# #
# File: Config/Generator/Config.pm #
# #
# Description: Config::Generator configuration support #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Generator::Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.1";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.8 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use Config::General qw(ParseConfig);
use JSON qw(from_json to_json);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use No::Worries::File qw(file_read);
use No::Worries::Log qw(log_debug);
use Params::Validate qw(validate validate_pos :types);
use Config::Generator qw(%Config $HomeDir @IncPath);
# merge the given two configuration hashes
sub _merge ($$);
sub _merge ($$) {
my($hash1, $hash2) = @_;
my($ref1, $ref2);
dief("unexpected hash to merge: %s", $hash1) unless ref($hash1) eq "HASH";
dief("unexpected hash to merge: %s", $hash2) unless ref($hash2) eq "HASH";
foreach my $key (keys(%{ $hash2 })) {
unless (defined($hash1->{$key})) {
$hash1->{$key} = $hash2->{$key};
$ref1 = ref($hash1->{$key});
$ref2 = ref($hash2->{$key});
if ($ref1 eq "HASH" and $ref2 eq "HASH") {
_merge($hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key});
} elsif ($ref1 eq "ARRAY" and $ref2 eq "") {
push(@{ $hash1->{$key} }, $hash2->{$key});
} elsif ($ref1 eq "" and $ref2 eq "") {
$hash1->{$key} = [ $hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key} ];
} else {
dief("unexpected values to merge: %s and %s",
$hash1->{$key}, $hash2->{$key});
# prune the given configuration hash (i.e. remove the keys with undefined value)
sub _prune ($);
sub _prune ($) {
my($hash) = @_;
dief("unexpected hash to prune: %s", $hash) unless ref($hash) eq "HASH";
foreach my $key (keys(%{ $hash })) {
if (defined($hash->{$key})) {
_prune($hash->{$key}) if ref($hash->{$key}) eq "HASH";
} else {
push(@list, $key);
foreach my $key (@list) {
# hack the configuration in %Config
my @hack_config_options = (
{ type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^(merge|set|unset)?$/ },
{ type => SCALAR },
{ type => SCALAR, optional => 1},
sub hack_config (@) {
my($action, $path, $value) = validate_pos(@_, @hack_config_options);
my(%cfg, $cfg, @names);
@names = grep(length($_), split(/\//, $path));
if ($action eq "merge") {
log_debug("hack merge %s = %s", $path, $value);
%cfg = ();
$cfg = \%cfg;
while (@names > 1) {
$cfg = $cfg->{shift(@names)} = {};
$cfg->{shift(@names)} = $value;
_merge(\%Config, \%cfg);
} elsif ($action eq "set") {
log_debug("hack set %s = %s", $path, $value);
$cfg = \%Config;
while (@names > 1) {
if (ref($cfg->{$names[0]}) eq "HASH") {
$cfg = $cfg->{shift(@names)};
} else {
$cfg = $cfg->{shift(@names)} = {};
$cfg->{shift(@names)} = $value;
} elsif ($action eq "unset") {
log_debug("hack unset %s", $path);
$cfg = \%Config;
while (@names > 1) {
if (ref($cfg->{$names[0]}) eq "HASH") {
$cfg = $cfg->{shift(@names)};
} else {
$cfg = undef;
delete($cfg->{shift(@names)}) if $cfg;
} else {
dief("unexpected hack action: %s", $action);
# load the given configuration file(s) into %Config
sub load_config (@) {
my(@paths) = validate_pos(@_, ({ type => SCALAR }) x (@_ || 1));
my($json, %cfg, $cfg);
foreach my $path (@paths) {
log_debug("loading file %s...", $path);
$json = $path =~ /\.json$/;
if ($json and substr($path, 0, 1) ne "/" and not -e $path) {
foreach my $inc (@IncPath, "$HomeDir/cfg") {
next unless -e "$inc/$path";
$path = "$inc/$path";
if ($json) {
$cfg = from_json(file_read($path), { relaxed => 1 });
dief("unexpected JSON: %s", $path) unless ref($cfg) eq "HASH";
} else {
%cfg = ParseConfig(
-ConfigFile => $path,
-ConfigPath => [ @IncPath, "$HomeDir/cfg" ],
-CComments => 0,
-IncludeAgain => 1,
-IncludeGlob => 1,
-IncludeRelative => 1,
-MergeDuplicateBlocks => 1,
-MergeDuplicateOptions => 0,
$cfg = \%cfg;
_merge(\%Config, $cfg);
# merge the given configuration into %Config
my @merge_config_options = (
{ type => HASHREF },
sub merge_config ($) {
my($cfg) = validate_pos(@_, @merge_config_options);
_merge(\%Config, $cfg);
# prune the configuration in %Config
sub prune_config () {
# transform the configuration in %Config into a string
my %stringify_config_options = (
format => {
optional => 1,
type => SCALAR,
regex => qr/^(Config::General|JSON)?$/,
sub stringify_config (@) {
my(%option, $cfg);
%option = validate(@_, \%stringify_config_options);
if (not $option{format} or $option{format} eq "Config::General") {
$cfg = Config::General->new(
-ConfigHash => \%Config,
-SplitPolicy => "equalsign",
-SaveSorted => 1,
if ($option{format} eq "JSON") {
return(to_json(\%Config, { pretty => 1, canonical => 1 }));
dief("unexpected configuration format: %s", $option{format});
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{"${_}_config"}++, qw(hack load merge prune stringify));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
Config::Generator::Config - Config::Generator configuration support
This module eases the manipulation of the high-level configuration data.
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item hack_config(ACTION, PATH[, VALUE])
modify the configuration under the given PATH; ACTION can be "merge", "set" or
=item load_config(PATH...)
load the given configuration files
=item merge_config(CONFIG)
merge the given configuration
=item prune_config()
prune the configuration (i.e. remove the keys with undefined value)
=item stringify_config([OPTIONS])
transform the configuration into a string; supported options:
=item * C<format>: name of the format to use instead; possible values:
=item * C<Config::General> (default)
=item * C<JSON>
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<http://cern.ch/lionel.cons>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016