package CGI::Parse::PSGI;
use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw( parse_cgi_output );
use IO::File; # perl bug: should be loaded to call ->getline etc. on filehandle/PerlIO
use HTTP::Response;
ignore_status_line => 0,
sub parse_cgi_output {
my $output = shift;
my $options = \%DEFAULT_OPTS;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
$options = { %DEFAULT_OPTS, %{ +shift } }; # Use default opts where none supplied
my $length;
if (ref $output eq 'SCALAR') {
$length = length $$output;
open my $io, "<", $output;
$output = $io;
} else {
open my $tmp, '<&=:perlio:raw', fileno($output) or die $!;
$output = $tmp;
$length = -s $output;
my $headers;
while ( my $line = $output->getline ) {
$headers .= $line;
last if $headers =~ /\x0d?\x0a\x0d?\x0a$/;
unless ( defined $headers ) {
$headers = "HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\x0d\x0a";
unless ( $headers =~ /^HTTP/ ) {
$headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\x0d\x0a" . $headers;
my $response = HTTP::Response->parse($headers);
# RFC 3875 6.2.3
if ($response->header('Location') && !$response->header('Status')) {
$response->header('Status', 302);
my $status = $options->{ignore_status_line}?
200 : ($response->code || 200);
my $status_header = $response->header('Status');
if ($status_header) {
# Use the header status preferentially, if present and well formed
# Extract the code from the header (should be 3 digits, non zero)
my ($code) = ($status_header =~ /^ \s* (\d+) /x);
$status = $code || $status;
$response->remove_header('Status'); # PSGI doesn't allow having Status header in the response
my $remaining = $length - tell( $output );
if ( $response->code == 500 && !$remaining ) {
return [
[ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html' ],
[ $response->error_as_HTML ]
# TODO we can pass $output to the response body without buffering all?
my $length = 0;
while ( $output->read( my $buffer, 4096 ) ) {
$length += length($buffer);
if ( $length && !$response->content_length ) {
return [
map {
my $k = $_;
map { ( $k => _cleanup_newline($_) ) } $response->headers->header($_);
} $response->headers->header_field_names
sub _cleanup_newline {
local $_ = shift;
return $_;
=head1 NAME
CGI::Parse::PSGI - Parses CGI output and creates PSGI response out of it
use CGI::Parse::PSGI qw(parse_cgi_output);
my $output = YourApp->run;
my $psgi_res = parse_cgi_output(\$output);
An option hash can also be passed:
my $psgi_res = parse_cgi_output(\$output, \%options);
CGI::Parse::PSGI exports one function C<parse_cgi_output> that takes a
filehandle or a reference to a string to read a CGI script output, and
creates a PSGI response (an array reference containing status code,
headers and a body) by reading the output.
Use L<CGI::Emulate::PSGI> if you have a CGI I<code> not the I<output>,
which takes care of automatically parsing the output, using this
module, from your callback code.
=head1 OPTIONS
As mentioned above, C<parse_cgi_output> can accept an options hash as
the second argument.
Currently the options available are:
=over 4
=item C<ignore_status_line>
A boolean value, defaulting to 0 (false). If true, the status in the
HTTP protocol line is not used to set the default status in absence of
a status header.
The options can be supplied to earlier versions, and will be ignored
without error. Hence you can preserve legacy behaviour like this:
parse_cgi_output(\$output, {ignore_status_line => 1});
This will ensure that if the script output includes an edge case
like this:
HTTP/1.1 666 SNAFU
Content-Type: text/plain
This should be OK!
then the old behaviour of ignoring the status line and returning 200
is preserved.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
=head1 SEE ALSO