package Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::Comments;
# Comments - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Comments files.
# Used in conjunction with Excel::Writer::XLSX
# Copyright 2000-2019, John McNamara,
# Documentation after __END__
# perltidy with the following options: -mbl=2 -pt=0 -nola
use 5.008002;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter;
use Excel::Writer::XLSX::Utility qw(xl_rowcol_to_cell);
our @ISA = qw(Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter);
our $VERSION = '1.03';
# Public and private API methods.
# new()
# Constructor.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $self = Excel::Writer::XLSX::Package::XMLwriter->new( $fh );
$self->{_author_ids} = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# _assemble_xml_file()
# Assemble and write the XML file.
sub _assemble_xml_file {
my $self = shift;
my $comments_data = shift;
# Write the comments element.
# Write the authors element.
$self->_write_authors( $comments_data );
# Write the commentList element.
$self->_write_comment_list( $comments_data );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'comments' );
# Close the XML writer filehandle.
# Internal methods.
# XML writing methods.
# _write_comments()
# Write the <comments> element.
sub _write_comments {
my $self = shift;
my $xmlns = '';
my @attributes = ( 'xmlns' => $xmlns );
$self->xml_start_tag( 'comments', @attributes );
# _write_authors()
# Write the <authors> element.
sub _write_authors {
my $self = shift;
my $comment_data = shift;
my $author_count = 0;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'authors' );
for my $comment ( @$comment_data ) {
my $author = $comment->[3];
if ( defined $author && !exists $self->{_author_ids}->{$author} ) {
# Store the author id.
$self->{_author_ids}->{$author} = $author_count++;
# Write the author element.
$self->_write_author( $author );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'authors' );
# _write_author()
# Write the <author> element.
sub _write_author {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
$self->xml_data_element( 'author', $data );
# _write_comment_list()
# Write the <commentList> element.
sub _write_comment_list {
my $self = shift;
my $comment_data = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'commentList' );
for my $comment ( @$comment_data ) {
my $row = $comment->[0];
my $col = $comment->[1];
my $text = $comment->[2];
my $author = $comment->[3];
my $font_name = $comment->[6];
my $font_size = $comment->[7];
my $font_family = $comment->[8];
# Look up the author id.
my $author_id = undef;
$author_id = $self->{_author_ids}->{$author} if defined $author;
# Write the comment element.
my $font = [ $font_name, $font_size, $font_family ];
$self->_write_comment( $row, $col, $text, $author_id, $font );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'commentList' );
# _write_comment()
# Write the <comment> element.
sub _write_comment {
my $self = shift;
my $row = shift;
my $col = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $author_id = shift;
my $ref = xl_rowcol_to_cell( $row, $col );
my $font = shift;
my @attributes = ( 'ref' => $ref );
push @attributes, ( 'authorId' => $author_id ) if defined $author_id;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'comment', @attributes );
# Write the text element.
$self->_write_text( $text, $font );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'comment' );
# _write_text()
# Write the <text> element.
sub _write_text {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $font = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'text' );
# Write the text r element.
$self->_write_text_r( $text, $font );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'text' );
# _write_text_r()
# Write the <r> element.
sub _write_text_r {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $font = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'r' );
# Write the rPr element.
# Write the text r element.
$self->_write_text_t( $text );
$self->xml_end_tag( 'r' );
# _write_text_t()
# Write the text <t> element.
sub _write_text_t {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
my @attributes = ();
if ( $text =~ /^\s/ || $text =~ /\s$/ ) {
push @attributes, ( 'xml:space' => 'preserve' );
$self->xml_data_element( 't', $text, @attributes );
# _write_r_pr()
# Write the <rPr> element.
sub _write_r_pr {
my $self = shift;
my $font = shift;
$self->xml_start_tag( 'rPr' );
# Write the sz element.
# Write the color element.
# Write the rFont element.
# Write the family element.
$self->xml_end_tag( 'rPr' );
# _write_sz()
# Write the <sz> element.
sub _write_sz {
my $self = shift;
my $val = shift;
my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'sz', @attributes );
# _write_color()
# Write the <color> element.
sub _write_color {
my $self = shift;
my $indexed = 81;
my @attributes = ( 'indexed' => $indexed );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'color', @attributes );
# _write_r_font()
# Write the <rFont> element.
sub _write_r_font {
my $self = shift;
my $val = shift;
my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'rFont', @attributes );
# _write_family()
# Write the <family> element.
sub _write_family {
my $self = shift;
my $val = shift;
my @attributes = ( 'val' => $val );
$self->xml_empty_tag( 'family', @attributes );
=head1 NAME
Comments - A class for writing the Excel XLSX Comments files.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
This module is used in conjunction with L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.
=head1 AUTHOR
John McNamara
(c) MM-MMXIX, John McNamara.
All Rights Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 LICENSE
Either the Perl Artistic Licence L<> or the GPL L<>.
See the documentation for L<Excel::Writer::XLSX>.