package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Class::C3::Componentised';
use mro 'c3';
use DBIx::Class::Carp '^DBIx::Class|^Class::C3::Componentised';
use namespace::clean;
# this warns of subtle bugs introduced by UTF8Columns hacky handling of store_column
# if and only if it is placed before something overriding store_column
sub inject_base {
my $class = shift;
my ($target, @complist) = @_;
# we already did load the component
my $keep_checking = ! (
$target->isa ('DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns')
$target->isa ('DBIx::Class::ForceUTF8')
my @target_isa;
while ($keep_checking && @complist) {
@target_isa = do { no strict 'refs'; @{"$target\::ISA"} }
unless @target_isa;
my $comp = pop @complist;
# warn here on use of either component, as we have no access to ForceUTF8,
# the author does not respond, and the Catalyst wiki used to recommend it
for (qw/DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns DBIx::Class::ForceUTF8/) {
if ($comp->isa ($_) ) {
$keep_checking = 0; # no use to check from this point on
carp_once "Use of $_ is strongly discouraged. See documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info\n"
# something unset $keep_checking - we got a unicode mangler
if (! $keep_checking) {
my $base_store_column = do { require DBIx::Class::Row; DBIx::Class::Row->can ('store_column') };
my @broken;
for my $existing_comp (@target_isa) {
my $sc = $existing_comp->can ('store_column')
or next;
if ($sc ne $base_store_column) {
require B;
my $definer = B::svref_2object($sc)->STASH->NAME;
push @broken, ($definer eq $existing_comp)
? $existing_comp
: "$existing_comp (via $definer)"
carp "Incorrect loading order of $comp by $target will affect other components overriding 'store_column' ("
. join (', ', @broken)
.'). Refer to the documentation of DBIx::Class::UTF8Columns for more info'
if @broken;
unshift @target_isa, $comp;