package Config::Grammar::Document;
# This is a helper class for Config::Grammar implementing the logic
# of its documentation-generating methods.
# This code is placed here instead of Config::Grammar in order to make
# the main module leaner. These methods are only used in special cases.
# Note that the installation of this module is optional: if you don't install
# it, the make...() methods just won't work.
sub _describevar {
my $tree = shift;
my $var = shift;
my $mandatory = ( $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $var} @{$tree->{_mandatory}} ) ?
" I<(mandatory setting)>" : "";
my @doc;
push @doc, "=item B<$var>".$mandatory;
push @doc, $tree->{$var}{_doc} if $tree->{$var}{_doc} ;
my $inherited = ( $tree->{_inherited} and
grep {$_ eq $var} @{$tree->{_inherited}});
push @doc, "This variable I<inherits> its value from the parent section if nothing is specified here."
if $inherited;
push @doc, "Default value: $var = $tree->{$var}{_default}"
if ($tree->{$var}{_default});
push @doc, "Example: $var = $tree->{$var}{_example}"
if ($tree->{$var}{_example});
return @doc;
sub _genpod($$$);
sub _genpod($$$)
my ($tree, $level, $doc) = @_;
if ($tree->{_vars}){
push @{$doc}, "The following variables can be set in this section:";
push @{$doc}, "=over";
foreach my $var (@{$tree->{_vars}}){
push @{$doc}, _describevar($tree, $var);
push @{$doc}, "=back";
if ($tree->{_text}){
push @{$doc}, ($tree->{_text}{_doc} or "Unspecified Text content");
if ($tree->{_text}{_example}){
my $ex = $tree->{_text}{_example};
chomp $ex;
$ex = map {" $_"} split /\n/, $ex;
push @{$doc}, "Example:\n\n$ex\n";
if ($tree->{_table}){
push @{$doc}, ($tree->{_table}{_doc} or
"This section can contain a table ".
"with the following structure:" );
push @{$doc}, "=over";
for (my $i=0;$i < $tree->{_table}{_columns}; $i++){
push @{$doc}, "=item column $i";
push @{$doc}, ($tree->{_table}{$i}{_doc} or
"Unspecific Content");
push @{$doc}, "Example: $tree->{_table}{$i}{_example}"
if ($tree->{_table}{$i}{_example})
push @{$doc}, "=back";
if ($tree->{_sections}){
if ($level > 0) {
push @{$doc}, "The following sections are valid on level $level:";
push @{$doc}, "=over";
foreach my $section (@{$tree->{_sections}}){
my $mandatory = ( $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $section} @{$tree->{_mandatory}} ) ?
" I<(mandatory section)>" : "";
push @{$doc}, ($level > 0) ?
"=item B<".("+" x $level)."$section>$mandatory" :
"=head2 *** $section ***$mandatory";
if ($tree eq $tree->{$section}) {
push @{$doc}, "This subsection has the same syntax as its parent.";
push @{$doc}, ($tree->{$section}{_doc})
if $tree->{$section}{_doc};
push @{$doc}, "=back" if $level > 0
sub makepod($) {
my $self = shift;
my $tree = $self->{grammar};
my @doc;
return join("\n\n", @doc)."\n";
sub _gentmpl($$$@);
sub _gentmpl($$$@){
my $tree = shift;
my $complete = shift;
my $level = shift;
my $doc = shift;
my @start = @_;
if (scalar @start ) {
my $section = shift @start;
my $secex ='';
my $prefix = '';
$prefix = "# " unless $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $section} @{$tree->{_mandatory}};
if ($tree->{$section}{_example}) {
$secex = " # ( ex. $tree->{$section}{_example} )";
if($complete) {
push @{$doc}, $prefix.
(($level > 0) ? ("+" x $level)."$section" : "*** $section ***").$secex;
} else {
my $minsection=$section =~ m|^/| ? "" : $section;
push @{$doc},(($level > 0) ? ("+" x $level)."$minsection" : "*** $minsection ***");
my $match;
foreach my $s (@{$tree->{_sections}}){
if ($s =~ m|^/.+/$| and $section =~ /$s/ or $s eq $section) {
_gentmpl ($tree->{$s},$complete,$level+1,$doc,@start)
unless $tree eq $tree->{$s};
$match = 1;
push @{$doc}, "# Section $section is not a valid choice"
unless $match;
} else {
if ($tree->{_vars}){
foreach my $var (@{$tree->{_vars}}){
my $mandatory= ($tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $var} @{$tree->{_mandatory}});
if($complete) {
push @{$doc}, "# $var = ".
($tree->{$var}{_example} || ' * no example *');
push @{$doc}, "$var=" if $mandatory;
} else {
push @{$doc}, ($mandatory?"":"# ")."$var=";
next unless $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $var} @{$tree->{_mandatory}};
if ($tree->{_text} and $complete){
if ($tree->{_text}{_example}){
my $ex = $tree->{_text}{_example};
chomp $ex;
$ex = map {"# $_"} split /\n/, $ex;
push @{$doc}, "$ex\n";
if ($tree->{_table} and $complete){
my $table = "# table\n#";
for (my $i=0;$i < $tree->{_table}{_columns}; $i++){
$table .= ' "'.($tree->{_table}{$i}{_example} || "C$i").'"';
push @{$doc}, $table;
if ($tree->{_sections}){
foreach my $section (@{$tree->{_sections}}){
my $opt = "";
unless( $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $section} @{$tree->{_mandatory}} ) {
$opt="\n# optional section\n" if $complete;
my $prefix = '';
$prefix = "# " unless $tree->{_mandatory} and
grep {$_ eq $section} @{$tree->{_mandatory}};
my $secex ="";
if ($section =~ m|^/.+/$| && $tree->{$section}{_example}) {
$secex = " # ( ex. $tree->{$section}{_example} )"
if $complete;
if($complete) {
push @{$doc}, $prefix.
(($level > 0) ? ("+" x $level)."$section" : "*** $section ***").
} else {
my $minsection=$section =~ m|^/| ? "" : $section;
push @{$doc},(($level > 0) ? ("+" x $level)."$minsection" : "*** $minsection ***");
_gentmpl ($tree->{$section},$complete,$level+1,$doc,@start)
unless $tree eq $tree->{$section};
sub maketmpl ($@) {
my $self = shift;
my @start = @_;
my $tree = $self->{grammar};
my @tmpl;
_gentmpl $tree,1,0,\@tmpl,@start;
return join("\n", @tmpl)."\n";
sub makemintmpl ($@) {
my $self = shift;
my @start = @_;
my $tree = $self->{grammar};
my @tmpl;
_gentmpl $tree,0,0,\@tmpl,@start;
return join("\n", @tmpl)."\n";