package Class::DBI::Search::Basic;
=head1 NAME
Class::DBI::Search::Basic - Simple Class::DBI search
my $searcher = Class::DBI::Search::Basic->new(
$cdbi_class, @search_args
my @results = $searcher->run_search;
# Over in your Class::DBI subclass:
search => "Class::DBI::Search::Basic",
isearch => "Class::DBI::Search::Plugin::CaseInsensitive",
This is the start of a pluggable Search infrastructure for Class::DBI.
At the minute Class::DBI::Search::Basic doubles up as both the default
search within Class::DBI as well as the search base class. We will
probably need to tease this apart more later and create an abstract base
class for search plugins.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $searcher = Class::DBI::Search::Basic->new(
$cdbi_class, @search_args
A Searcher is created with the class to which the results will belong,
and the arguments passed to the search call by the user.
=head2 opt
if (my $order = $self->opt('order_by')) { ... }
The arguments passed to search may contain an options hash. This will
return the value of a given option.
=head2 run_search
my @results = $searcher->run_search;
my $iterator = $searcher->run_search;
Actually run the search.
=head2 sql / bind / fragment
The actual mechanics of generating the SQL and executing it split up
into a variety of methods for you to override.
run_search() is implemented as:
return $cdbi->sth_to_objects($self->sql, $self->bind);
Where sql() is
There are also a variety of private methods underneath this that could
be overriden in a pinch, but if you need to do this I'd rather you let
me know so that I can make them public, or at least so that I don't
remove them from under your feet.
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Class::Accessor::Fast';
__PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/class args opts type/);
sub new {
my ($me, $proto, @args) = @_;
my ($args, $opts) = $me->_unpack_args(@args);
bless {
class => ref $proto || $proto,
args => $args,
opts => $opts,
type => "=",
} => $me;
sub opt {
my ($self, $option) = @_;
sub _unpack_args {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
@args = %{ $args[0] } if ref $args[0] eq "HASH";
my $opts = @args % 2 ? pop @args : {};
return (\@args, $opts);
sub _search_for {
my $self = shift;
my @args = @{ $self->{args} };
my $class = $self->{class};
my %search_for;
while (my ($col, $val) = splice @args, 0, 2) {
my $column = $class->find_column($col)
|| (List::Util::first { $_->accessor eq $col } $class->columns)
|| $class->_croak("$col is not a column of $class");
$search_for{$column} = $class->_deflated_column($column, $val);
return \%search_for;
sub _qual_bind {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_qual_bind} ||= do {
my $search_for = $self->_search_for;
my $type = $self->type;
my (@qual, @bind);
for my $column (sort keys %$search_for) { # sort for prepare_cached
if (defined(my $value = $search_for->{$column})) {
push @qual, "$column $type ?";
push @bind, $value;
} else {
# perhaps _carp if $type ne "="
push @qual, "$column IS NULL";
[ \@qual, \@bind ];
sub _qual {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_qual} ||= $self->_qual_bind->[0];
sub bind {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_bind} ||= $self->_qual_bind->[1];
sub fragment {
my $self = shift;
my $frag = join " AND ", @{ $self->_qual };
if (my $order = $self->opt('order_by')) {
$frag .= " ORDER BY $order";
return $frag;
sub sql {
my $self = shift;
return $self->class->sql_Retrieve($self->fragment);
sub run_search {
my $self = shift;
my $cdbi = $self->class;
return $cdbi->sth_to_objects($self->sql, $self->bind);