shell bypass 403
package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::Class::Carp;
use Try::Tiny;
use namespace::clean;
our %_pod_inherit_config =
class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::HasOne' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
sub might_have {
shift->_has_one('LEFT' => @_);
sub has_one {
shift->_has_one(undef() => @_);
sub _has_one {
my ($class, $join_type, $rel, $f_class, $cond, $attrs) = @_;
unless (ref $cond) {
my $pri = $class->result_source_instance->_single_pri_col_or_die;
my ($f_key,$guess,$f_rsrc);
if (defined $cond && length $cond) {
$f_key = $cond;
$guess = "caller specified foreign key '$f_key'";
else {
# at this point we need to load the foreigner, expensive or not
$f_rsrc = try {
my $r = $f_class->result_source_instance;
die "There got to be some columns by now... (exception caught and rewritten by catch below)"
unless $r->columns;
catch {
"Foreign class '$f_class' does not seem to be a Result class "
. "(or it simply did not load entirely due to a circular relation chain)"
if ($f_rsrc->has_column($rel)) {
$f_key = $rel;
$guess = "using given relationship name '$rel' as foreign key column name";
else {
$f_key = $f_rsrc->_single_pri_col_or_die;
$guess = "using primary key of foreign class for foreign key";
# FIXME - this check needs to be moved to schema-composition time...
# # only perform checks if the far side was not preloaded above *AND*
# # appears to have been loaded by something else (has a rsrc_instance)
# if (! $f_rsrc and $f_rsrc = try { $f_class->result_source_instance }) {
# $class->throw_exception(
# "No such column '$f_key' on foreign class ${f_class} ($guess)"
# ) if !$f_rsrc->has_column($f_key);
# }
$cond = { "foreign.${f_key}" => "self.${pri}" };
my $default_cascade = ref $cond eq 'CODE' ? 0 : 1;
$class->add_relationship($rel, $f_class,
{ accessor => 'single',
cascade_update => $default_cascade,
cascade_delete => $default_cascade,
is_depends_on => 0,
($join_type ? ('join_type' => $join_type) : ()),
%{$attrs || {}} });
sub _validate_has_one_condition {
my ($class, $cond ) = @_;
return unless 'HASH' eq ref $cond;
foreach my $foreign_id ( keys %$cond ) {
my $self_id = $cond->{$foreign_id};
# we can ignore a bad $self_id because add_relationship handles this
# exception
return unless $self_id =~ /^self\.(.*)$/;
my $key = $1;
$class->throw_exception("Defining rel on ${class} that includes '$key' but no such column defined here yet")
unless $class->has_column($key);
my $column_info = $class->column_info($key);
if ( $column_info->{is_nullable} ) {
carp(qq'"might_have/has_one" must not be on columns with is_nullable set to true ($class/$key). This might indicate an incorrect use of those relationship helpers instead of belongs_to.');