package DBD::Mock::Session;
use strict;
use warnings;
# - Class - #
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $name = ref( $_[0] ) ? "Session $INSTANCE_COUNT" : shift;
$class->_verify_states( $name, @_ );
bless {
name => $name,
states => \@_,
state_index => 0
}, $class;
sub _verify_state {
my ( $class, $state, $index, $name ) = @_;
die "You must specify session states as HASH refs"
if ref($state) ne 'HASH';
die "Bad state '$index' in DBD::Mock::Session ($name)"
if not exists $state->{statement}
or not exists $state->{results};
my $stmt = $state->{statement};
my $ref = ref $stmt;
die "Bad 'statement' value '$stmt' in DBD::Mock::Session ($name)",
if ref($stmt) ne ''
and $ref ne 'CODE'
and $ref ne 'Regexp';
sub _verify_states {
my ( $class, $name, @states ) = @_;
die "You must specify at least one session state"
if scalar @states == 0;
for ( 0 .. scalar @states - 1 ) {
$class->_verify_state( $states[$_], $_, $name );
# - Instance - #
sub name {
my $self = shift;
sub reset {
my $self = shift;
$self->{state_index} = 0;
sub current_state {
my $self = shift;
my $idx = $self->{state_index};
return $self->{states}[$idx];
sub has_states_left {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{state_index} < $self->_num_states;
sub verify_statement {
my ( $self, $got ) = @_;
unless ( $self->has_states_left ) {
die "Session states exhausted, only '"
. $self->_num_states
. "' in DBD::Mock::Session ($self->name})";
my $state = $self->current_state;
my $expected = $state->{statement};
my $ref = ref($expected);
if ( $ref eq 'Regexp' and $got !~ /$expected/ ) {
die "Statement does not match current state (with Regexp) in "
. "DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})\n"
. " got: $got\n"
. " expected: $expected",
if ( $ref eq 'CODE' and not $expected->( $got, $state ) ) {
die "Statement does not match current state (with CODE ref) in "
. "DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})";
if ( not $ref and $got ne $expected ) {
die "Statement does not match current state in "
. "DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})\n"
. " got: $got\n"
. " expected: $expected";
sub results_for {
my ( $self, $statment ) = @_;
sub verify_bound_params {
my ( $self, $params ) = @_;
my $current_state = $self->current_state;
if ( exists ${$current_state}{bound_params} ) {
my $expected = $current_state->{bound_params};
if ( scalar @$expected != scalar @$params ) {
die "Not the same number of bound params in current state in "
. "DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})\n"
. " got: @{$params}"
. " expected: @{$expected}";
for ( 0 .. scalar @{$params} - 1 ) {
$self->_verify_bound_param( $params->[$_], $expected->[$_], $_ );
# and make sure we go to
# the next statement
sub _find_state_for {
my ( $self, $statement ) = @_;
foreach ( $self->_remaining_states ) {
my $stmt = $_->{statement};
my $ref = ref($stmt);
return $_ if ( $ref eq 'Regexp' and $statement =~ /$stmt/ );
return $_ if ( $ref eq 'CODE' and $stmt->( $statement, $_ ) );
return $_ if ( not $ref and $stmt eq $statement );
die "Statement '$statement' not found in session ($self->{name})";
sub _num_states {
my $self = shift;
scalar @{ $self->{states} };
sub _remaining_states {
my $self = shift;
my $start_index = $self->{state_index};
my $end_index = $self->_num_states - 1;
@{ $self->{states} }[ $start_index .. $end_index ];
sub _verify_bound_param {
my ( $self, $got, $expected, $index ) = @_;
no warnings;
my $ref = ref $expected;
if ( $ref eq 'Regexp' ) {
if ( $got !~ /$expected/ ) {
die "Bound param $index do not match (using regexp) "
. "in current state in DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})"
. " got: $got\n"
. " expected: $expected";
} elsif ( $got ne $expected ) {
die "Bound param $index do not match "
. "in current state in DBD::Mock::Session ($self->{name})\n"
. " got: $got\n"
. " expected: $expected";