package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Chartsheet;
# Chartsheet - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Chartsheet files.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX
# Copyright 2000-2019, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
# perltidy with the following options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola
use 5.008002;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet;
our @ISA = qw(Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet);
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# Public and private API methods.
# new()
# Constructor.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Worksheet->new( @_ );
$self->{_drawing} = 1;
$self->{_is_chartsheet} = 1;
$self->{_chart} = undef;
$self->{_charts} = [1];
$self->{_zoom_scale_normal} = 0;
$self->{_orientation} = 0;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# _assemble_xml_file()
# Assemble and write the XML file.
sub _assemble_xml_file {
my $self = shift;
# Write the root chartsheet element.
# Write the worksheet properties.
# Write the sheet view properties.
# Write the sheetProtection element.
# Write the printOptions element.
# Write the worksheet page_margins.
# Write the worksheet page setup.
# Write the headerFooter element.
# Write the drawing element.
# Close the worksheet tag.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'chartsheet' );
# Close the XML writer filehandle.
# Public methods.
# Over-ride parent protect() method to protect both worksheet and chart.
sub protect {
my $self = shift;
my $password = shift || '';
my $user_options = shift;
my $options = {};
# Objects are default on for chartsheets.
if ( defined $user_options->{objects} ) {
$options->{objects} = not $user_options->{objects};
else {
$options->{objects} = 0;
if ( defined $user_options->{content} ) {
$options->{content} = $user_options->{content};
else {
$options->{content} = 1;
# If objects and content are off then the chartsheet isn't locked, except
# if it has a password.
if ( $password eq '' && $options->{objects} && !$options->{content} ) {
$self->{_chart}->{_protection} = 1;
# Turn off worksheet defaults.
$options->{sheet} = 0;
$options->{scenarios} = 1;
$self->SUPER::protect( $password, $options );
# Encapsulated Chart methods.
sub add_series { return shift->{_chart}->add_series( @_ ) }
sub combine { return shift->{_chart}->combine( @_ ) }
sub set_x_axis { return shift->{_chart}->set_x_axis( @_ ) }
sub set_y_axis { return shift->{_chart}->set_y_axis( @_ ) }
sub set_x2_axis { return shift->{_chart}->set_x2_axis( @_ ) }
sub set_y2_axis { return shift->{_chart}->set_y2_axis( @_ ) }
sub set_title { return shift->{_chart}->set_title( @_ ) }
sub set_legend { return shift->{_chart}->set_legend( @_ ) }
sub set_plotarea { return shift->{_chart}->set_plotarea( @_ ) }
sub set_chartarea { return shift->{_chart}->set_chartarea( @_ ) }
sub set_style { return shift->{_chart}->set_style( @_ ) }
sub show_blanks_as { return shift->{_chart}->show_blanks_as( @_ ) }
sub show_hidden_data { return shift->{_chart}->show_hidden_data( @_ ) }
sub set_size { return shift->{_chart}->set_size( @_ ) }
sub set_table { return shift->{_chart}->set_table( @_ ) }
sub set_up_down_bars { return shift->{_chart}->set_up_down_bars( @_ ) }
sub set_drop_lines { return shift->{_chart}->set_drop_lines( @_ ) }
sub set_high_low_lines { return shift->{_chart}->high_low_lines( @_ ) }
# Internal methods.
# _prepare_chart()
# Set up chart/drawings.
sub _prepare_chart {
my $self = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $chart_id = shift;
my $drawing_id = shift;
$self->{_chart}->{_id} = $chart_id -1;
my $drawing = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Drawing->new();
$self->{_drawing} = $drawing;
$self->{_drawing}->{_orientation} = $self->{_orientation};
push @{ $self->{_external_drawing_links} },
[ '/drawing', '../drawings/drawing' . $drawing_id . '.xml' ];
push @{ $self->{_drawing_links} },
[ '/chart', '../charts/chart' . $chart_id . '.xml' ];
# XML writing methods.
# _write_chartsheet()
# Write the <chartsheet> element. This is the root element of Chartsheet.
sub _write_chartsheet {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = '';
my $xmlns = $schema . 'spreadsheetml/2006/main';
my $xmlns_r = $schema . 'officeDocument/2006/relationships';
my $xmlns_mc = $schema . 'markup-compatibility/2006';
my $xmlns_mv = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml';
my $mc_ignorable = 'mv';
my $mc_preserve_attributes = 'mv:*';
my @attributes = (
'xmlns' => $xmlns,
'xmlns:r' => $xmlns_r,
$self->xml_start_tag( 'chartsheet', @attributes );
# _write_sheet_pr()
# Write the <sheetPr> element for Sheet level properties.
sub _write_sheet_pr {
my $self = shift;
my @attributes = ();
push @attributes, ( 'filterMode' => 1 ) if $self->{_filter_on};
if ( $self->{_fit_page} || $self->{_tab_color} ) {
$self->xml_start_tag( 'sheetPr', @attributes );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'sheetPr' );
else {
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'sheetPr', @attributes );
=head1 NAME
Chartsheet - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Chartsheet files.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
This module is used in conjunction with L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 AUTHOR
John McNamara
(c) MM-MMXIX, John McNamara.
All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 LICENSE
Either the Perl Artistic Licence L<> or the GPL L<>.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.