (reverse name))
(leaf (car reverse-name))
(dir-hint-module-name (reverse (cdr reverse-name)))
(dir-hint (apply string-append
(map (lambda (elt)
(string-append elt "/"))
(%search-load-path (in-vicinity dir-hint leaf))))
(define (read-module name)
(let ((filename (module-filename name)))
(if filename
(let ((port (open-input-file filename)))
(let lp ((out '()) (form (read port)))
(if (eof-object? form)
(reverse out)
(lp (cons form out) (read port)))))
(define (module-export-list sym-name)
(define (module-form-export-list form)
(and (pair? form)
(eq? (car form) 'define-module)
(equal? (cadr form) sym-name)
(and=> (memq #:export (cddr form)) cadr)))
(let lp ((forms (read-module sym-name)))
(cond ((null? forms) '())
((module-form-export-list (car forms)) => identity)
(else (lp (cdr forms))))))
(define* (module-stexi-documentation sym-name
#:optional %docs-resolver
#:key (docs-resolver
(or %docs-resolver
(lambda (name def) def))))
"Return documentation for the module named @var{sym-name}. The
documentation will be formatted as @code{stexi}
(if %docs-resolver
"module-stexi-documentation: use #:docs-resolver instead of a positional argument."))
(let* ((commentary (and=> (module-commentary sym-name)
(lambda (x) (string-trim-both x #\newline))))
(stexi (string->stexi commentary))
(node-name (module-name->node-name sym-name))
(name-str (with-output-to-string
(lambda () (display sym-name))))
(module (resolve-interface sym-name))
(export-list (module-export-list sym-name)))
(define (anchor-name sym)
(string-append node-name " " (symbol->string sym)))
(define (make-defs)
(lambda (sym var)
`((anchor (% (name ,(anchor-name sym))))
,@((lambda (x)
(if (eq? (car x) '*fragment*)
(cdr x)
(list x)))
(if (variable-bound? var)
(object-stexi-documentation (variable-ref var) sym
#:force #t))
(warn "variable unbound!" sym)
`(defvar (% (name ,(symbol->string sym)))
(lambda (a b) (sort-defs export-list a b))))
`(texinfo (% (title ,name-str))
(node (% (name ,node-name)))
(section "Overview")
,@(cdr stexi)
(section "Usage")
,@(apply append! (make-defs)))))
(define (script-stexi-documentation scriptpath)
"Return documentation for given script. The documentation will be
taken from the script's commentary, and will be returned in the
@code{stexi} format (@pxref{texinfo,texinfo})."
(let ((commentary (file-commentary scriptpath)))
`(texinfo (% (title ,(basename scriptpath)))
(node (% (name ,(basename scriptpath))))
,@(if commentary
(string-trim-both commentary #\newline)))
((defined? 'add-value-help-handler!)
(lambda (name value)
(object-stexi-documentation value name #:force #t))))
(lambda (name)
(and (list? name)
(and-map symbol? name)
(stexi->plain-text (module-stexi-documentation name)))))))
;; we could be dealing with an old (ice-9 session); fondle it to get
;; module-commentary
(define module-commentary (@@ (ice-9 session) module-commentary))
(define (package-stexi-standard-copying name version updated years
copyright-holder permissions)
"Create a standard texinfo @code{copying} section.
@var{years} is a list of years (as integers) in which the modules
being documented were released. All other arguments are strings."
(para "This manual is for " ,name
" (version " ,version ", updated " ,updated ")")
(para "Copyright " ,(string-join (map number->string years) ",")
" " ,copyright-holder)
(para ,permissions))))
(define (package-stexi-standard-titlepage name version updated authors)
"Create a standard GNU title page.
@var{authors} is a list of @code{(@var{name} . @var{email})}
pairs. All other arguments are strings.
Here is an example of the usage of this procedure:
\"26 September 2006\"
'((\"Alyssa P Hacker\" . \"alyssa@@example.com\"))
'(2004 2005 2006)
\"Free Software Foundation, Inc.\"
\"Standard GPL permissions blurb goes here\")
@end smallexample
`(;(setchapternewpage (% (all "odd"))) makes manuals too long
(title ,name)
(subtitle "version " ,version ", updated " ,updated)
,@(map (lambda (pair)
`(author ,(car pair)
" (" (email ,(cdr pair)) ")"))
(vskip (% (all "0pt plus 1filll")))
(define (package-stexi-generic-menu name entries)
"Create a menu from a generic alist of entries, the car of which
should be the node name, and the cdr the description. As an exception,
an entry of @code{#f} will produce a separator."
(define (make-entry node description)
`("* " ,node "::"
,(make-string (max (- 21 (string-length node)) 2) #\space)
,@description "\n"))
(node (% (name "Top")))
(top (% (title ,name)))
(lambda (entry)
(if entry
(make-entry (car entry) (cdr entry))
(define (package-stexi-standard-menu name modules module-descriptions
"Create a standard top node and menu, suitable for processing
by makeinfo."
(let ((module-entries (map cons
(map module-name->node-name modules)
(separate-sections (lambda (x) (if (null? x) x (cons #f x)))))
,@(separate-sections extra-entries)))))
(define (package-stexi-extended-menu name module-pairs script-pairs
"Create an \"extended\" menu, like the standard menu but with a
section for scripts."
(let ((module-entries (map cons
(map module-name->node-name
(map car module-pairs))
(map cdr module-pairs)))
(script-entries (map cons
(map basename (map car script-pairs))
(map cdr script-pairs)))
(separate-sections (lambda (x) (if (null? x) x (cons #f x)))))
,@(separate-sections script-entries)
,@(separate-sections extra-entries)))))
(define (package-stexi-standard-prologue name filename category
description copying titlepage
"Create a standard prologue, suitable for later serialization
to texinfo and .info creation with makeinfo.
Returns a list of stexinfo forms suitable for passing to
@code{package-stexi-documentation} as the prologue. @xref{texinfo
reflection package-stexi-documentation}, @ref{texinfo reflection
@ref{texinfo reflection
and @ref{texinfo reflection
(dircategory (% (category ,category)))
"* " ,name ": (" ,filename "). " ,description ".")
(define (stexi->chapter stexi)
`((texinfo . ,(lambda (tag attrs node . body)
(chapter ,@(assq-ref (cdr attrs) 'title))
(*text* . ,(lambda (tag text) text))
(*default* . ,(lambda args args)))))
(define* (package-stexi-documentation modules name filename
prologue epilogue
(scripts '()))
"Create stexi documentation for a @dfn{package}, where a
package is a set of modules that is released together.
@var{modules} is expected to be a list of module names, where a
module name is a list of symbols. The stexi that is returned will
be titled @var{name} and a texinfo filename of @var{filename}.
@var{prologue} and @var{epilogue} are lists of stexi forms that
will be spliced into the output document before and after the
generated modules documentation, respectively.
@xref{texinfo reflection package-stexi-standard-prologue}, to
create a conventional GNU texinfo prologue.
@var{module-stexi-documentation-args} is an optional argument that, if
given, will be added to the argument list when
@code{module-texi-documentation} is called. For example, it might be
useful to define a @code{#:docs-resolver} argument."
(define (verify-modules-list l)
(define (all pred l)
(and (pred (car l))
(or (null? (cdr l)) (all pred (cdr l)))))
(all (lambda (x) (all symbol? x)) modules)))
(if (not (verify-modules-list modules))
(error "expected modules to be a list of a list of symbols"
(% (title ,name)
(filename ,filename))
,@(append-map (lambda (mod)
(apply module-stexi-documentation
mod module-stexi-documentation-args)))
,@(append-map (lambda (script)
(script-stexi-documentation script)))
(define* (package-stexi-documentation-for-include modules module-descriptions
(module-stexi-documentation-args '()))
"Create stexi documentation for a @dfn{package}, where a
package is a set of modules that is released together.
@var{modules} is expected to be a list of module names, where a
module name is a list of symbols. Returns an stexinfo fragment.
Unlike @code{package-stexi-documentation}, this function simply produces
a menu and the module documentations instead of producing a full texinfo
document. This can be useful if you write part of your manual by hand,
and just use @code{@@include} to pull in the automatically generated
@var{module-stexi-documentation-args} is an optional argument that, if
given, will be added to the argument list when
@code{module-texi-documentation} is called. For example, it might be
useful to define a @code{#:docs-resolver} argument."
(define (make-entry node description)
`("* " ,node "::"
,(make-string (max (- 21 (string-length node)) 2) #\space)
,@description "\n"))
,@(append-map (lambda (modname desc)
(make-entry (module-name->node-name modname)
,@(append-map (lambda (modname)
(apply module-stexi-documentation
;;; arch-tag: bbe2bc03-e16d-4a9e-87b9-55225dc9836c