#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This module is based on the Finance::Quote::yahooJSON module
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA
# 2019-12-01: Added additional labels for net and p_change. Set
# close to previous close as returned in the JSON.
# Bruce Schuck (bschuck at asgard hyphen systems dot com)
package Finance::Quote::AlphaVantage;
use strict;
use JSON qw( decode_json );
use HTTP::Request::Common;
our $VERSION = '1.52'; # VERSION
# Alpha Vantage recommends that API call frequency does not extend far
# beyond ~1 call per second so that they can continue to deliver
# optimal server-side performance:
# https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#api-key
our @alphaqueries=();
my $maxQueries = { quantity =>5 , seconds => 60}; # no more than x
# queries per y
# seconds, based on
# https://www.alphavantage.co/support/#support
my %currencies_by_suffix = (
# Country City/Exchange Name
'.US' => "USD", # USA AMEX, Nasdaq, NYSE
'.A' => "USD", # USA American Stock Exchange (ASE)
'.B' => "USD", # USA Boston Stock Exchange (BOS)
'.N' => "USD", # USA Nasdaq Stock Exchange (NAS)
'.O' => "USD", # USA NYSE Stock Exchange (NYS)
'.OB' => "USD", # USA OTC Bulletin Board
'.PK' => "USD", # USA Pink Sheets
'.X' => "USD", # USA US Options
'.BA' => "ARS", # Argentina Buenos Aires
'.VI' => "EUR", # Austria Vienna
'.AX' => "AUD", # Australia
'.SA' => "BRL", # Brazil Sao Paolo
'.BR' => "EUR", # Belgium Brussels
'.TO' => "CAD", # Canada Toronto
'.V' => "CAD", # Toronto Venture
'.TRT' => "CAD", # Canada Toronto
'.SN' => "CLP", # Chile Santiago
'.SS' => "CNY", # China Shanghai
'.SZ' => "CNY", # Shenzhen
'.CO' => "DKK", # Denmark Copenhagen
'.PA' => "EUR", # France Paris
'.BE' => "EUR", # Germany Berlin
'.BM' => "EUR", # Bremen
'.D' => "EUR", # Dusseldorf
'.F' => "EUR", # Frankfurt
'.FRK' => "EUR", # Frankfurt
'.H' => "EUR", # Hamburg
'.HA' => "EUR", # Hanover
'.MU' => "EUR", # Munich
'.DEX' => "EUR", # Xetra
'.ME' => "RUB", # Russia Moscow
'.SG' => "EUR", # Stuttgart
'.DE' => "EUR", # XETRA
'.HK' => "HKD", # Hong Kong
'.BO' => "INR", # India Bombay
'.CL' => "INR", # Calcutta
'.NS' => "INR", # National Stock Exchange
'.JK' => "IDR", # Indonesia Jakarta
'.I' => "EUR", # Ireland Dublin
'.TA' => "ILS", # Israel Tel Aviv
'.MI' => "EUR", # Italy Milan
'.KS' => "KRW", # Korea Stock Exchange
'.KQ' => "KRW", # KOSDAQ
'.KL' => "MYR", # Malaysia Kuala Lampur
'.MX' => "MXP", # Mexico
'.NZ' => "NZD", # New Zealand
'.AS' => "EUR", # Netherlands Amsterdam
'.AMS' => "EUR", # Netherlands Amsterdam
'.OL' => "NOK", # Norway Oslo
'.LM' => "PEN", # Peru Lima
'.IN' => "EUR", # Portugal Lisbon
'.SI' => "SGD", # Singapore
'.BC' => "EUR", # Spain Barcelona
'.BI' => "EUR", # Bilbao
'.MF' => "EUR", # Madrid Fixed Income
'.MC' => "EUR", # Madrid SE CATS
'.MA' => "EUR", # Madrid
'.VA' => "EUR", # Valence
'.ST' => "SEK", # Sweden Stockholm
'.STO' => "SEK", # Sweden Stockholm
'.HE' => "EUR", # Finland Helsinki
'.S' => "CHF", # Switzerland Zurich
'.TW' => "TWD", # Taiwan Taiwan Stock Exchange
'.TWO' => "TWD", # OTC
'.BK' => "THB", # Thialand Thailand Stock Exchange
'.TH' => "THB", # ??? From Asia.pm, (in Thai Baht)
'.L' => "GBP", # United Kingdom London
'.IL' => "USD", # United Kingdom London USD*100
'.VX' => "CHF", # Switzerland
'.SW' => "CHF", # Switzerland
sub methods {
return ( alphavantage => \&alphavantage,
canada => \&alphavantage,
usa => \&alphavantage,
nyse => \&alphavantage,
nasdaq => \&alphavantage,
my @labels = qw/date isodate open high low close volume last net p_change/;
sub labels {
return ( alphavantage => \@labels, );
sub sleep_before_query {
# wait till we can query again
my $q = $maxQueries->{quantity}-1;
if ( $#alphaqueries >= $q ) {
my $time_since_x_queries = time()-$alphaqueries[$q];
# print STDERR "LAST QUERY $time_since_x_queries\n";
if ($time_since_x_queries < $maxQueries->{seconds}) {
my $sleeptime = ($maxQueries->{seconds} - $time_since_x_queries) ;
# print STDERR "SLEEP $sleeptime\n";
sleep( $sleeptime );
# print STDERR "CONTINUE\n";
unshift @alphaqueries, time();
pop @alphaqueries while $#alphaqueries>$q; # remove unnecessary data
# print STDERR join(",",@alphaqueries)."\n";
sub alphavantage {
my $quoter = shift;
my @stocks = @_;
my $quantity = @stocks;
my ( %info, $reply, $url, $code, $desc, $body );
my $ua = $quoter->user_agent();
my $launch_time = time();
my $token = exists $quoter->{module_specific_data}->{alphavantage}->{API_KEY} ?
$quoter->{module_specific_data}->{alphavantage}->{API_KEY} :
foreach my $stock (@stocks) {
if ( !defined $token ) {
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 0;
$info{ $stock, 'errormsg' } =
'An AlphaVantage API is required. Get an API key at https://www.alphavantage.co';
$url =
. '&apikey='
. $token
. '&symbol='
. $stock;
my $get_content = sub {
my $time=int(time()-$launch_time);
# print STDERR "Query at:".$time."\n";
$reply = $ua->request( GET $url);
$code = $reply->code;
$desc = HTTP::Status::status_message($code);
$body = $reply->content;
# print STDERR "AlphaVantage returned: $body\n";
if ($code != 200) {
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 0;
$info{ $stock, 'errormsg' } = $desc;
my $json_data;
eval {$json_data = JSON::decode_json $body};
if ($@) {
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 0;
$info{ $stock, 'errormsg' } = $@;
my $try_cnt = 0;
while (($try_cnt < 5) && ($json_data->{'Note'})) {
# print STDERR "NOTE:".$json_data->{'Note'}."\n";
sleep (20);
eval {$json_data = JSON::decode_json $body};
$try_cnt += 1;
if ( !$json_data || $json_data->{'Error Message'} ) {
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 0;
$info{ $stock, 'errormsg' } =
$json_data->{'Error Message'} || $json_data->{'Information'};
my $quote = $json_data->{'Global Quote'};
if ( ! %{$quote} ) {
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 0;
$info{ $stock, 'errormsg' } = "json_data doesn't contain Global Quote";
# %ts holds data as
# {
# "Global Quote": {
# "01. symbol": "SOLB.BR",
# "02. open": "104.2000",
# "03. high": "104.9500",
# "04. low": "103.4000",
# "05. price": "104.0000",
# "06. volume": "203059",
# "07. latest trading day": "2019-11-29",
# "08. previous close": "105.1500",
# "09. change": "-1.1500",
# "10. change percent": "-1.0937%"
# }
# }
# remove trailing percent sign, if present
$quote->{'10. change percent'} =~ s/\%$//;
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 1;
$info{ $stock, 'success' } = 1;
$info{ $stock, 'symbol' } = $quote->{'01. symbol'};
$info{ $stock, 'open' } = $quote->{'02. open'};
$info{ $stock, 'high' } = $quote->{'03. high'};
$info{ $stock, 'low' } = $quote->{'04. low'};
$info{ $stock, 'last' } = $quote->{'05. price'};
$info{ $stock, 'volume' } = $quote->{'06. volume'};
$info{ $stock, 'close' } = $quote->{'08. previous close'};
$info{ $stock, 'net' } = $quote->{'09. change'};
$info{ $stock, 'p_change' } = $quote->{'10. change percent'};
$info{ $stock, 'method' } = 'alphavantage';
$quoter->store_date( \%info, $stock, { isodate => $quote->{'07. latest trading day'} } );
# deduce currency
if ( $stock =~ /(\..*)/ ) {
my $suffix = uc $1;
if ( $currencies_by_suffix{$suffix} ) {
$info{ $stock, 'currency' } = $currencies_by_suffix{$suffix};
# divide GBP quotes by 100
if ( ($info{ $stock, 'currency' } eq 'GBP') || ($info{$stock,'currency'} eq 'GBX') ) {
foreach my $field ( $quoter->default_currency_fields ) {
next unless ( $info{ $stock, $field } );
$info{ $stock, $field } =
$quoter->scale_field( $info{ $stock, $field },
0.01 );
# divide USD quotes by 100 if suffix is '.IL'
if ( ($suffix eq '.IL') && ($info{$stock,'currency'} eq 'USD') ) {
foreach my $field ( $quoter->default_currency_fields ) {
next unless ( $info{ $stock, $field } );
$info{ $stock, $field } =
$quoter->scale_field( $info{ $stock, $field },
0.01 );
else {
$info{ $stock, 'currency' } = 'USD';
$info{ $stock, "currency_set_by_fq" } = 1;
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
=head1 NAME
Finance::Quote::AlphaVantage - Obtain quotes from https://iexcloud.io
use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new('AlphaVantage', alphavantage => {API_KEY => 'your-alphavantage-api-key'});
%info = Finance::Quote->fetch("IBM", "AAPL");
This module fetches information from https://www.alphavantage.co.
This module is loaded by default on a Finance::Quote object. It's also possible
to load it explicitly by placing "AlphaVantage" in the argument list to
This module provides the "alphavantage" fetch method.
=head1 API_KEY
https://www.alphavantage.co requires users to register and obtain an API key, which
is also called a token. The token is a sequence of random characters.
The API key may be set by either providing a module specific hash to
Finance::Quote->new as in the above example, or by setting the environment
The following labels may be returned by Finance::Quote::AlphaVantage :
symbol, open, close, high, low, last, volume, method, isodate, currency.