# Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Kevin Ryde
# This file is part of Perl-Critic-Pulp.
# Perl-Critic-Pulp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# Perl-Critic-Pulp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with Perl-Critic-Pulp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils;
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use version (); # but don't import qv()
our $VERSION = 99;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parameter_parse_version
our %COMMA = (',' => 1,
'=>' => 1);
sub parameter_parse_version {
my ($self, $parameter, $str) = @_;
my $version;
if (defined $str && $str ne '') {
$version = version_if_valid ($str);
if (! defined $version) {
undef, # source
'invalid version number string');
$self->__set_parameter_value ($parameter, $version);
# return a version.pm object, or undef if $str is invalid
sub version_if_valid {
my ($str) = @_;
# this is a nasty hack to notice "not a number" warnings, and for version
# 0.81 possibly throwing errors too
my $good = 1;
my $version;
{ local $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { $good = 0 };
eval { $version = version->new($str) };
return ($good ? $version : undef);
# This regexp is what Perl's toke.c S_force_version() demands, as of
# versions 5.004 through 5.8.9. A version number in a "use" must start with
# a digit and then have only digits, dots and underscores. In particular
# other normal numeric forms like hex or exponential are not taken to be
# version numbers, and even omitting the 0 from a decimal like ".25" is not
# a version number.
our $use_module_version_number_re = qr/^v?[0-9][0-9._]*$/;
sub include_module_version {
my ($inc) = @_;
# only a module style "use Foo", not a perl version num like "use 5.010"
defined ($inc->module) || return undef;
my $ver = $inc->schild(2) || return undef;
# ENHANCE-ME: when PPI recognises v-strings may have to extend this
$ver->isa('PPI::Token::Number') || return undef;
$ver->content =~ $use_module_version_number_re or return undef;
# must be followed by whitespace, or comment, or end of statement, so
# use Foo 10 -3; <- version 10, arg -3
# use Foo 10-3; <- arg 7
# use Foo 10# <- version 10, arg -3
# -3;
if (my $after = $ver->next_sibling) {
unless ($after->isa('PPI::Token::Whitespace')
|| $after->isa('PPI::Token::Comment')
|| ($after->isa('PPI::Token::Structure')
&& $after eq ';')) {
return undef;
return $ver;
# $inc is a PPI::Statement::Include.
# Return the element which is the start of the first argument to its
# import() or unimport(), for "use" or "no" respectively.
# A "require" is treated the same as "use" and "no", but arguments to it
# like "require Foo::Bar '-init';" is in fact a syntax error.
sub include_module_first_arg {
my ($inc) = @_;
defined ($inc->module) || return;
my $arg;
if (my $ver = include_module_version ($inc)) {
$arg = $ver->snext_sibling;
} else {
# eg. "use Foo 'xxx'"
$arg = $inc->schild(2);
# don't return terminating ";"
if ($arg
&& $arg->isa('PPI::Token::Structure')
&& $arg->content eq ';'
&& ! $arg->snext_sibling) {
return $arg;
# Hack to set Perl::Critic::Violation location to $linenum in $doc_str.
# Have thought about validating _location and _source fields before mangling
# them, but hopefully there'll be a documented interface to use before long.
sub _violation_override_linenum {
my ($violation, $doc_str, $linenum) = @_;
# if ($violation->can('set_line_number_offset')) {
# $violation->set_line_number_offset ($linenum - 1);
# } else {
bless $violation, 'Perl::Critic::Pulp::PodMinimumVersionViolation';
$violation->{_Pulp_linenum_offset} = $linenum - 1;
$violation->{'_source'} = _str_line_n ($doc_str, $linenum);
return $violation;
# starting contents of line number $n within $str
# $n==0 is the first line
sub _str_line_n {
my ($str, $n) = @_;
return ($str =~ /^(.*\n){$n}(.*)/ ? $2 : '');
sub elem_package {
my ($elem) = @_;
for (;;) {
$elem = $elem->sprevious_sibling || $elem->parent
|| return undef;
if ($elem->isa ('PPI::Statement::Package')) {
return $elem;
sub elem_in_BEGIN {
my ($elem) = @_;
while ($elem = $elem->parent) {
if ($elem->isa('PPI::Statement::Scheduled')) {
return ($elem->type eq 'BEGIN');
return 0;
sub elem_is_comma_operator {
my ($elem) = @_;
return ($elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator')
&& $Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::COMMA{$elem});
=for stopwords perlcritic Ryde ie
=head1 NAME
Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils - shared helper code for the Pulp perlcritic add-on
use Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils;
This is a bit of a grab bag, but works as far as it goes.
=head2 Element Functions
=item C<$pkgelem = Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::elem_package ($elem)>
C<$elem> is a C<PPI::Element>. Return the C<PPI::Statement::Package>
containing C<$elem>, or C<undef> if C<$elem> is not in the scope of any
package statement.
The search upwards begins with the element preceding C<$elem>, so if
C<$elem> itself is a C<PPI::Statement::Package> then that's not the one
returned, instead its containing package.
=item C<$bool = Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::elem_in_BEGIN ($elem)>
Return true if C<$elem> (a C<PPI::Element>) is within a C<BEGIN> block
(ie. a C<PPI::Statement::Scheduled> of type "BEGIN").
=item C<$bool = Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::elem_is_comma_operator ($elem)>
Return true if C<$elem> (a C<PPI::Element>) is a comma operator
(C<PPI::Token::Operator>), either "," or "=>'.
# Not sure about this just yet. This first_arg would be a matching pair.
# =item C<$numelem = Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::include_module_version ($incelem)>
# C<$incelem> is a C<PPI::Statement::Include>. If it's a module type C<use>
# or C<no> with a version number for Perl to check then return that version
# number element, otherwise return C<undef>.
# use Foo 1.23 qw(arg1 arg2);
# no Bar 0.1;
# A module version is a literal number following the module name, with either
# nothing after it for that statement, or with no comma before the statement
# arguments.
# C<Exporter> and other module C<import> handlers may interpret a number
# argument as a version to be checked, but C<include_module_version> looks
# only for version numbers which Perl itself will check.
# A module C<require> type C<$incelem> is treated the same as C<use> and
# C<no>, but a module version number like "require Foo::Bar 1.5" is a Perl
# syntax error. A Perl version C<$incelem> like C<use 5.004> is not a module
# include and the return is C<undef> for it.
# As of PPI 1.203 there's no v-number parsing, so the returned element is only
# ever a C<PPI::Token::Number>. Perhaps that will change.
# C<PPI::Statement::Include> has a similar C<$incelem-E<gt>module_version>
# method, but it's wrong as of PPI 1.209. It takes all numbers as version
# numbers, whereas Perl doesn't accept exponential format floats, only the
# restricted number forms of Perl's F<toke.c> C<S_force_version()>.
=head2 Policy Parameter Functions
=item C<Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::parameter_parse_version ($self, $parameter, $str)>
This is designed for use as the C<parser> field of a policy's
C<supported_parameters> entry for a parameter which is a version number.
{ name => 'above_version',
description => 'Check only above this version of Perl.',
behavior => 'string',
parser => \&Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils::parameter_parse_version,
C<$str> is parsed with the C<version.pm> module. If valid then the
parameter is set with C<$self-E<gt>__set_parameter_value> to the resulting
C<version> object (so for example field $self->{'_above_version'}). If
invalid then an exception is thrown per
=head1 EXPORTS
Nothing is exported by default, but the functions can be requested in usual
C<Exporter> style,
use Perl::Critic::Pulp::Utils 'elem_in_BEGIN';
if (elem_in_BEGIN($elem)) {
# ...
There's no C<:all> tag since this module is meant as a grab-bag of functions
and importing as-yet unknown things would be asking for name clashes.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 HOME PAGE
Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021 Kevin Ryde
Perl-Critic-Pulp is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
Perl-Critic-Pulp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Perl-Critic-Pulp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.