package Authen::Simple::Passwd;
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use base 'Authen::Simple::Adapter';
use Carp qw[];
use Config qw[];
use Fcntl qw[LOCK_SH];
use IO::File qw[O_RDONLY];
use Params::Validate qw[];
our $VERSION = 0.6;
path => {
type => Params::Validate::SCALAR,
optional => 1
flock => {
type => Params::Validate::SCALAR,
default => ( $Config::Config{d_flock} ) ? 1 : 0,
optional => 1
passwd => { # deprecated
type => Params::Validate::SCALAR,
optional => 1
allow => { # deprecated
type => Params::Validate::ARRAYREF,
optional => 1,
sub init {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my $path = $params->{path} ||= delete $params->{passwd};
unless ( -e $path ) {
Carp::croak( qq/Passwd path '$path' does not exist./ );
unless ( -f _ ) {
Carp::croak( qq/Passwd path '$path' is not a file./ );
unless ( -r _ ) {
Carp::croak( qq/Passwd path '$path' is not readable by effective uid '$>'./ );
return $self->SUPER::init($params);
sub check {
my ( $self, $username, $password ) = @_;
if ( $username =~ /^-/ ) {
$self->log->debug( qq/User '$username' begins with a hyphen which is not allowed./ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
my ( $path, $fh, $encrypted ) = ( $self->path, undef, undef );
unless ( $fh = IO::File->new( $path, O_RDONLY ) ) {
$self->log->error( qq/Failed to open passwd '$path'. Reason: '$!'/ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
unless ( !$self->flock || flock( $fh, LOCK_SH ) ) {
$self->log->error( qq/Failed to obtain a shared lock on passwd '$path'. Reason: '$!'/ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
while ( defined( $_ = $fh->getline ) ) {
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s+/;
my (@credentials) = split( /:/, $_, 3 );
if ( $credentials[0] eq $username ) {
$encrypted = $credentials[1];
$self->log->debug( qq/Found user '$username' in passwd '$path'./ )
if $self->log;
unless ( $fh->close ) {
$self->log->warn( qq/Failed to close passwd '$path'. Reason: '$!'/ )
if $self->log;
unless ( defined $encrypted ) {
$self->log->debug( qq/User '$username' was not found in passwd '$path'./ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
unless ( length $encrypted ) {
$self->log->debug( qq/Encrypted password for user '$username' is null./ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
unless ( $self->check_password( $password, $encrypted ) ) {
$self->log->debug( qq/Failed to authenticate user '$username'. Reason: 'Invalid credentials'/ )
if $self->log;
return 0;
$self->log->debug( qq/Successfully authenticated user '$username'./ )
if $self->log;
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Authen::Simple::Passwd - Simple Passwd authentication
use Authen::Simple::Passwd;
my $passwd = Authen::Simple::Passwd->new(
path => '/etc/passwd'
if ( $passwd->authenticate( $username, $password ) ) {
# successfull authentication
# or as a mod_perl Authen handler
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Apache
PerlModule Authen::Simple::Passwd
PerlSetVar AuthenSimplePasswd_path "/etc/passwd"
<Location /protected>
PerlAuthenHandler Authen::Simple::Passwd
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Protected Area"
Require valid-user
Authenticate against a passwd file.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item * new
This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are valid:
=over 8
=item * path
Path to passwd file to authenticate against. Any standard passwd file that
has records seperated with newline and fields seperated by C<:> is supported.
First field is expected to be username and second field, plain or encrypted
password. Required.
path => '/etc/passwd'
path => '/var/www/.htpasswd'
=item * flock
A boolean to enable or disable the usage of C<flock()>. Defaults to C<d_flock> in L<Config>.
flock => 0
=item * log
Any object that supports C<debug>, C<info>, C<error> and C<warn>.
log => Log::Log4perl->get_logger('Authen::Simple::Passwd')
=item * authenticate( $username, $password )
Returns true on success and false on failure. Authentication attempts with a username that begins with a
hyphen C<-> will always return false.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Christian Hansen C<>
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.