shell bypass 403
package # hide from PAUSE
# Documentation for these methods can be found in
# DBIx::Class::Relationship
use strict;
use warnings;
use Try::Tiny;
use namespace::clean;
our %_pod_inherit_config =
class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::BelongsTo' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
sub belongs_to {
my ($class, $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
# assume a foreign key constraint unless defined otherwise
$attrs->{is_foreign_key_constraint} = 1
if not exists $attrs->{is_foreign_key_constraint};
$attrs->{undef_on_null_fk} = 1
if not exists $attrs->{undef_on_null_fk};
# no join condition or just a column name
if (!ref $cond) {
my ($f_key, $guess);
if (defined $cond and length $cond) {
$f_key = $cond;
$guess = "caller specified foreign key '$f_key'";
else {
$f_key = $rel;
$guess = "using given relationship name '$rel' as foreign key column name";
"No such column '$f_key' declared yet on ${class} ($guess)"
) unless $class->has_column($f_key);
my $f_rsrc = try {
catch {
"Foreign class '$f_class' does not seem to be a Result class "
. "(or it simply did not load entirely due to a circular relation chain)"
my $pri = $f_rsrc->_single_pri_col_or_die;
$cond = { "foreign.${pri}" => "self.${f_key}" };
# explicit join condition
else {
if (ref $cond eq 'HASH') { # ARRAY is also valid
my $cond_rel;
# FIXME This loop is ridiculously incomplete and dangerous
# staving off changes until implmentation of the swindon consensus
for (keys %$cond) {
if (m/\./) { # Explicit join condition
$cond_rel = $cond;
$cond_rel->{"foreign.$_"} = "self.".$cond->{$_};
$cond = $cond_rel;
my $acc_type = (
ref $cond eq 'HASH'
keys %$cond == 1
(keys %$cond)[0] =~ /^foreign\./
) ? 'filter' : 'single';
my $fk_columns = ($acc_type eq 'single' and ref $cond eq 'HASH')
? { map { $_ =~ /^self\.(.+)/ ? ( $1 => 1 ) : () } (values %$cond ) }
: undef
$class->add_relationship($rel, $f_class,
is_depends_on => 1,
accessor => $acc_type,
$fk_columns ? ( fk_columns => $fk_columns ) : (),
%{$attrs || {}}
return 1;