# Copyright (c) 2011-2015 T.v.Dein <tlinden |AT| cpan.org>.
# Licensed under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0
# see: http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0
package Crypt::PWSafe3::Field;
use Carp::Heavy;
use Carp;
use Exporter ();
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use utf8;
$Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::VERSION = '1.06';
%Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2type = (
uuid => 0x01,
group => 0x02,
title => 0x03,
user => 0x04,
passwd => 0x06,
notes => 0x05,
ctime => 0x07,
mtime => 0x08,
atime => 0x09,
reserve => 0x0b,
lastmod => 0x0c,
url => 0x0d,
autotype => 0x0e,
pwhist => 0x0f,
pwpol => 0x10,
pwexp => 0x11,
eof => 0xff
%Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2name = map { $Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2type{$_} => $_ } keys %Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2type;
my @fields = qw(raw len value type name);
foreach my $field (@fields) {
eval qq(
*Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::$field = sub {
my(\$this, \$arg) = \@_;
if (\$arg) {
return \$this->{$field} = \$arg;
else {
return \$this->{$field};
sub new {
# new field object
my($this, %param) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
my $self = \%param;
bless($self, $class);
if (! exists $param{type}) {
if (exists $param{name}) {
$param{type} = $Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2type{$param{name}};
else {
croak "HeaderField needs to have a type/name parameter!";
my @convtime = (0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c);
my @convhex = (0x01);
my @convbyte = (0x00, 0x11);
if (exists $param{raw}) {
if (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convtime) {
$self->{value} = unpack("L<", $param{raw});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convhex) {
$self->{value} = unpack('H*', $param{raw});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convbyte) {
$self->{value} = unpack('S<', $param{raw});
else {
$self->{value} = $param{raw};
$self->{len} = length($param{raw});
else {
if (exists $param{value}) {
if (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convtime) {
$self->{raw} = pack("L<", $param{value});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convhex) {
$self->{raw} = pack('H*', $param{value});
elsif (grep { $_ eq $param{type} } @convbyte) {
$self->{raw} = pack('S<', $param{value});
else {
$self->{raw} = $param{value};
else {
croak "Either raw or value must be given to Crypt::PWSafe3::Field->new()";
$self->{len} = length($param{raw});
if (exists $Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2name{$self->{type}}) {
$self->{name} = $Crypt::PWSafe3::Field::map2name{$self->{type}};
else {
$self->{name} = $self->{type};
return $self;
sub eq {
# compare this field with the given one
my ($this, $field) = @_;
return $this->type == $field->type and $this->value eq $field->value;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::PWSafe3::Field - represent a passwordsafe v3 record field.
use Crypt::PWSafe3;
my $record = $vault->getrecord($uuid);
print $record-{field}->{user}->raw();
print $record-{field}->{user}->len();
B<Crypt::PWSafe3::Field> represents a record field. This is the
raw implementation and you normally don't have to cope with it.
However, if you ever do, you can do it this way:
my $field = Crypt::PWSafe3::Field->new(
value => 'testing',
name => 'title
This is the preferred way to do it, Crypt::PWSafe3 does
it internaly exactly like this.
If there already exists a record field of this type, it will
be overwritten.
The better way to handle fields is the method B<modifyfield()>
of the class L<Crypt::PWSafe3::Record>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
T.v.Dein <tlinden@cpan.org>
Copyright (c) 2011-2015 by T.v.Dein <tlinden@cpan.org>.
All rights reserved.
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms of the Artistic
License 2.0, see: L<http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0>