shell bypass 403
package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
# even though fatalization has been proven over and over to be a universally
# bad idea, this line has been part of the code from the beginning
# leaving the compat layer as-is, something may in fact depend on that
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
sub retrieve {
my $self = shift;
die "No args to retrieve" unless @_ > 0;
my @cols = $self->primary_columns;
my $query;
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
$query = { %{$_[0]} };
elsif (@_ == @cols) {
$query = {};
@{$query}{@cols} = @_;
else {
$query = {@_};
$query = $self->_build_query($query);
sub find_or_create {
my $self = shift;
my $query = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {@_};
$query = $self->_build_query($query);
# _build_query
# Build a query hash. Defaults to a no-op; ColumnCase overrides.
sub _build_query {
my ($self, $query) = @_;
return $query;
sub retrieve_from_sql {
my ($class, $cond, @rest) = @_;
$cond =~ s/^\s*WHERE//i;
# Need to parse the SQL clauses after WHERE in reverse
# order of appearance.
my %attrs;
if( $cond =~ s/\bLIMIT\s+(\d+)\s*$//i ) {
$attrs{rows} = $1;
if ( $cond =~ s/\bORDER\s+BY\s+(.*)\s*$//i ) {
$attrs{order_by} = $1;
if( $cond =~ s/\bGROUP\s+BY\s+(.*)\s*$//i ) {
$attrs{group_by} = $1;
return $class->search_literal($cond, @rest, ( %attrs ? \%attrs : () ) );
sub construct {
my $class = shift;
my $obj = $class->resultset_instance->new_result(@_);
return $obj;
sub retrieve_all { shift->search }
sub count_all { shift->count }
sub maximum_value_of {
my($class, $col) = @_;
return $class->resultset_instance->get_column($col)->max;
sub minimum_value_of {
my($class, $col) = @_;
return $class->resultset_instance->get_column($col)->min;