package Statistics::Basic::Vector;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed weaken looks_like_number);
our $tag_number = 0;
use Statistics::Basic;
use overload
'0+' => sub { croak "attempt to use vector as scalar numerical value" },
'""' => sub {
my $this = $_[0];
local $" = ", ";
my @r = map { defined $_ ? $Statistics::Basic::fmt->format_number($_, $Statistics::Basic::IPRES) : "_" } $this->query;
$Statistics::Basic::DEBUG ? "vector-$this->{tag}:[@r]" : "[@r]";
'bool' => sub { 1 },
fallback => 1; # tries to do what it would have done if this wasn't present.
# new {{{
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $vector = $_[0];
if( blessed($vector) and $vector->isa(__PACKAGE__) ) {
warn "vector->new called with blessed argument, returning $vector instead of making another\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 3;
return $vector;
my $this = bless {tag=>(++$tag_number), s=>0, c=>{}, v=>[]}, $class;
$this->set_vector( @_ );
warn "created new vector $this\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 3;
return $this;
# }}}
# copy {{{
sub copy {
my $this = shift;
my $that = __PACKAGE__->new( [@{$this->{v}}] );
warn "copied vector($this -> $that)\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 3;
return $that;
# }}}
# _set_computer {{{
sub _set_computer {
my $this = shift;
while( my ($k,$v) = splice @_, 0, 2 ) {
warn "$this set_computer($k => " . overload::StrVal($v) . ")\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG;
weaken($this->{c}{$k} = $v);
# }}}
# _set_linked_computer {{{
sub _set_linked_computer {
my $this = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $var = shift;
my $new_key = join("_", ($key, sort {$a<=>$b} map {$_->{tag}} @_));
$this->_set_computer( $new_key => $var );
# }}}
# _get_computer {{{
sub _get_computer {
my $this = shift;
my $k = shift;
warn "$this get_computer($k): " . overload::StrVal($this->{c}{$k}||"<undef>") . "\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG;
return $this->{c}{$k};
# }}}
# _get_linked_computer {{{
sub _get_linked_computer {
my $this = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $new_key = join("_", ($key, sort {$a<=>$b} map {$_->{tag}} @_));
return $this->_get_computer( $new_key );
# }}}
# _inform_computers_of_change {{{
sub _inform_computers_of_change {
my $this = shift;
for my $k (keys %{ $this->{c} }) {
my $v = $this->{c}{$k};
if( defined($v) and blessed($v) ) {
} else {
delete $this->{c}{$k};
# }}}
# _fix_size {{{
sub _fix_size {
my $this = shift;
my $fixed = 0;
my $d = @{$this->{v}} - $this->{s};
if( $d > 0 ) {
splice @{$this->{v}}, 0, $d;
$fixed = 1;
unless( $Statistics::Basic::NOFILL ) {
if( $d < 0 ) {
unshift @{$this->{v}}, # unshift so the 0s leave first
map {0} $d .. -1; # add $d of them
$fixed = 1;
warn "[fix_size $this] [@{ $this->{v} }]\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 2;
return $fixed;
# }}}
# query {{{
sub query {
my $this = shift;
return (wantarray ? @{$this->{v}} : $this->{v});
# }}}
# query_filled {{{
sub query_filled {
my $this = shift;
warn "[query_filled $this $this->{s}]\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 1;
return if @{$this->{v}} < $this->{s};
return 1;
# }}}
# insert {{{
sub insert {
my $this = shift;
croak "you must define a vector size before using insert()" unless defined $this->{s};
for my $e (@_) {
if( ref($e) and not blessed($e) ) {
if( ref($e) eq "ARRAY" ) {
push @{ $this->{v} }, @$e;
warn "[insert $this] @$e\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 1;
} else {
croak "insert() elements do not make sense";
} else {
push @{ $this->{v} }, $e;
warn "[insert $this] $e\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 1;
return $this;
# }}}
# ginsert {{{
sub ginsert {
my $this = shift;
for my $e (@_) {
if( ref($e) and not blessed($e)) {
if( ref($e) eq "ARRAY" ) {
push @{ $this->{v} }, @$e;
warn "[ginsert $this] @$e\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 1;
} else {
croak "insert() elements do not make sense";
} else {
push @{ $this->{v} }, $e;
warn "[ginsert $this] $e\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 1;
$this->{s} = @{$this->{v}} if @{$this->{v}} > $this->{s};
return $this;
*append = \&ginsert;
# }}}
# query_size {{{
sub query_size {
my $this = shift;
return scalar @{$this->{v}};
# maybe deprecate this later
*size = \&query_size unless $ENV{TEST_AUTHOR};
# }}}
# set_size {{{
sub set_size {
my $this = shift;
my $size = shift;
croak "invalid vector size ($size)" if $size < 0;
if( $this->{s} != $size ) {
$this->{s} = $size;
return $this;
# }}}
# set_vector {{{
sub set_vector {
my $this = shift;
my $vector = $_[0];
if( ref($vector) eq "ARRAY" ) {
@{$this->{v}} = @$vector;
$this->{s} = int @$vector;
} elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($vector, "Statistics::Basic::ComputedVector") ) {
} elsif( UNIVERSAL::isa($vector, "Statistics::Basic::Vector") ) {
$this->{s} = $vector->{s};
@{$this->{v}} = @{$vector->{v}}; # copy the vector
# I don't think this is the behavior that we really want, since they
# stay separate objects, they shouldn't be linked like this.
# $this->{s} = $vector->{s};
# $this->{v} = $vector->{v}; # this links the vectors together
# $this->{c} = $vector->{c}; # so we should link their computers too
} elsif( @_ ) {
@{$this->{v}} = @_;
$this->{s} = int @_;
} elsif( defined $vector ) {
croak "argument to set_vector() too strange";
warn "[set_vector $this] [@{ $this->{v} }]\n" if $Statistics::Basic::DEBUG >= 2 and ref($this->{v});
return $this;
# }}}