package File::Next;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
File::Next - File-finding iterator
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.18
our $VERSION = '1.18';
File::Next is a lightweight, taint-safe file-finding module.
It has no non-core prerequisites.
use File::Next;
my $files = File::Next::files( '/tmp' );
while ( defined ( my $file = $files->() ) ) {
# do something...
The two major functions, I<files()> and I<dirs()>, return an iterator
that will walk through a directory tree. The simplest use case is:
use File::Next;
my $iter = File::Next::files( '/tmp' );
while ( defined ( my $file = $iter->() ) ) {
print $file, "\n";
# Prints...
Note that only files are returned by C<files()>'s iterator.
Directories are ignored.
In list context, the iterator returns a list containing I<$dir>,
I<$file> and I<$fullpath>, where I<$fullpath> is what would get
returned in scalar context.
The first parameter to any of the iterator factory functions may
be a hashref of options.
For the three iterators, the \%options are optional.
=head2 files( [ \%options, ] @starting_points )
Returns an iterator that walks directories starting with the items
in I<@starting_points>. Each call to the iterator returns another
regular file.
=head2 dirs( [ \%options, ] @starting_points )
Returns an iterator that walks directories starting with the items
in I<@starting_points>. Each call to the iterator returns another
=head2 everything( [ \%options, ] @starting_points )
Returns an iterator that walks directories starting with the items
in I<@starting_points>. Each call to the iterator returns another
file, whether it's a regular file, directory, symlink, socket, or
=head2 from_file( [ \%options, ] $filename )
Returns an iterator that iterates over each of the files specified
in I<$filename>. If I<$filename> is C<->, then the files are read
from STDIN.
The files are assumed to be in the file one filename per line. If
I<$nul_separated> is passed, then the files are assumed to be
NUL-separated, as by C<find -print0>.
If there are blank lines or empty filenames in the input stream,
they are ignored.
Each filename is checked to see that it is a regular file or a named
pipe. If the file does not exists or is a directory, then a warning
is thrown to I<warning_handler>, and the file is skipped.
The following options have no effect in C<from_files>: I<descend_filter>,
I<sort_files>, I<follow_symlinks>.
=head2 sort_standard( $a, $b )
A sort function for passing as a C<sort_files> option:
my $iter = File::Next::files( {
sort_files => \&File::Next::sort_standard,
}, 't/swamp' );
This function is the default, so the code above is identical to:
my $iter = File::Next::files( {
sort_files => 1,
}, 't/swamp' );
=head2 sort_reverse( $a, $b )
Same as C<sort_standard>, but in reverse.
=head2 reslash( $path )
Takes a path with all forward slashes and rebuilds it with whatever
is appropriate for the platform. For example 'foo/bar/bat' will
become 'foo\bar\bat' on Windows.
This is really just a convenience function. I'd make it private,
but F<ack> wants it, too.
=head2 file_filter -> \&file_filter
The file_filter lets you check to see if it's really a file you
want to get back. If the file_filter returns a true value, the
file will be returned; if false, it will be skipped.
The file_filter function takes no arguments but rather does its work through
a collection of variables.
=over 4
=item * C<$_> is the current filename within that directory
=item * C<$File::Next::dir> is the current directory name
=item * C<$File::Next::name> is the complete pathname to the file
These are analogous to the same variables in L<File::Find>.
my $iter = File::Next::files( { file_filter => sub { /\.txt$/ } }, '/tmp' );
By default, the I<file_filter> is C<sub {1}>, or "all files".
This filter has no effect if your iterator is only returning directories.
=head2 descend_filter => \&descend_filter
The descend_filter lets you check to see if the iterator should
descend into a given directory. Maybe you want to skip F<CVS> and
F<.svn> directories.
my $descend_filter = sub { $_ ne "CVS" && $_ ne ".svn" }
The descend_filter function takes no arguments but rather does its work through
a collection of variables.
=over 4
=item * C<$_> is the current filename of the directory
=item * C<$File::Next::dir> is the complete directory name
The descend filter is NOT applied to any directory names specified
as I<@starting_points> in the constructor. For example,
my $iter = File::Next::files( { descend_filter => sub{0} }, '/tmp' );
always descends into I</tmp>, as you would expect.
By default, the I<descend_filter> is C<sub {1}>, or "always descend".
=head2 error_handler => \&error_handler
If I<error_handler> is set, then any errors will be sent through
it. If the error is OS-related (ex. file not found, not permissions), the
native error code is passed as a second argument. By default, this value is
C<CORE::die>. This function must NOT return.
=head2 warning_handler => \&warning_handler
If I<warning_handler> is set, then any errors will be sent through
it. By default, this value is C<CORE::warn>. Unlike the
I<error_handler>, this function must return.
=head2 sort_files => [ 0 | 1 | \&sort_sub]
If you want files sorted, pass in some true value, as in
C<< sort_files => 1 >>.
If you want a special sort order, pass in a sort function like
C<< sort_files => sub { $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } >>.
Note that the parms passed in to the sub are arrayrefs, where $a->[0]
is the directory name, $a->[1] is the file name and $a->[2] is the
full path. Typically you're going to be sorting on $a->[2].
=head2 follow_symlinks => [ 0 | 1 ]
If set to false, the iterator will ignore any files and directories
that are actually symlinks. This has no effect on non-Unixy systems
such as Windows. By default, this is true.
Note that this filter does not apply to any of the I<@starting_points>
passed in to the constructor.
You should not set C<< follow_symlinks => 0 >> unless you specifically
need that behavior. Setting C<< follow_symlinks => 0 >> can be a
speed hit, because File::Next must check to see if the file or
directory you're about to follow is actually a symlink.
=head2 nul_separated => [ 0 | 1 ]
Used by the C<from_file> iterator. Specifies that the files
listed in the input file are separated by NUL characters, as from
the C<find> command with the C<-print0> argument.
use File::Spec ();
our $name; # name of the current file
our $dir; # dir of the current file
our %files_defaults;
our %skip_dirs;
%files_defaults = (
file_filter => undef,
descend_filter => undef,
error_handler => sub { CORE::die $_[0] },
warning_handler => sub { CORE::warn @_ },
sort_files => undef,
follow_symlinks => 1,
nul_separated => 0,
%skip_dirs = map {($_,1)} (File::Spec->curdir, File::Spec->updir);
sub files {
die _bad_invocation() if @_ && defined($_[0]) && ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__);
my ($parms,@queue) = _setup( \%files_defaults, @_ );
my $filter = $parms->{file_filter};
return sub {
while ( my $entry = shift @queue ) {
my ( $dirname, $file, $fullpath, $is_dir, $is_file, $is_fifo ) = @{$entry};
if ( $is_file || $is_fifo ) {
if ( $filter ) {
local $_ = $file;
local $File::Next::dir = $dirname;
local $File::Next::name = $fullpath;
next if not $filter->();
return wantarray ? ($dirname,$file,$fullpath) : $fullpath;
if ( $is_dir ) {
unshift( @queue, _candidate_files( $parms, $fullpath ) );
} # while
}; # iterator
sub dirs {
die _bad_invocation() if @_ && defined($_[0]) && ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__);
my ($parms,@queue) = _setup( \%files_defaults, @_ );
return sub {
while ( my $entry = shift @queue ) {
my ( undef, undef, $fullpath, $is_dir, undef, undef ) = @{$entry};
if ( $is_dir ) {
unshift( @queue, _candidate_files( $parms, $fullpath ) );
return $fullpath;
} # while
}; # iterator
sub everything {
die _bad_invocation() if @_ && defined($_[0]) && ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__);
my ($parms,@queue) = _setup( \%files_defaults, @_ );
my $filter = $parms->{file_filter};
return sub {
while ( my $entry = shift @queue ) {
my ( $dirname, $file, $fullpath, $is_dir, $is_file, $is_fifo ) = @{$entry};
if ( $is_dir ) {
unshift( @queue, _candidate_files( $parms, $fullpath ) );
if ( $filter ) {
local $_ = $file;
local $File::Next::dir = $dirname;
local $File::Next::name = $fullpath;
next if not $filter->();
return wantarray ? ($dirname,$file,$fullpath) : $fullpath;
} # while
}; # iterator
sub from_file {
die _bad_invocation() if @_ && defined($_[0]) && ($_[0] eq __PACKAGE__);
my ($parms,@queue) = _setup( \%files_defaults, @_ );
my $err = $parms->{error_handler};
my $warn = $parms->{warning_handler};
my $filename = $queue[0]->[1];
if ( !defined($filename) ) {
$err->( 'Must pass a filename to from_file()' );
return undef;
my $fh;
if ( $filename eq '-' ) {
$fh = \*STDIN;
else {
if ( !open( $fh, '<', $filename ) ) {
$err->( "Unable to open $filename: $!", $! + 0 );
return undef;
my $filter = $parms->{file_filter};
return sub {
local $/ = $parms->{nul_separated} ? "\x00" : $/;
while ( my $fullpath = <$fh> ) {
chomp $fullpath;
next unless $fullpath =~ /./;
if ( not ( -f $fullpath || -p _ ) ) {
$warn->( "$fullpath: No such file" );
my ($volume,$dirname,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $fullpath );
if ( $filter ) {
local $_ = $file;
local $File::Next::dir = $dirname;
local $File::Next::name = $fullpath;
next if not $filter->();
return wantarray ? ($dirname,$file,$fullpath) : $fullpath;
} # while
close $fh;
}; # iterator
sub _bad_invocation {
my $good = (caller(1))[3];
my $bad = $good;
$bad =~ s/(.+)::/$1->/;
return "$good must not be invoked as $bad";
sub sort_standard($$) { return $_[0]->[1] cmp $_[1]->[1] } ## no critic (ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
sub sort_reverse($$) { return $_[1]->[1] cmp $_[0]->[1] } ## no critic (ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes)
sub reslash {
my $path = shift;
my @parts = split( /\//, $path );
return $path if @parts < 2;
return File::Spec->catfile( @parts );
=head2 _setup( $default_parms, @whatever_was_passed_to_files() )
Handles all the scut-work for setting up the parms passed in.
Returns a hashref of operational options, combined between
I<$passed_parms> and I<$defaults>, plus the queue.
The queue prep stuff takes the strings in I<@starting_points> and
puts them in the format that queue needs.
The C<@queue> that gets passed around is an array, with each entry an
arrayref of $dir, $file and $fullpath.
sub _setup {
my $defaults = shift;
my $passed_parms = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? {%{+shift}} : {}; # copy parm hash
my %passed_parms = %{$passed_parms};
my $parms = {};
for my $key ( keys %{$defaults} ) {
$parms->{$key} =
exists $passed_parms{$key}
? delete $passed_parms{$key}
: $defaults->{$key};
# Any leftover keys are bogus
for my $badkey ( sort keys %passed_parms ) {
my $sub = (caller(1))[3];
$parms->{error_handler}->( "Invalid option passed to $sub(): $badkey" );
# If it's not a code ref, assume standard sort
if ( $parms->{sort_files} && ( ref($parms->{sort_files}) ne 'CODE' ) ) {
$parms->{sort_files} = \&sort_standard;
my @queue;
for ( @_ ) {
my $start = reslash( $_ );
my $is_dir = -d $start;
my $is_file = -f _;
my $is_fifo = (-p _) || ($start =~ m{^/dev/fd});
push @queue,
? [ $start, undef, $start, $is_dir, $is_file, $is_fifo ]
: [ undef, $start, $start, $is_dir, $is_file, $is_fifo ];
return ($parms,@queue);
=head2 _candidate_files( $parms, $dir )
Pulls out the files/dirs that might be worth looking into in I<$dir>.
If I<$dir> is the empty string, then search the current directory.
I<$parms> is the hashref of parms passed into File::Next constructor.
sub _candidate_files {
my $parms = shift;
my $dirname = shift;
my $dh;
if ( !opendir $dh, $dirname ) {
$parms->{error_handler}->( "$dirname: $!", $! + 0 );
my @newfiles;
my $descend_filter = $parms->{descend_filter};
my $follow_symlinks = $parms->{follow_symlinks};
for my $file ( grep { !exists $skip_dirs{$_} } readdir $dh ) {
my $fullpath = File::Spec->catdir( $dirname, $file );
if ( !$follow_symlinks ) {
next if -l $fullpath;
else {
my $is_dir = -d _;
my $is_file = -f _;
my $is_fifo = (-p _) || ($fullpath =~ m{^/dev/fd});
# Only do directory checking if we have a descend_filter
if ( $descend_filter ) {
if ( $is_dir ) {
local $File::Next::dir = $fullpath;
local $_ = $file;
next if not $descend_filter->();
push @newfiles, [ $dirname, $file, $fullpath, $is_dir, $is_file, $is_fifo ];
closedir $dh;
my $sort_sub = $parms->{sort_files};
if ( $sort_sub ) {
@newfiles = sort $sort_sub @newfiles;
return @newfiles;
=item C<< File::Next::files must not be invoked as File::Next->files >>
=item C<< File::Next::dirs must not be invoked as File::Next->dirs >>
=item C<< File::Next::everything must not be invoked as File::Next->everything >>
The interface functions do not allow for the method invocation syntax and
throw errors with the messages above. You can work around this limitation
with L<UNIVERSAL/can>.
for my $file_system_feature (qw(dirs files)) {
my $iterator = File::Next->can($file_system_feature)->($options, $target_directory);
while (defined(my $name = $iterator->())) {
# ...
=over 4
=item * Don't set C<< follow_symlinks => 0 >> unless you need it.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andy Lester, C<< <andy at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
Note that File::Next does NOT use L<> for bug tracking.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc File::Next
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * File::Next's bug queue
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
=item * Source code repository
All file-finding in this module is adapted from Mark Jason Dominus'
marvelous I<Higher Order Perl>, page 126.
Thanks to these fine contributors:
Paulo Custodio,
Gerhard Poul,
Brian Fraser,
Todd Rinaldo,
Bruce Woodward,
Christopher J. Madsen,
Bernhard Fisseni
and Rob Hoelz.
Copyright 2005-2017 Andy Lester.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.
1; # End of File::Next