package File::Find::Rule::Perl;
=head1 NAME
File::Find::Rule::Perl - Common rules for searching for Perl things
use File::Find::Rule ();
use File::Find::Rule::Perl ();
# Find all Perl files smaller than 10k
my @files = File::Find::Rule->perl_file
# Locate all the modules that PAUSE will index
my @mod = File::Find::Rule->no_index
I write a lot of things that muck with Perl files. And it always annoyed
me that finding "perl files" requires a moderately complex
L<File::Find::Rule> pattern.
B<File::Find::Rule::Perl> provides methods for finding various
types Perl-related files, or replicating search queries run on a
distribution in various parts of the CPAN ecosystem.
=head1 METHODS
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use File::Spec 0.82 ();
use File::Spec::Unix ();
use File::Find::Rule 0.20 ();
use Params::Util 0.38 ();
use Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.38 ();
our $VERSION = '1.15';
use base 'File::Find::Rule';
our @EXPORT = @File::Find::Rule::EXPORT;
use constant FFR => 'File::Find::Rule';
# File::Find::Rule Method Addition
=head2 perl_module
The C<perl_module> rule locates perl modules. That is, files that
are named C<*.pm>.
This rule is equivalent to C<-E<gt>>file-E<gt>name( '*.pm' )> and is
included primarily for completeness.
sub File::Find::Rule::perl_module {
my $find = $_[0]->_force_object;
return $find->name('*.pm')->file;
=head2 perl_test
The C<perl_test> rule locates perl test scripts. That is, files that
are named C<*.t>.
This rule is equivalent to C<-E<gt>>file-E<gt>name( '*.t' )> and is
included primarily for completeness.
sub File::Find::Rule::perl_test {
my $find = $_[0]->_force_object;
return $find->name('*.t')->file;
=head2 perl_installer
The C<perl_installer> rule locates perl distribution installers. That is,
it locates C<Makefile.PL> and C<Build.PL> files.
sub File::Find::Rule::perl_installer {
my $self = shift()->_force_object;
return $self->file->name( 'Makefile.PL', 'Build.PL' );
=head2 perl_script
The C<perl_script> rule locates perl scripts.
This is any file that ends in F<.pl>, or any files without extensions
that have a perl "hash-bang" line.
sub File::Find::Rule::perl_script {
my $self = shift()->_force_object;
FFR->name( '*.pl' )->file,
FFR->name( qr/^[^.]+$/ )->file
->exec( \&File::Find::Rule::Perl::_shebang ),
sub File::Find::Rule::Perl::_shebang {
open SEARCHFILE, $_ or return !1;
my $first_line = <SEARCHFILE>;
return !1 unless defined $first_line;
return $first_line =~ /^#!.*\bperl\b/;
=head2 perl_file
The C<perl_file> rule locates all files containing Perl code.
This includes all the files matching the above C<perl_module>,
C<perl_test>, C<perl_installer> and C<perl_script> rules.
sub File::Find::Rule::perl_file {
my $self = shift()->_force_object;
FFR->name('*.pm', '*.t', '*.pl', 'Makefile.PL', 'Build.PL')->file,
FFR->name( qr/^[^.]+$/ )->file
->exec( \&File::Find::Rule::Perl::_shebang ),
=head2 no_index
# Provide the rules directly
directory => [ 'inc', 't', 'examples' ],
file => [ '', 'lib/' ],
# Provide a META.yml to use
$rule->no_index( 'META.yml' );
# Provide a dist root directory to look for a META.yml in
$rule->no_index( 'My-Distribution' );
# Automatically pick up a META.yml from the target directory
$rule->no_index->in( 'My-Distribution' );
The C<no_index> method applies a set of rules as per the no_index section
in a C<META.yml> file.
# There's probably some bugs in this process somewhere,
sub File::Find::Rule::no_index {
my $find = shift()->_force_object;
# Variables we'll need in the closure
my $rule = undef;
my $root = undef;
# Handle the various param options
if ( @_ == 0 ) {
# No params means we auto-calculate
$rule = undef;
} elsif ( Params::Util::_HASHLIKE($_[0]) ) {
$rule = _no_index($_[0]);
} elsif ( defined Params::Util::_STRING($_[0]) ) {
my $path = shift;
if ( -d $path ) {
# This is probably a dist directory
my $meta = File::Spec->catfile($path, 'META.yml');
$path = $meta if -f $meta;
if ( -f $path ) {
# This is a META.yml file
my $meta = Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile($path);
# Shortcut if there's nothing to do
my $no_index = $meta->{no_index};
if ( $no_index ) {
$rule = _no_index($no_index);
} else {
Carp::croak("Invalid or unsupported parameter type");
# Generate the subroutine in advance
my $function = sub {
my $shortname = $_[0];
my $fullname = $_[2];
# In the automated case the first time we are
# called we are passed the META.yml-relative root.
unless ( defined $root ) {
if ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($fullname) ) {
$root = $fullname;
} else {
$root = File::Spec->rel2abs(
unless ( defined $rule ) {
$rule = '';
my $meta = File::Spec->catfile( $root, 'META.yml' );
if ( -f $meta ) {
my $yaml = Parse::CPAN::Meta::LoadFile($meta);
if ( $yaml and $yaml->{no_index} ) {
$rule = _no_index( $yaml->{no_index} );
# Shortcut when there is no META.yml
return 0 unless $rule;
# Derive the META.yml-relative unix path
my $absname = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($fullname)
? $fullname
: File::Spec->rel2abs($shortname);
my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel($absname, $root);
# Attempt to match a META.yml entry
if ( ($rule->{directory}->{$relpath} or $rule->{directory}->{$absname} ) and -d $absname ) {
return 1;
if ( ( $rule->{file}->{$relpath} or $rule->{file}->{$absname} ) and -f $absname ) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Generate the rule
return $find->or(
FFR->exec( $function )->prune->discard,
sub _no_index {
my $param = shift;
# Index the directory and file entries for faster access
my %file = $param->{file} ? (
map { $_ => 1 } @{$param->{file}}
) : ();
my %directory = $param->{directory} ? (
map { $_ => 1 } @{$param->{directory}}
) : ();
return {
file => \%file,
directory => \%directory,
=head1 SUPPORT
Bugs should always be submitted via the CPAN bug tracker
For other issues, contact the maintainer
=head1 AUTHOR
Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<>, L<File::Find::Rule>, L<File::Find::Rule::PPI>
Copyright 2006 - 2012 Adam Kennedy.
This program is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.