shell bypass 403
package # hide from PAUSE
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::Class::Carp;
use Sub::Name 'subname';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use DBIx::Class::_Util 'fail_on_internal_wantarray';
use namespace::clean;
our %_pod_inherit_config =
class_map => { 'DBIx::Class::Relationship::ManyToMany' => 'DBIx::Class::Relationship' }
sub many_to_many {
my ($class, $meth, $rel, $f_rel, $rel_attrs) = @_;
"missing relation in many-to-many"
) unless $rel;
"missing foreign relation in many-to-many"
) unless $f_rel;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings 'redefine';
my $add_meth = "add_to_${meth}";
my $remove_meth = "remove_from_${meth}";
my $set_meth = "set_${meth}";
my $rs_meth = "${meth}_rs";
for ($add_meth, $remove_meth, $set_meth, $rs_meth) {
if ( $class->can ($_) ) {
The many-to-many relationship '$meth' is trying to create a utility method
called $_.
This will completely overwrite one such already existing method on class
You almost certainly want to rename your method or the many-to-many
relationship, as the functionality of the original method will not be
accessible anymore.
To disable this warning set to a true value the environment variable
$rel_attrs->{alias} ||= $f_rel;
my $rs_meth_name = join '::', $class, $rs_meth;
*$rs_meth_name = subname $rs_meth_name, sub {
my $self = shift;
my $attrs = @_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {};
my $rs = $self->search_related($rel)->search_related(
$f_rel, @_ > 0 ? @_ : undef, { %{$rel_attrs||{}}, %$attrs }
return $rs;
my $meth_name = join '::', $class, $meth;
*$meth_name = subname $meth_name, sub {
DBIx::Class::_ENV_::ASSERT_NO_INTERNAL_WANTARRAY and my $sog = fail_on_internal_wantarray;
my $self = shift;
my $rs = $self->$rs_meth( @_ );
return (wantarray ? $rs->all : $rs);
my $add_meth_name = join '::', $class, $add_meth;
*$add_meth_name = subname $add_meth_name, sub {
my $self = shift;
@_ > 0 or $self->throw_exception(
"${add_meth} needs an object or hashref"
my $source = $self->result_source;
my $schema = $source->schema;
my $rel_source_name = $source->relationship_info($rel)->{source};
my $rel_source = $schema->resultset($rel_source_name)->result_source;
my $f_rel_source_name = $rel_source->relationship_info($f_rel)->{source};
my $f_rel_rs = $schema->resultset($f_rel_source_name)->search({}, $rel_attrs||{});
my $obj;
if (ref $_[0]) {
if (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
$obj = $f_rel_rs->find_or_create($_[0]);
} else {
$obj = $_[0];
} else {
$obj = $f_rel_rs->find_or_create({@_});
my $link_vals = @_ > 1 && ref $_[$#_] eq 'HASH' ? pop(@_) : {};
my $link = $self->search_related($rel)->new_result($link_vals);
$link->set_from_related($f_rel, $obj);
return $obj;
my $set_meth_name = join '::', $class, $set_meth;
*$set_meth_name = subname $set_meth_name, sub {
my $self = shift;
@_ > 0 or $self->throw_exception(
"{$set_meth} needs a list of objects or hashrefs"
my @to_set = (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{ $_[0] } : @_);
# if there is a where clause in the attributes, ensure we only delete
# rows that are within the where restriction
if ($rel_attrs && $rel_attrs->{where}) {
$self->search_related( $rel, $rel_attrs->{where},{join => $f_rel})->delete;
} else {
$self->search_related( $rel, {} )->delete;
# add in the set rel objects
$self->$add_meth($_, ref($_[1]) ? $_[1] : {}) for (@to_set);
my $remove_meth_name = join '::', $class, $remove_meth;
*$remove_meth_name = subname $remove_meth_name, sub {
my ($self, $obj) = @_;
$self->throw_exception("${remove_meth} needs an object")
unless blessed ($obj);
my $rel_source = $self->search_related($rel)->result_source;
my $cond = $rel_source->relationship_info($f_rel)->{cond};
my ($link_cond, $crosstable) = $rel_source->_resolve_condition(
$cond, $obj, $f_rel, $f_rel
"Relationship '$rel' does not resolve to a join-free condition, "
."unable to use with the ManyToMany helper '$f_rel'"
) if $crosstable;
$self->search_related($rel, $link_cond)->delete;