=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::Manual::Example - Simple CD database example
This tutorial will guide you through the process of setting up and
testing a very basic CD database using SQLite, with DBIx::Class::Schema
as the database frontend.
The database structure is based on the following rules:
An artist can have many cds, and each cd belongs to just one artist.
A cd can have many tracks, and each track belongs to just one cd.
The database is implemented with the following:
table 'artist' with columns: artistid, name
table 'cd' with columns: cdid, artistid, title, year
table 'track' with columns: trackid, cdid, title
Each of the table's first columns is the primary key; any subsequent
keys are foreign keys.
=head2 Installation
You'll need to install DBIx::Class via CPAN, and you'll also need to
install sqlite3 (not sqlite) if it's not already intalled.
=head3 The database/tables/data
Your distribution already comes with a pre-filled SQLite database
F<examples/Schema/db/example.db>. You can see it by e.g.
cpanm --look DBIx::Class
If for some reason the file is unreadable on your system, you can
recreate it as follows:
cp -a <unpacked-DBIC-tarball>/examples/Schema dbicapp
cd dbicapp
rm db/example.db
sqlite3 db/example.db < db/example.sql
perl insertdb.pl
=head3 Testing the database
Enter the example Schema directory
cd <unpacked-DBIC-tarball>/examples/Schema
Run the script testdb.pl, which will test that the database has
successfully been filled.
When this script is run, it should output the following:
Leave Me Alone
Smooth Criminal
Dirty Diana
get_tracks_by_artist(Michael Jackson):
Billie Jean (from the CD 'Thriller')
Beat It (from the CD 'Thriller')
Leave Me Alone (from the CD 'Bad')
Smooth Criminal (from the CD 'Bad')
Dirty Diana (from the CD 'Bad')
The Marshall Mathers LP has the track 'Stan'.
get_cds_by_artist(Michael Jackson):
get_artist_by_track(Dirty Diana):
Michael Jackson recorded the track 'Dirty Diana'.
get_artist_by_cd(The Marshall Mathers LP):
Eminem recorded the CD 'The Marshall Mathers LP'.
=head3 Discussion about the results
The data model defined in this example has an artist with multiple CDs,
and a CD with multiple tracks; thus, it's simple to traverse from a
track back to a CD, and from there back to an artist. This is
demonstrated in the get_tracks_by_artist routine, where we easily walk
from the individual track back to the title of the CD that the track
came from ($track->cd->title).
Note also that in the get_tracks_by_cd and get_tracks_by_artist
routines, the result set is called multiple times with the 'next'
iterator. In contrast, get_cd_by_track uses the 'first' result set
method, since only one CD is expected to have a specific track.
This example uses L<DBIx::Class::Schema/load_namespaces> to load in the
appropriate L<Result|DBIx::Class::Manual::ResultClass> classes from the
C<MyApp::Schema::Result> namespace, and any required
L<ResultSet|DBIx::Class::ResultSet> classes from the
C<MyApp::Schema::ResultSet> namespace (although we did not add, nor needed
any such classes in this example).
Check the list of L<additional DBIC resources|DBIx::Class/GETTING HELP/SUPPORT>.
This module is free software L<copyright|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>
by the L<DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors|DBIx::Class/AUTHORS>. You can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the
L<DBIx::Class library|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>.