#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1998, Dj Padzensky <djpadz@padz.net>
# Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org>
# Copyright (C) 2000, Yannick LE NY <y-le-ny@ifrance.com>
# Copyright (C) 2000, Paul Fenwick <pjf@cpan.org>
# Copyright (C) 2000, Brent Neal <brentn@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2001, Rob Sessink <rob_ses@users.sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2005, Morten Cools <morten@cools.no>
# Copyright (C) 2006, Dominique Corbex <domcox@sourceforge.net>
# Copyright (C) 2008, Bernard Fuentes <bernard.fuentes@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009, Erik Colson <eco@ecocode.net>
# Copyright (C) 2018, Jean-Marie Pacquet <jmpacquet@sourceforge.net>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
# 02110-1301, USA
# This code derived from Padzensky's work on package Finance::YahooQuote,
# but extends its capabilites to encompas a greater number of data sources.
# Changelog
# 2018-04-08 Jean-Marie Pacquet
# * (1.49) Major site change (html 5)
# 2014-01-12 Arnaud Gardelein
# * changes on website
# 2009-04-12 Erik Colson
# * Major site change.
# 2008-11-09 Bernard Fuentes
# * changes on website
# 2006-12-26 Dominique Corbex <domcox@sourceforge.net>
# * (1.4) changes on web site
# 2006-09-02 Dominique Corbex <domcox@sourceforge.net>
# * (1.3) changes on web site
# 2006-06-28 Dominique Corbex <domcox@sourceforge.net>
# * (1.2) changes on web site
# 2006-02-22 Dominique Corbex <domcox@sourceforge.net>
# * (1.0) iniial release
require 5.005;
use strict;
package Finance::Quote::Bourso;
use vars qw( $Bourso_URL );
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Encode qw(decode);
use JSON qw( decode_json );
use utf8;
our $VERSION = '1.52'; # VERSION
my $Bourso_URL = 'https://www.boursorama.com/cours/';
sub methods {
return ( bourso => \&bourso
my @labels =
qw/name last date isodate p_change open high low close volume currency method exchange/;
sub labels {
return ( bourso => \@labels
sub bourso_to_number {
my $x = shift(@_);
$x =~ s/\s//g; # remove spaces etc in number
return $x;
sub bourso {
my $quoter = shift;
my @stocks = @_;
my $ua = $quoter->user_agent();
my %info;
foreach my $stock (@stocks) {
eval {
my $query = $Bourso_URL . $stock;
my $reply = $ua->request(GET $query);
my $body = decode('UTF-8', $reply->content);
my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($body);
my $div = $root->look_down(_tag => 'div',
class => qr/^c-faceplate/);
my $name = $div->look_down(_tag => 'a', class => qr/^c-faceplate__company-link/)->as_text();
$name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my $currency = $div->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/^c-faceplate__price-currency/)->as_text();
$currency =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
my ($date, $last, $symbol, $low, $high, $close, $exchange, $volume, $net);
if ($div->attr('data-ist-init')) {
my $json = JSON::decode_json($div->attr('data-ist-init'));
$date = $json->{'tradeDate'};
$last = $json->{'last'};
$symbol = $json->{'symbol'};
$low = $json->{'low'};
$high = $json->{'high'};
$close = $json->{'previousClose'};
$exchange = $json->{'exchangeCode'};
$volume = $json->{'totalVolume'};
$net = $json->{'variation'};
else {
# date captures more than the date, but the regular expression below extracts just the date
$date = $div->look_down(_tag => 'div', class => qr/^c-faceplate__real-time/)->as_text();
$last = $div->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/^c-instrument c-instrument--last/)->as_text();
$symbol = $stock;
$info{$stock, 'symbol'} = $symbol;
$info{$stock, 'name'} = $name;
$info{$stock, 'currency'} = $currency;
$info{$stock, 'last'} = $last;
$info{$stock, 'high'} = $high if $high;
$info{$stock, 'low'} = $low if $low;
$info{$stock, 'close'} = $close if $close;
$info{$stock, 'exchange'} = $exchange if $exchange;
$info{$stock, 'volume'} = $volume if $volume;
$info{$stock, 'net'} = $net if $net;
# 2020-07-17 17:03:45
$quoter->store_date(\%info, $stock, {isodate => $1}) if $date =~ m|([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})|;
# dd/mm/yyyy
$quoter->store_date(\%info, $stock, {eurodate => $1}) if $date =~ m|([0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4})|;
$info{$stock, 'method' } = 'bourso';
$info{$stock, 'success'} = 1;
if ($@) {
$info{$stock, 'success'} = 0;
$info{$stock, 'errormsg'} = 'Failed to retrieve quote';
return wantarray() ? %info : \%info;
return \%info;
=head1 NAME
Finance::Quote::Bourso - Obtain quotes from Boursorama.
use Finance::Quote;
$q = Finance::Quote->new;
%info = Finance::Quote->fetch("bourso","ml"); # Only query Bourso
This module fetches information from the "Paris Stock Exchange",
https://www.boursorama.com. All stocks are available.
This module is loaded by default on a Finance::Quote object. It's
also possible to load it explicitly by placing "bourso" in the argument
list to Finance::Quote->new().
Information obtained by this module may be covered by www.boursorama.com
terms and conditions See https://www.boursorama.com/ for details.
The following labels will be returned by Finance::Quote::Bourso : name, last,
symbol, date, isodate, method, currency. For some symbols, additional
information is available: exchange, high, low, close, net, volume.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Boursorama (french web site), https://www.boursorama.com