# #
# File: Config/Validator.pm #
# #
# Description: schema based configuration validation #
# #
# module definition
package Config::Validator;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = "1.4";
our $REVISION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.36 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# used modules
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief);
use No::Worries::Export qw(export_control);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed reftype);
use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_unescape);
# global variables
$_Known, # hash reference of known schemas used by _check_type()
$_BuiltIn, # hash reference of built-in schemas (to validate schemas)
%_RE, # hash of commonly used regular expressions
%_DurationScale, # hash of duration suffixes
%_SizeScale, # hash of size suffixes
%_DurationScale = (
ms => 0.001,
s => 1,
m => 60,
h => 60 * 60,
d => 60 * 60 * 24,
%_SizeScale = (
b => 1,
kb => 1024,
mb => 1024 * 1024,
gb => 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
tb => 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
# #
# regular expressions #
# #
sub _init_regexp () {
my($label, $byte, $hex4, $ipv4, $ipv6, @tail);
# simple ones
$_RE{boolean} = q/true|false/;
$_RE{integer} = q/[\+\-]?\d+/;
$_RE{number} = q/[\+\-]?(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(?:\.\d*)?(?:[Ee][\+\-]?\d+)?/;
$_RE{duration} = q/(?:\d+(?:ms|s|m|h|d))+|\d+/;
$_RE{size} = q/\d+[bB]?|(?:\d+\.)?\d+[kKmMgGtT][bB]/;
# complex ones
$label = q/[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?/;
$byte = q/25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d/;
$hex4 = q/[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}/;
$ipv4 = qq/(($byte)\\.){3}($byte)/;
@tail = (
$ipv6 = $hex4;
foreach my $tail (@tail) {
$ipv6 = "$hex4:($ipv6|$tail)";
$ipv6 = qq/:(:$hex4){0,5}((:$hex4){1,2}|:$ipv4)|$ipv6/;
$_RE{hostname} = qq/($label\\.)*$label/;
$_RE{ipv4} = $ipv4;
$_RE{ipv6} = $ipv6;
# improve some of them
foreach my $name (qw(hostname ipv4 ipv6)) {
$_RE{$name} =~ s/\(/(?:/g;
# compile them all
foreach my $name (keys(%_RE)) {
$_RE{$name} = qr/^(?:$_RE{$name})$/;
# #
# helper functions #
# #
# stringify any scalar, including undef
sub _string ($) {
my($scalar) = @_;
return(defined($scalar) ? "$scalar" : "<undef>");
# format an error
sub _errfmt (@);
sub _errfmt (@) {
my(@errors) = @_;
my($string, $tmp);
return("") unless @errors;
$string = shift(@errors);
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$tmp = ref($error) ? _errfmt(@{ $error }) : $error;
next unless length($tmp);
$tmp =~ s/^/ /mg;
$string .= "\n" . $tmp;
# expand a duration string and return the corresponding number of seconds
sub expand_duration ($) {
my($value) = @_;
if ($value =~ /^(\d+(ms|s|m|h|d))+$/) {
$result = 0;
while ($value =~ /(\d+)(ms|s|m|h|d)/g) {
$result += $1 * $_DurationScale{$2};
} else {
$result = $value;
# expand a size string and return the corresponding number of bytes
sub expand_size ($) {
my($value) = @_;
if ($value =~ /^(.+?)([kmgt]?b)$/i) {
return(int($1 * $_SizeScale{lc($2)} + 0.5));
} else {
# test if a boolean is true or false
sub is_true ($) {
my($value) = @_;
return(undef) unless defined($value);
return($value and not ref($value) and $value eq "true");
sub is_false ($) {
my($value) = @_;
return(undef) unless defined($value);
return($value and not ref($value) and $value eq "false");
# return the given thing as a list
sub listof ($) {
my($thing) = @_;
return() unless defined($thing);
return(@{ $thing }) if ref($thing) eq "ARRAY";
# #
# conversion helper functions #
# #
# string -> hash
sub string2hash ($) {
my($string) = @_;
foreach my $kv (split(/\s+/, $string)) {
if ($kv =~ /^([^\=]+)=(.*)$/) {
$hash{uri_unescape($1)} = uri_unescape($2);
} else {
dief("invalid hash key=value: %s", $kv);
return(%hash) if wantarray();
# hash -> string
sub hash2string (@) {
my(@args) = @_;
my($hash, @kvs);
if (@args == 1 and ref($args[0]) eq "HASH") {
$hash = $args[0];
} else {
$hash = { @args };
foreach my $key (sort(keys(%{ $hash }))) {
push(@kvs, uri_escape($key) . "=" . uri_escape($hash->{$key}));
return(join(" ", @kvs));
# treeify
sub treeify ($);
sub treeify ($) {
my($hash) = @_;
foreach my $key (grep(/-/, keys(%{ $hash }))) {
if ($key =~ /^(\w+)-(.+)$/) {
$hash->{$1}{$2} = delete($hash->{$key});
} else {
dief("unexpected configuration name: %s", $key);
foreach my $value (values(%{ $hash })) {
treeify($value) if ref($value) eq "HASH";
# return the value of the given option in a treeified hash
sub treeval ($$);
sub treeval ($$) {
my($hash, $name) = @_;
return($hash->{$name}) if exists($hash->{$name});
if ($name =~ /^(\w+)-(.+)$/) {
return() unless $hash->{$1};
return(treeval($hash->{$1}, $2));
# #
# built-in schemas #
# #
# check that a type is valid
sub _check_type ($$$);
sub _check_type ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
return() if $data =~ /^[a-z46]+$/;
return() if $data =~ /^(ref|isa)\(\*\)$/;
return() if $data =~ /^(ref|isa)\([\w\:]+\)$/;
if ($data =~ /^(list\??|table)\((.+)\)$/) {
return(_check_type($valid, $schema, $2));
if ($data =~ /^valid\((.+)\)$/) {
return() if $_Known->{$1};
return("unknown schema: $1");
return("unexpected type: $data");
# schema of a "type"
$_BuiltIn->{type} = {
type => "string",
match => qr/ ^
( anything # really anything
| undef # undef
| undefined # "
| defined # not undef
| string # any string
| boolean # either 'true' or 'false'
| number # any number
| integer # any integer
| duration # any duration, i.e. numbers with hms suffixes
| size # any size, i.e. number with optional byte-suffix
| hostname # host name
| ipv4 # IPv4 address
| ipv6 # IPv6 address
| reference # any reference, blessed or not
| ref\(\*\) # "
| blessed # any blessed reference
| object # "
| isa\(\*\) # "
| unblessed # any reference which is not blessed
| code # a code reference (aka ref(CODE))
| regexp # a regular expression (see is_regexp())
| list # an homogeneous list
| list\(.+\) # idem but with the given subtype
| list\?\(.+\) # shortcut: list?(X) means either X or list(X)
| table # an homogeneous table
| table\(.+\) # idem but with the given subtype
| struct # a structure, i.e. a table with known keys
| ref\(.+\) # a reference of the given kind
| isa\(.+\) # an object of the given kind
| valid\(.+\) # something valid according to the named schema
) $ /x,
check => \&_check_type,
# check that a schema is valid
sub _check_schema ($$$);
sub _check_schema ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
$field = "min";
goto unexpected if defined($data->{$field})
and not $data->{type} =~ /^(string|number|integer|list.*|table.*)$/;
$field = "max";
goto unexpected if defined($data->{$field})
and not $data->{type} =~ /^(string|number|integer|list.*|table.*)$/;
$field = "match";
goto unexpected if defined($data->{$field})
and not $data->{type} =~ /^(string|table.*)$/;
$field = "subtype";
if ($data->{type} =~ /^(list|table)$/) {
goto missing unless defined($data->{$field});
} else {
goto unexpected if defined($data->{$field});
$field = "fields";
if ($data->{type} =~ /^(struct)$/) {
goto missing unless defined($data->{$field});
} else {
goto unexpected if defined($data->{$field});
return(sprintf("unexpected schema field for type %s: %s",
$data->{type}, $field));
return(sprintf("missing schema field for type %s: %s",
$data->{type}, $field));
# schema of a "schema"
$_BuiltIn->{schema} = {
type => "struct",
fields => {
type => { type => "list?(valid(type))" },
subtype => { type => "valid(schema)", optional => "true" },
fields => { type => "table(valid(schema))", optional => "true" },
optional => { type => "boolean", optional => "true" },
min => { type => "number", optional => "true" },
max => { type => "number", optional => "true" },
match => { type => "regexp", optional => "true" },
check => { type => "code", optional => "true" },
check => \&_check_schema,
# #
# options helpers #
# #
# schema -> options
sub _options ($$$@);
sub _options ($$$@) {
my($valid, $schema, $type, @path) = @_;
$type ||= $schema->{type};
# terminal
return(join("-", @path) . "=s") if $type eq "string";
return(join("-", @path) . "=f") if $type eq "number";
return(join("-", @path) . "=i") if $type eq "integer";
return(join("-", @path) . "!") if $type eq "boolean";
# assumed to come from strings
return(join("-", @path) . "=s")
if $type =~ /^isa\(.+\)$/
or $type eq "table(string)"
or $type =~ /^(duration|hostname|ipv[46]|regexp|size)$/;
# recursion
if ($type =~ /^list\?\((.+)\)$/) {
return(map($_ . "\@", _options($valid, $schema, $1, @path)));
if ($type =~ /^valid\((.+)\)$/) {
dief("options(): unknown schema: %s", $1) unless $valid->{$1};
return(_options($valid, $valid->{$1}, undef, @path));
if ($type eq "struct") {
foreach my $field (keys(%{ $schema->{fields} })) {
push(@list, _options($valid, $schema->{fields}{$field},
undef, @path, $field));
# unsupported
dief("options(): unsupported type: %s", $type);
# treat the given options as mutually exclusive
sub mutex ($@) {
my($hash, @options) = @_;
foreach my $opt (@options) {
next unless defined(treeval($hash, $opt));
push(@list, $opt);
dief("options %s and %s are mutually exclusive", @list) if @list == 2;
# if the first option is set, all the others are required
sub reqall ($$@) {
my($hash, $opt1, @options) = @_;
return unless not defined($opt1) or defined(treeval($hash, $opt1));
foreach my $opt2 (@options) {
next if defined(treeval($hash, $opt2));
dief("option %s requires option %s", $opt1, $opt2) if defined($opt1);
dief("option %s is required", $opt2);
# if the first option is set, one at least of the others is required
sub reqany ($$@) {
my($hash, $opt1, @options) = @_;
return unless not defined($opt1) or defined(treeval($hash, $opt1));
foreach my $opt2 (@options) {
return if defined(treeval($hash, $opt2));
if (@options <= 2) {
$req = join(" or ", @options);
} else {
push(@options, join(" or ", splice(@options, -2)));
$req = join(", ", @options);
dief("option %s requires option %s", $opt1, $req) if defined($opt1);
dief("option %s is required", $req);
# #
# traverse helpers #
# #
# traverse data
sub _traverse_list ($$$$$$@) {
my($callback, $valid, $schema, $reftype, $subtype, $data, @path) = @_;
return unless $reftype eq "ARRAY";
foreach my $val (@{ $data }) {
_traverse($callback, $valid, $schema, $subtype,
$val, @path, 0);
sub _traverse_table ($$$$$$@) {
my($callback, $valid, $schema, $reftype, $subtype, $data, @path) = @_;
return unless $reftype eq "HASH";
foreach my $key (keys(%{ $data })) {
_traverse($callback, $valid, $schema, $subtype,
$data->{$key}, @path, $key);
sub _traverse_struct ($$$$$$@) {
my($callback, $valid, $schema, $reftype, $subtype, $data, @path) = @_;
return unless $reftype eq "HASH";
foreach my $key (keys(%{ $schema->{fields} })) {
next unless exists($data->{$key});
_traverse($callback, $valid, $schema->{fields}{$key}, undef,
$data->{$key}, @path, $key);
sub _traverse ($$$$$@);
sub _traverse ($$$$$@) {
my($callback, $valid, $schema, $type, $data, @path) = @_;
my($reftype, $subtype);
# set the type if missing
$type ||= $schema->{type};
# call the callback and stop unless we are told to continue
return unless $callback->($valid, $schema, $type, $_[4], @path);
# terminal
return if $type =~ /^(boolean|number|integer)$/;
return if $type =~ /^(duration|size|hostname|ipv[46])$/;
return if $type =~ /^(undef|undefined|defined|blessed|unblessed)$/;
return if $type =~ /^(anything|string|regexp|object|reference|code)$/;
# recursion
$reftype = reftype($data) || "";
if ($type =~ /^valid\((.+)\)$/) {
dief("traverse(): unknown schema: %s", $1) unless $valid->{$1};
_traverse($callback, $valid, $valid->{$1}, undef, $_[4], @path);
if ($type eq "struct") {
_traverse_struct($callback, $valid, $schema,
$reftype, $subtype, $data, @path);
if ($type =~ /^list$/) {
_traverse_list($callback, $valid, $schema->{subtype},
$reftype, $subtype, $data, @path);
if ($type =~ /^list\((.+)\)$/) {
_traverse_list($callback, $valid, $schema,
$reftype, $1, $data, @path);
if ($type =~ /^list\?\((.+)\)$/) {
if ($reftype eq "ARRAY") {
_traverse_list($callback, $valid, $schema,
$reftype, $1, $data, @path);
} else {
_traverse($callback, $valid, $schema,
$1, $_[4], @path);
if ($type =~ /^table$/) {
_traverse_table($callback, $valid, $schema->{subtype},
$reftype, $subtype, $data, @path);
if ($type =~ /^table\((.+)\)$/) {
_traverse_table($callback, $valid, $schema,
$reftype, $1, $data, @path);
# unsupported
dief("traverse(): unsupported type: %s", $type);
# #
# validation helpers #
# #
# test if something is a regular expression
if ($] >= 5.010) {
require re;
} else {
*is_regexp = sub { return(ref($_[0]) eq "Regexp") };
# validate that a value is within a numerical range
sub _validate_range ($$$$) {
my($what, $value, $min, $max) = @_;
return(sprintf("%s is not >= %s: %s", $what, $min, $value))
if defined($min) and not $value >= $min;
return(sprintf("%s is not <= %s: %s", $what, $max, $value))
if defined($max) and not $value <= $max;
# validate a list of homogeneous elements
sub _validate_list ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
my(@errors, $index, $element);
@errors = _validate_range("size", scalar(@{ $data }),
$schema->{min}, $schema->{max})
if defined($schema->{min}) or defined($schema->{max});
return(@errors) if @errors;
$index = 0;
foreach my $tmp (@{ $data }) {
$element = $tmp; # preserved outside loop
@errors = _validate($valid, $schema->{subtype}, $element);
goto invalid if @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid element %d: %s",
$index, _string($element)), \@errors);
# validate a table of homogeneous elements
sub _validate_table ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
my(@errors, $key);
@errors = _validate_range("size", scalar(keys(%{ $data })),
$schema->{min}, $schema->{max})
if defined($schema->{min}) or defined($schema->{max});
return(@errors) if @errors;
foreach my $tmp (keys(%{ $data })) {
$key = $tmp; # preserved outside loop
@errors = (sprintf("key does not match %s: %s",
$schema->{match}, $key))
if defined($schema->{match}) and not $key =~ $schema->{match};
goto invalid if @errors;
@errors = _validate($valid, $schema->{subtype}, $data->{$key});
goto invalid if @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid element %s: %s",
$key, _string($data->{$key})), \@errors);
# validate a struct, i.e. a hash with known fields
sub _validate_struct ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
my(@errors, $key);
# check the missing fields
foreach my $tmp (keys(%{ $schema->{fields} })) {
$key = $tmp; # preserved outside loop
next if exists($data->{$key});
next if is_true($schema->{fields}{$key}{optional});
return(sprintf("missing field: %s", $key));
# check the existing fields
foreach my $tmp (keys(%{ $data })) {
$key = $tmp; # preserved outside loop
return(sprintf("unexpected field: %s", $key))
unless $schema->{fields}{$key};
@errors = _validate($valid, $schema->{fields}{$key}, $data->{$key});
goto invalid if @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid field %s: %s",
$key, _string($data->{$key})), \@errors);
# validate something using multiple possible types
sub _validate_multiple ($$$@) {
my($valid, $schema, $data, @types) = @_;
my(@errors, %tmpschema, @tmperrors);
%tmpschema = %{ $schema };
foreach my $type (@types) {
$tmpschema{type} = $type;
@tmperrors = _validate($valid, \%tmpschema, $data);
return() unless @tmperrors;
push(@errors, [ @tmperrors ]);
return(sprintf("invalid data (none of the types could be validated): %s",
_string($data)), @errors);
# validate data (non-reference types)
sub _validate_data_nonref ($$) {
my($schema, $data) = @_;
my($type, @errors);
$type = $schema->{type};
if ($type eq "string") {
@errors = _validate_range
("length", length($data), $schema->{min}, $schema->{max})
if defined($schema->{min}) or defined($schema->{max});
@errors = (sprintf("value does not match %s: %s",
$schema->{match}, $data))
if not @errors and defined($schema->{match})
and not $data =~ $schema->{match};
} elsif ($type =~ /^(boolean|hostname|ipv[46])$/) {
goto invalid unless $data =~ $_RE{$type};
# additional hard-coded checks for host names...
if ($type eq "hostname") {
goto invalid if ".$data." =~ /\.\d+\./;
@errors = _validate_range("length", length($data), 1, 255);
} elsif ($type =~ /^(integer|number|duration|size)$/) {
goto invalid unless $data =~ $_RE{$type};
@errors = _validate_range
("value", $data, $schema->{min}, $schema->{max})
if defined($schema->{min}) or defined($schema->{max});
} else {
return(sprintf("unexpected type: %s", $type));
return() unless @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid %s: %s", $type, $data), \@errors);
# validate data (reference types)
## no critic (ProhibitCascadingIfElse, ProhibitExcessComplexity)
sub _validate_data_ref ($$$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data, $reftype) = @_;
my(@errors, %tmpschema, $blessed);
$blessed = defined(blessed($data));
if ($schema->{type} =~ /^(blessed|object|isa\(\*\))$/) {
goto invalid unless $blessed;
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "unblessed") {
goto invalid if $blessed;
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "code") {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "CODE";
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "regexp") {
goto invalid unless is_regexp($data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "list") {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "ARRAY";
@errors = _validate_list($valid, $schema, $data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} =~ /^list\((.+)\)$/) {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "ARRAY";
%tmpschema = %{ $schema };
$tmpschema{subtype} = { type => $1 };
@errors = _validate_list($valid, \%tmpschema, $data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "table") {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "HASH";
@errors = _validate_table($valid, $schema, $data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} =~ /^table\((.+)\)$/) {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "HASH";
%tmpschema = %{ $schema };
$tmpschema{subtype} = { type => $1 };
@errors = _validate_table($valid, \%tmpschema, $data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} eq "struct") {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq "HASH";
@errors = _validate_struct($valid, $schema, $data);
} elsif ($schema->{type} =~ /^ref\((.+)\)$/) {
goto invalid unless $reftype eq $1;
} elsif ($schema->{type} =~ /^isa\((.+)\)$/) {
goto invalid unless $blessed and $data->isa($1);
} else {
return(sprintf("unexpected type: %s", $schema->{type}));
return() unless @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid %s: %s", $schema->{type}, $data), \@errors);
## use critic
# validate something
sub _validate ($$$);
sub _validate ($$$) {
my($valid, $schema, $data) = @_;
my($type, @errors, $reftype, $blessed, %tmpschema);
$type = $schema->{type};
# check multiple types
if (ref($type) eq "ARRAY") {
return(_validate_multiple($valid, $schema, $data, @{ $type }));
# check list?(X)
if ($type =~ /^list\?\((.+)\)$/) {
return(_validate_multiple($valid, $schema, $data, $1, "list($1)"));
# check valid(X)
if ($type =~ /^valid\((.+)\)$/) {
return(sprintf("unexpected schema: %s", $1)) unless $valid->{$1};
return(_validate($valid, $valid->{$1}, $data));
# check anything
goto good if $type eq "anything";
# check if defined
if ($type =~ /^(undef|undefined)$/) {
goto invalid if defined($data);
goto good;
return(sprintf("invalid %s: <undef>", $type))
unless defined($data);
goto good if $type eq "defined";
$reftype = reftype($data);
if ($type =~ /^(string|boolean|number|integer)$/ or
$type =~ /^(duration|size|hostname|ipv[46])$/) {
# check reference type (for non-reference)
goto invalid if defined($reftype);
@errors = _validate_data_nonref($schema, $data);
} else {
# check reference type (for reference)
goto invalid unless defined($reftype);
goto good if $type =~ /^(reference|ref\(\*\))$/;
@errors = _validate_data_ref($valid, $schema, $data, $reftype);
return(@errors) if @errors;
@errors = $schema->{check}->($valid, $schema, $data) if $schema->{check};
return() unless @errors;
return(sprintf("invalid %s: %s", $type, $data), \@errors);
# #
# object oriented interface #
# #
# create a validator object
sub new : method {
my($class, $self, @errors);
$class = shift(@_);
$self = {};
# find out which schema(s) to use
if (@_ == 0) {
$self->{schema} = $_BuiltIn;
} elsif (@_ == 1) {
$self->{schema}{""} = $_[0];
} elsif (@_ % 2 == 0) {
$self->{schema} = { @_ };
} else {
dief("new(): unexpected number of arguments: %d", scalar(@_));
# validate them
local $_Known = $self->{schema};
@errors = _validate($_BuiltIn, { type => "table(valid(schema))" },
dief("new(): invalid schema: %s", _errfmt(@errors)) if @errors;
# so far so good!
bless($self, $class);
# convert to a list of options
sub options : method {
my($self, $schema);
$self = shift(@_);
# find out which schema to convert to options
if (@_ == 0) {
dief("options(): no default schema")
unless $self->{schema}{""};
$schema = $self->{schema}{""};
} elsif (@_ == 1) {
$schema = shift(@_);
dief("options(): unknown schema: %s", $schema)
unless $self->{schema}{$schema};
$schema = $self->{schema}{$schema};
} else {
dief("options(): unexpected number of arguments: %d", scalar(@_));
# convert to options
return(_options($self->{schema}, $schema, undef));
# validate the given data
sub validate : method {
my($self, $data, $schema, @errors);
$self = shift(@_);
# find out what to validate against
if (@_ == 1) {
$data = shift(@_);
dief("validate(): no default schema")
unless $self->{schema}{""};
$schema = $self->{schema}{""};
} elsif (@_ == 2) {
$data = shift(@_);
$schema = shift(@_);
dief("validate(): unknown schema: %s", $schema)
unless $self->{schema}{$schema};
$schema = $self->{schema}{$schema};
} else {
dief("validate(): unexpected number of arguments: %d", scalar(@_));
# validate data
local $_Known = $self->{schema};
@errors = _validate($self->{schema}, $schema, $data);
dief("validate(): %s", _errfmt(@errors)) if @errors;
# traverse the given data
sub traverse : method {
my($self, $callback, $data, $schema);
$self = shift(@_);
# find out what to traverse
if (@_ == 2) {
$callback = shift(@_);
$data = shift(@_);
dief("traverse(): no default schema")
unless $self->{schema}{""};
$schema = $self->{schema}{""};
} elsif (@_ == 3) {
$callback = shift(@_);
$data = shift(@_);
$schema = shift(@_);
dief("traverse(): unknown schema: %s", $schema)
unless $self->{schema}{$schema};
$schema = $self->{schema}{$schema};
} else {
dief("traverse(): unexpected number of arguments: %d", scalar(@_));
# traverse data
_traverse($callback, $self->{schema}, $schema, undef, $data);
# export control
sub import : method {
my($pkg, %exported);
$pkg = shift(@_);
foreach my $name (qw(string2hash hash2string treeify treeval
expand_duration expand_size
is_true is_false is_regexp listof
mutex reqall reqany)) {
export_control(scalar(caller()), $pkg, \%exported, @_);
=head1 NAME
Config::Validator - schema based configuration validation
use Config::Validator;
# simple usage
$validator = Config::Validator->new({ type => "list(integer)" });
$validator->validate([ 1, 2 ]); # OK
$validator->validate([ 1, 2.3 ]); # FAIL
$validator->validate({ 1, 2 }); # FAIL
# advanced usage
$validator = Config::Validator->new(
octet => {
type => "integer",
min => 0,
max => 255,
color => {
type => "struct",
fields => {
red => { type => "valid(octet)" },
green => { type => "valid(octet)" },
blue => { type => "valid(octet)" },
{ red => 23, green => 47, blue => 6 }, "color"); # OK
{ red => 23, green => 470, blue => 6 }, "color"); # FAIL
{ red => 23, green => 47, lbue => 6 }, "color"); # FAIL
This module allows to perform schema based configuration validation.
The idea is to define in a schema what valid data is. This schema can be used
to create a validator object that can in turn be used to make sure that some
data indeed conforms to the schema.
Although the primary focus is on "configuration" (for instance as provided by
modules like L<Config::General>) and, to a lesser extent, "options" (for
instance as provided by modules like L<Getopt::Long>), this module can in fact
validate any data structure.
=head1 METHODS
The following methods are available:
=item new([OPTIONS])
return a new Config::Validator object (class method)
=item options([NAME])
convert the named schema (or the default schema if the name is not given) to a
list of L<Getopt::Long> compatible options
=item validate(DATA[, NAME])
validate the given data using the named schema (or the default schema if the
name is not given)
=item traverse(CALLBACK, DATA[, NAME])
traverse the given data using the named schema (or the default schema if the
name is not given) and call the given CALLBACK on each node
The following convenient functions are available:
=item is_true(SCALAR)
check if the given scalar is the boolean C<true>
=item is_false(SCALAR)
check if the given scalar is the boolean C<false>
=item is_regexp(SCALAR)
check if the given scalar is a compiled regular expression
=item expand_duration(STRING)
convert a string representing a duration (such as "1h10m12s") into the
corresponding number of seconds (such as "4212")
=item expand_size(STRING)
convert a string representing a size (such as "1.5kB") into the corresponding
integer (such as "1536")
=item listof(SCALAR)
return the given scalar as a list, dereferencing it if it is a list reference
(this is very useful with the C<list?(X)> type)
=item string2hash(STRING)
convert a string of space separated key=value pairs into a hash or hash
=item hash2string(HASH)
convert a hash or hash reference into a string of space separated key=value
=item treeify(HASH)
modify (in place) a hash reference to turn it into a tree, using the dash
character to split keys
=item treeval(HASH, NAME)
return the value of the given option (e.g. C<foo-bar>) in a treeified hash
=item mutex(HASH, NAME...)
treat the given options as mutually exclusive
=item reqall(HASH, NAME1, NAME...)
if the first option is set, all the others are required
=item reqany(HASH, NAME1, NAME...)
if the first option is set, one at least of the others is required
=head1 SCHEMAS
A schema is simply a structure (i.e. a hash reference) with the following
fields (all of them being optional except the first one):
=item type
the type of the thing to validate (see the L</"TYPES"> section for the
complete list); this can also be a list of possible types (e.g. C<integer> or
=item subtype
for an homogeneous list or table, the schema of its elements
=item fields
for a structure, a table of the allowed fields, in the form: field name =E<gt>
corresponding schema
=item optional
for a structure field, it indicates that the field is optional
=item min
the minimum length/size, only for some types (integer, number, string, list
and table)
=item max
the maximum length/size, only for some types (integer, number, string, list
and table)
=item match
a regular expression used to validate a string or table keys
=item check
a code reference allowing to run user-supplied code to further validate the
As an example, the following schema describe what a valid schema is:
type => "struct",
fields => {
type => { type => "list?(valid(type))" },
subtype => { type => "valid(schema)", optional => "true" },
fields => { type => "table(valid(schema))", optional => "true" },
optional => { type => "boolean", optional => "true" },
min => { type => "number", optional => "true" },
max => { type => "number", optional => "true" },
match => { type => "regexp", optional => "true" },
check => { type => "code", optional => "true" },
For convenience and self-reference, schemas can be named.
To use named schemas, give them along with their names to the new() method:
$validator = Config::Validator->new(
name1 => { ... schema1 ... },
name2 => { ... schema2 ... },
You can then refer to them in the validate() method:
$validator->validate($data, "name1");
If you don't need named schemas, you can use the simpler form:
$validator = Config::Validator->new({ ... schema ... });
=head1 TYPES
Here are the different types that can be used:
=item anything
really anything, including undef
=item undef
the undefined value
=item undefined
synonym for C<undef>
=item defined
anything but undef
=item string
any string (in fact, anything that is defined and not a reference)
=item boolean
either C<true> or C<false>
=item number
any number (this is tested using a regular expression)
=item integer
any integer (this is tested using a regular expression)
=item duration
any duration (integers with optional time suffixes)
=item size
any size (integer with optional fractional part and optional byte-suffix)
=item hostname
any host name (as per RFC 1123)
=item ipv4
any IPv4 address (this is tested using a regular expression)
=item ipv6
any IPv6 address (this is tested using a regular expression)
=item reference
any reference, blessed or not
=item ref(*)
synonym for C<reference>
=item blessed
any blessed reference
=item object
synonym for C<blessed>
=item isa(*)
synonym for C<blessed>
=item unblessed
any reference which is not blessed
=item code
a code reference
=item regexp
a compiled regular expression
=item list
an homogeneous list
=item list(X)
idem but with the given subtype
=item list?(X)
shortcut for either C<X> or C<list(X)>
=item table
an homogeneous table
=item table(X)
idem but with the given subtype
=item struct
a structure, i.e. a table with known keys
=item ref(X)
a reference of the given kind
=item isa(X)
an object of the given kind
=item valid(X)
something valid according to the given named schema
This module works well with L<Config::General>. In particular, the C<list?(X)>
type matches the way L<Config::General> merges blocks.
For instance, one could use the following code:
use Config::General qw(ParseConfig);
use Config::Validator;
$validator = Config::Validator->new(
service => {
type => "struct",
fields => {
port => { type => "integer", min => 0, max => 65535 },
proto => { type => "string" },
host => {
type => "struct",
fields => {
name => { type => "string", match => qr/^\w+$/ },
service => { type => "list?(valid(service))" },
%cfg = ParseConfig(-ConfigFile => $path, -CComments => 0);
$validator->validate($cfg{host}, "host");
This would work with:
name = foo
port = 80
proto = http
where C<$cfg{host}{service}> is the service hash but also with:
name = foo
port = 80
proto = http
port = 443
proto = https
where C<$cfg{host}{service}> is the list of service hashes.
This module interacts nicely with L<Getopt::Long>: the options() method can be
used to convert a schema into a list of L<Getopt::Long> options.
Here is a simple example:
use Config::Validator;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
$validator = Config::Validator->new({
type => "struct",
fields => {
debug => {
type => "boolean",
optional => "true",
proto => {
type => "string",
match => qr/^\w+$/,
port => {
type => "integer",
min => 0,
max => 65535,
@options = $validator->options();
GetOptions(\%cfg, @options) or pod2usage(2);
This module can also be used to combine configuration and options validation
using the same schema. The idea is to:
=item *
define a unique schema validating both configuration and options
=item *
parse the command line options using L<Getopt::Long> (first pass, to detect a
C<--config> option)
=item *
read the configuration file using L<Config::General>
=item *
parse again the command line options, using the configuration data as default
=item *
validate the merged configuration/options data
In some situations, it may make sense to consider the configuration data as a
tree and prefer:
uri = foo://host1:1234
uri = foo://host2:2345
incoming-uri = foo://host1:1234
outgoing-uri = foo://host2:2345
The options() method flatten the schema to get a list of command line options
and the treeify() function transform flat options (as returned by
L<Getopt::Long>) into a deep tree so that it matches the schema. Then the
treeval() function can conveniently access the value of an option.
See the bundled examples for complete working programs illustrating some of
the possibilities of this module.
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<http://cern.ch/lionel.cons>
Copyright (C) CERN 2012-2015