#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Convert::Bencode;
=head1 NAME
Convert::Bencode - Functions for converting to/from bencoded strings
use Convert::Bencode qw(bencode bdecode);
my $string = "d4:ainti12345e3:key5:value4:type4:teste";
my $hashref = bdecode($string);
foreach my $key (keys(%{$hashref})) {
print "Key: $key, Value: ${$hashref}{$key}\n";
my $encoded_string = bencode($hashref);
print $encoded_string."\n";
This module provides two functions, C<bencode> and C<bdecode>, which
encode and decode bencoded strings respectivly.
=head2 Encoding
C<bencode()> expects to be passed a single value, which is either a scalar,
a arrary ref, or a hash ref, and it returns a scalar containing the bencoded
representation of the data structure it was passed. If the value passed was
a scalar, it returns either a bencoded string, or a bencoded integer (floating
points are not implemented, and would be returned as a string rather than a
integer). If the value was a array ref, it returns a bencoded list, with all
the values of that array also bencoded recursivly. If the value was a hash ref,
it returns a bencoded dictionary (which for all intents and purposes can be
thought of as a synonym for hash) containing the recursivly bencoded key and
value pairs of the hash.
=head2 Decoding
C<bdecode()> expects to be passed a single scalar containing the bencoded string
to be decoded. Its return value will be either a hash ref, a array ref, or a
scalar, depending on whether the outer most element of the bencoded string
was a dictionary, list, or a string/integer respectivly.
=head1 SEE ALSO
The description of bencode is part of the bittorrent protocol specification
which can be found at http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/protocol.html
=head1 BUGS
No error detection of bencoded data. Damaged input will most likely cause very bad things to happen, up to and including causeing the bdecode function to recurse infintly.
Created by R. Kyle Murphy <orclev@rejectedmaterial.com>, aka Orclev.
Copyright 2003 R. Kyle Murphy. All rights reserved. Convert::Bencode
is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Exporter ();
$VERSION = 1.03;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(&bencode &bdecode);
@EXPORT_FAIL = qw(&_dechunk);
%EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [qw(&bencode &bdecode)]);
END { }
sub bencode {
no locale;
my $item = shift;
my $line = '';
if(ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
$line = 'd';
foreach my $key (sort(keys %{$item})) {
$line .= bencode($key);
$line .= bencode(${$item}{$key});
$line .= 'e';
return $line;
if(ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
$line = 'l';
foreach my $l (@{$item}) {
$line .= bencode($l);
$line .= 'e';
return $line;
if($item =~ /^\d+$/) {
$line = 'i';
$line .= $item;
$line .= 'e';
return $line;
$line = length($item).":";
$line .= $item;
return $line;
sub bdecode {
my $string = shift;
my @chunks = split(//, $string);
my $root = _dechunk(\@chunks);
return $root;
sub _dechunk {
my $chunks = shift;
my $item = shift(@{$chunks});
if($item eq 'd') {
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
my %hash;
while($item ne 'e') {
unshift(@{$chunks}, $item);
my $key = _dechunk($chunks);
$hash{$key} = _dechunk($chunks);
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
return \%hash;
if($item eq 'l') {
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
my @list;
while($item ne 'e') {
unshift(@{$chunks}, $item);
push(@list, _dechunk($chunks));
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
return \@list;
if($item eq 'i') {
my $num;
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
while($item ne 'e') {
$num .= $item;
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
return $num;
if($item =~ /\d/) {
my $num;
while($item =~ /\d/) {
$num .= $item;
$item = shift(@{$chunks});
my $line = '';
for(1 .. $num) {
$line .= shift(@{$chunks});
return $line;
return $chunks;