package DBM::Deep::Null;
use 5.008_004;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
=head1 NAME
DBM::Deep::Null - NULL object
=head1 PURPOSE
This is an internal-use-only object for L<DBM::Deep>. It acts as a NULL object
in the same vein as MARCEL's L<Class::Null>. I couldn't use L<Class::Null>
because DBM::Deep needed an object that always evaluated as undef, not an
implementation of the Null Class pattern.
It is used to represent null sectors in DBM::Deep.
use overload
'bool' => sub { undef },
'""' => sub { undef },
'0+' => sub { 0 },
('cmp' =>
'<=>' => sub {
return 0 if !defined $_[1] || !length $_[1];
return $_[2] ? 1 : -1;
)[0,2,1,2], # same sub for both ops
'%{}' => sub {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Can't use a stale reference as a HASH");
'@{}' => sub {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Can't use a stale reference as an ARRAY");
fallback => 1,
nomethod => 'AUTOLOAD';
sub AUTOLOAD { return; }