# #
# File: Config/Generator/XML.pm #
# #
# Description: Config::Generator XML support #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Generator::XML;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.1";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.18 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use Params::Validate qw(validate validate_pos :types);
use XML::Parser qw();
# constants
use constant TAB => " ";
# return a hash representing a blank line (i.e. no name and no body)
sub xml_blank () {
# return a hash representing an XML comment (i.e. no name and a string body)
my @xml_comment_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub xml_comment ($) {
my($string) = validate_pos(@_, @xml_comment_options);
return({ body => $string });
# return a hash representing an XML element
my @xml_element_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
{ type => ARRAYREF | HASHREF | UNDEF, optional => 1 },
sub xml_element ($;$@) {
my($name, $attr, @body) = validate_pos(@_, @xml_element_options,
@_ == 3 ? ({ type => SCALAR | HASHREF })
: ({ type => HASHREF }) x (@_ - 2)
$elt{name} = $name;
$elt{attr} = $attr if $attr;
if (@body) {
if (@body == 1 and not ref($body[0])) {
$elt{body} = $body[0];
} else {
$elt{body} = \@body;
# parse the given string that must contain valid XML
my @xml_parse_options = (
{ type => SCALAR },
sub xml_parse ($) {
my($string) = validate_pos(@_, @xml_parse_options);
$parser = XML::Parser->new(Style => __PACKAGE__ . "::Parser");
# escape a string so that it can be used outside CDATA
sub _escape ($) {
my($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/&/&/g;
$string =~ s/</</g;
$string =~ s/>/>/g;
# return the list of attributes of an XML element
sub _attrs ($%) {
my($elt, %option) = @_;
my($eltname, @names, @attrs);
return() unless $elt->{attr};
$eltname = $elt->{name};
if (ref($elt->{attr}) eq "HASH") {
# given as hash for convenience
if ($option{sort}{$eltname}) {
@names = $option{sort}{$eltname}->(keys(%{ $elt->{attr} }));
} else {
@names = sort(keys(%{ $elt->{attr} }));
foreach my $name (@names) {
push(@attrs, $name . '="' . $elt->{attr}{$name} . '"');
} elsif (ref($elt->{attr}) eq "ARRAY") {
# given as name=value array for full control
@attrs = @{ $elt->{attr} };
} else {
dief("unexpected XML attribute: %s", $elt->{attr});
# return a string representing a blank line or an XML comment
sub _strspc ($$) {
my($string, $indent) = @_;
return("\n") unless defined($string);
$xml = $indent . "<!--";
if ($string =~ /\n/) {
$xml .= "\n";
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $string)) {
$xml .= $indent . TAB() . $line . "\n";
$xml .= $indent;
} else {
$xml .= " $string ";
$xml .= "-->\n";
# return a string representing an XML element (private)
sub _strelt ($%);
sub _strelt ($%) {
my($elt, %option) = @_;
my($eltname, $indent, $xml, @attrs, $line, $sep);
$eltname = $elt->{name};
$indent = TAB() x $option{indent};
return(_strspc($elt->{body}, $indent)) unless $eltname;
$xml = $indent . "<" . $eltname;
@attrs = _attrs($elt, %option);
if (@attrs) {
@attrs = map(_escape($_), @attrs);
$line = $option{line};
$line = 1 if $option{split}{$eltname};
if ($line and length("$indent<$eltname @attrs>\n") > $line) {
$sep = "\n$indent";
@attrs = (map(TAB() . $_, @attrs), "");
} else {
$sep = " ";
$xml .= join($sep, "", @attrs);
if (defined($elt->{body}) and not ref($elt->{body})) {
# string body
$xml .= ">" . $elt->{body} . "</" . $eltname . ">\n";
} elsif ($elt->{body} and @{ $elt->{body} }) {
# structure body
$xml .= ">\n";
foreach my $child (@{ $elt->{body} }) {
dief("unexpected XML child: %s", $child)
unless ref($child) eq "HASH";
$xml .= _strelt($child, %option);
$xml .= $indent . "</" . $eltname . ">\n";
} else {
# no body
$xml .= "/>\n";
# return a string representing an XML element (public)
my %xml_string_options = (
indent => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\d+$/ },
line => { optional => 1, type => SCALAR, regex => qr/^\d+$/ },
sort => { optional => 1, type => HASHREF },
split => { optional => 1, type => HASHREF },
sub xml_string ($@) {
my($elt, %option);
$elt = shift(@_);
dief("unexpected XML element: %s", $elt)
unless ref($elt) eq "HASH";
%option = validate(@_, \%xml_string_options) if @_;
$option{indent} ||= 0;
return(_strelt($elt, %option));
# wrap the given XML elements into nested elements with no attributes
sub xml_wrap (@);
sub xml_wrap (@) {
my($name, @list) = @_;
dief("no XML elements given to xml_wrap()!") unless @list;
return(xml_element($name, undef, xml_wrap(@list))) if ref($list[0]) eq "";
return(xml_element($name, undef, @list));
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
grep($exported{$_}++, map("xml_$_",
qw(blank comment element parse string wrap)));
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
# #
# XML::Parser-compatible handlers #
# #
package Config::Generator::XML::Parser;
use strict;
use warnings;
# used modules
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
# handlers
sub Init ($) {
my($parser) = @_;
$parser->{TopLevel} = $parser->{Current} = [];
$parser->{Stack} = [];
sub Start ($$%) {
my($parser, $tag, %attr) = @_;
$elt = {
name => $tag,
attr => \%attr,
body => [],
push(@{ $parser->{Stack} }, $parser->{Current});
push(@{ $parser->{Current} }, $elt);
$parser->{Current} = $elt->{body};
sub End ($$) {
my($parser, $tag) = @_;
$elt = $parser->{Stack}[-1][-1];
# FIXME: forbid multi-line body?
if (@{ $elt->{body} } == 0) {
# no body
} elsif (@{ $elt->{body} } == 1 and not ref($elt->{body}[0])) {
# string body
$elt->{body} = $elt->{body}[0];
} elsif (@{ $elt->{body} } > 1) {
# enforce body consistency
foreach my $chunk (@{ $elt->{body} }) {
dief("unexpected text: %s", $chunk) unless ref($chunk);
$parser->{Current} = pop(@{ $parser->{Stack} });
sub Char ($$) {
my($parser, $text) = @_;
return if $text =~ /^\s*$/;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
dief("unexpected multi-line text: %s", $text) if $text =~ /\n/;
push(@{ $parser->{Current} }, $text);
sub Comment ($$) {
my($parser, $text) = @_;
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
foreach my $line (split(/\n/, $text)) {
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
push(@lines, $line);
push(@{ $parser->{Current} }, { body => join("\n", @lines) });
sub Final ($) {
my($parser) = @_;
return(@{ delete($parser->{TopLevel}) });
=head1 NAME
Config::Generator::XML - Config::Generator XML support
This module eases XML content generation by providing several functions to
generate XML abstractions (xml_blank(), xml_comment(), xml_element(),
xml_parse() and xml_wrap()) and one function to convert these abstractions
into strings (xml_string()).
Note: only a subset of XML is supported. This means that this module is not
suited for HTML generation.
This module provides the following functions (none of them being exported by
=item xml_blank()
return an XML abstraction representing a blank line
=item xml_comment(STRING)
return an XML abstraction representing a comment
=item xml_element(NAME[, ATTR[, BODY]])
return an XML abstraction representing an element:
=item * ATTR: defines the attributes as a hash or array reference
=item * BODY: defines the body as a string or list of XML abstractions
=item xml_parse(STRING)
parse the given string (that must contain well formed XML) and return the list
of XML abstractions it contains
=item xml_string(ELEMENT[, OPTIONS])
return the string representation of the given XML abstraction; supported
=item * C<indent>: how many spaces to prepend to each line (default: 0)
=item * C<line>: maximum line length (longer lines will be wrapped)
=item * C<sort>: which elements to have their attributes sorted differently,
as a hash: name => sorting function
=item * C<split>: which elements to split (i.e. to have their attributes split
on different lines), as a hash: name => boolean
=item xml_wrap(NAMES, ELEMENTS)
wrap the given XML elements into nested elements of the given names (with no
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<http://cern.ch/lionel.cons>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016