package DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyTrace;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics';
use SQL::Abstract::Tree;
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => '_sqlat' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => '_clear_line_str' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => '_executing_str' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => '_show_progress' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => '_last_sql' );
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors( simple => 'squash_repeats' );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $clear_line = $args->{clear_line} || "\r\x1b[J";
my $executing = $args->{executing} || (
eval { require Term::ANSIColor } ? do {
my $c = \&Term::ANSIColor::color;
$c->('blink white on_black') . 'EXECUTING...' . $c->('reset');
} : 'EXECUTING...'
my $show_progress = $args->{show_progress};
my $squash_repeats = $args->{squash_repeats};
my $sqlat = SQL::Abstract::Tree->new($args);
my $self = $class->next::method(@_);
return $self
sub print {
my $self = shift;
my $string = shift;
my $bindargs = shift || [];
my ($lw, $lr);
($lw, $string, $lr) = $string =~ /^(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)$/s;
local $self->_sqlat->{fill_in_placeholders} = 0 if defined $bindargs
&& defined $bindargs->[0] && $bindargs->[0] eq q('__BULK_INSERT__');
my $use_placeholders = !!$self->_sqlat->fill_in_placeholders;
my $sqlat = $self->_sqlat;
my $formatted;
if ($self->squash_repeats && $self->_last_sql eq $string) {
my ( $l, $r ) = @{ $sqlat->placeholder_surround };
$formatted = '... : ' . join(', ', map "$l$_$r", @$bindargs)
} else {
$formatted = $sqlat->format($string, $bindargs);
$formatted = "$formatted : " . join ', ', @{$bindargs}
unless $use_placeholders;
$self->next::method("$lw$formatted$lr", @_);
sub query_start {
my ($self, $string, @bind) = @_;
if (defined $self->callback) {
$string =~ m/^(\w+)/;
$self->callback->($1, "$string: ".join(', ', @bind)."\n");
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
$self->print("$string\n", \@bind);
$self->debugfh->print($self->_executing_str) if $self->_show_progress
sub query_end {
$_[0]->debugfh->print($_[0]->_clear_line_str) if $_[0]->_show_progress
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyTrace - Pretty Tracing DebugObj
DBIC_TRACE_PROFILE=~/dbic.json perl -Ilib ./
Where dbic.json contains:
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $pp = DBIx::Class::Storage::Debug::PrettyTrace->new({
show_progress => 1, # tries it's best to make it clear that a SQL
# statement is still running
executing => '...', # the string that is added to the end of SQL
# if show_progress is on. You probably don't
# need to set this
clear_line => '<CR><ESC>[J', # the string used to erase the string added
# to SQL if show_progress is on. Again, the
# default is probably good enough.
squash_repeats => 1, # set to true to make repeated SQL queries
# be ellided and only show the new bind params
# any other args are passed through directly to SQL::Abstract::Tree
Check the list of L<additional DBIC resources|DBIx::Class/GETTING HELP/SUPPORT>.
This module is free software L<copyright|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>
by the L<DBIx::Class (DBIC) authors|DBIx::Class/AUTHORS>. You can
redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the
L<DBIx::Class library|DBIx::Class/COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE>.