package ExtUtils::XSBuilder::CallbackMap;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use ExtUtils::XSBuilder::MapUtil qw(callback_table);
our @ISA = qw(ExtUtils::XSBuilder::FunctionMap);
# ============================================================================
#look for callbacks that do not exist in *.map
sub check {
my $self = shift;
my $map = $self->get;
my @missing;
my $parsesource = $self -> {wrapxs} -> parsesource_objects ;
for my $name (map $_->{name}, @{ callback_table($self -> {wrapxs}) }) {
next if exists $map->{$name};
push @missing, $name ;
return @missing ? \@missing : undef;
# ============================================================================
#look for callbacks in *.map that do not exist
sub check_exists {
my $self = shift;
my %callbacks = map { $_->{name}, 1 } @{ callback_table($self -> {wrapxs}) };
my @missing = ();
#print Data::Dumper -> Dump ([\%callbacks, $self->{map}]) ;
for my $name (keys %{ $self->{map} }) {
next if $callbacks{$name};
push @missing, $name ;
return @missing ? \@missing : undef;
# ============================================================================
sub parse {
my($self, $fh, $map) = @_;
my %cur;
my $disabled = 0;
while ($fh->readline) {
my($type, $argspec) = split /\s*\|\s*/;
my $entry = $map->{$type} = {
name => $type,
argspec => $argspec ? [split /\s*,\s*/, $argspec] : "",
#avoid 'use of uninitialized value' warnings
$entry->{$_} ||= "" for keys %{ $entry };
sub write {
my ($self, $fh, $newentries, $prefix) = @_ ;
foreach (@$newentries)
my $line = $self -> {wrapxs} -> mapline_func ($_) ;
if ($line =~ /\)\((.*?)\)/)
my @args = split (/,/, $1) ;
$line .= ' | ' if (@args) ;
my $i = 0 ;
foreach (@args)
$line .= ',' if ($i++ > 0) ;
/([^ ]+)$/ ;
my $arg = $1 ;
$line .= '<' if (/\* \*/) ;
$line .= $arg ;
$fh -> print ($prefix, $line, "\n") ;