package Data::Perl::Role::Number;
$Data::Perl::Role::Number::VERSION = '0.002009';
# ABSTRACT: Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
use strictures 1;
use Role::Tiny;
sub new { bless \(my $n = $_[1]), $_[0] }
sub add { ${$_[0]} = ${$_[0]} + $_[1] }
sub sub { ${$_[0]} = ${$_[0]} - $_[1] }
sub mul { ${$_[0]} = ${$_[0]} * $_[1] }
sub div { ${$_[0]} = ${$_[0]} / $_[1] }
sub mod { ${$_[0]} = ${$_[0]} % $_[1] }
sub abs { ${$_[0]} = abs(${$_[0]}) }
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Data::Perl::Role::Number - Wrapping class for Perl scalar numbers.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.002009
use Data::Perl qw/number/;
my $num = number(123);
$num->add(5); # $num == 128
$num->div(2); # $num == 64
This class provides a wrapper and methods for interacting with scalar strings.
All of these methods modify the attribute's value in place. All methods return
the new value.
=over 4
=item B<new($value)>
Constructs a new Data::Perl::Collection::Number object initialized with the passed
in value, and returns it.
=item B<add($value)>
Adds the current value of the attribute to C<$value>.
=item B<sub($value)>
Subtracts C<$value> from the current value of the attribute.
=item B<mul($value)>
Multiplies the current value of the attribute by C<$value>.
=item B<div($value)>
Divides the current value of the attribute by C<$value>.
=item B<mod($value)>
Returns the current value of the attribute modulo C<$value>.
=item B<abs>
Sets the current value of the attribute to its absolute value.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 4
=item * L<Data::Perl>
=item * L<MooX::HandlesVia>
=head1 AUTHOR
Matthew Phillips <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Matthew Phillips <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.