package Font::TTF::OldMort;
=head1 NAME
Font::TTF::OldMort - Glyph Metamorphosis table in a font
=item version
table version number (Fixed: currently 1.0)
=item chains
list of metamorphosis chains, each of which has its own fields:
=item defaultFlags
chain's default subfeature flags (UInt32)
=item featureEntries
list of feature entries, each of which has fields:
=item type
=item setting
=item enable
=item disable
=item subtables
list of metamorphosis subtables, each of which has fields:
=item type
subtable type (0: rearrangement; 1: contextual substitution; 2: ligature;
4: non-contextual substitution; 5: insertion)
=item direction
processing direction ('LR' or 'RL')
=item orientation
applies to text in which orientation ('VH', 'V', or 'H')
=item subFeatureFlags
the subfeature flags controlling whether the table is used (UInt32)
Further fields depend on the type of subtable:
Rearrangement table:
=item classes
array of lists of glyphs
=item states
array of arrays of hashes{'nextState', 'flags'}
Contextual substitution table:
=item classes
array of lists of glyphs
=item states
array of array of hashes{'nextState', 'flags', 'actions'}, where C<actions>
is an array of two elements which are offsets to be added to [marked, current]
glyph to get index into C<mappings> (or C<undef> if no mapping to be applied)
=item mappings
list of glyph codes mapped to through the state table mappings
Ligature table:
Non-contextual substitution table:
Insertion table:
=head1 METHODS
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Font::TTF::Utils;
use Font::TTF::AATutils;
use IO::File;
@ISA = qw(Font::TTF::Table);
=head2 $t->read
Reads the table into memory
sub read
my ($self) = @_;
my ($dat, $fh, $numChains);
$self->SUPER::read or return $self;
$fh = $self->{' INFILE'};
$fh->read($dat, 8);
($self->{'version'}, $numChains) = TTF_Unpack("fL", $dat);
my $chains = [];
foreach (1 .. $numChains) {
my $chainStart = $fh->tell();
$fh->read($dat, 12);
my ($defaultFlags, $chainLength, $nFeatureEntries, $nSubtables) = TTF_Unpack("LLSS", $dat);
my $featureEntries = [];
foreach (1 .. $nFeatureEntries) {
$fh->read($dat, 12);
my ($featureType, $featureSetting, $enableFlags, $disableFlags) = TTF_Unpack("SSLL", $dat);
push @$featureEntries, {
'type' => $featureType,
'setting' => $featureSetting,
'enable' => $enableFlags,
'disable' => $disableFlags
my $subtables = [];
foreach (1 .. $nSubtables) {
my $subtableStart = $fh->tell();
$fh->read($dat, 8);
my ($length, $coverage, $subFeatureFlags) = TTF_Unpack("SSL", $dat);
my $type = $coverage & 0x0007;
my $subtable = {
'type' => $type,
'direction' => (($coverage & 0x4000) ? 'RL' : 'LR'),
'orientation' => (($coverage & 0x2000) ? 'VH' : ($coverage & 0x8000) ? 'V' : 'H'),
'subFeatureFlags' => $subFeatureFlags
if ($type == 0) { # rearrangement
my ($classes, $states) = AAT_read_state_table($fh, 0);
$subtable->{'classes'} = $classes;
$subtable->{'states'} = $states;
elsif ($type == 1) { # contextual
my $stateTableStart = $fh->tell();
my ($classes, $states, $entries) = AAT_read_state_table($fh, 2);
$fh->seek($stateTableStart, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, 10);
my ($stateSize, $classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable, $mappingTables) = unpack("nnnnn", $dat);
my $limits = [$classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable, $mappingTables, $length - 8];
foreach (@$entries) {
my $actions = $_->{'actions'};
foreach (@$actions) {
$_ = $_ ? $_ - ($mappingTables / 2) : undef;
$subtable->{'classes'} = $classes;
$subtable->{'states'} = $states;
$subtable->{'mappings'} = [unpack("n*", AAT_read_subtable($fh, $stateTableStart, $mappingTables, $limits))];
elsif ($type == 2) { # ligature
my $stateTableStart = $fh->tell();
my ($classes, $states, $entries) = AAT_read_state_table($fh, 0);
$fh->seek($stateTableStart, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, 14);
my ($stateSize, $classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable,
$ligActionTable, $componentTable, $ligatureTable) = unpack("nnnnnnn", $dat);
my $limits = [$classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable, $ligActionTable, $componentTable, $ligatureTable, $length - 8];
my %actions;
my $actionLists;
foreach (@$entries) {
my $offset = $_->{'flags'} & 0x3fff;
$_->{'flags'} &= ~0x3fff;
if ($offset != 0) {
if (not defined $actions{$offset}) {
$fh->seek($stateTableStart + $offset, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
my $actionList;
while (1) {
$fh->read($dat, 4);
my $action = unpack("N", $dat);
my ($last, $store, $component) = (($action & 0x80000000) != 0, ($action & 0xC0000000) != 0, ($action & 0x3fffffff));
$component -= 0x40000000 if $component > 0x1fffffff;
$component -= $componentTable / 2;
push @$actionList, { 'store' => $store, 'component' => $component };
last if $last;
push @$actionLists, $actionList;
$actions{$offset} = $#$actionLists;
$_->{'actions'} = $actions{$offset};
$subtable->{'componentTable'} = $componentTable;
my $components = [unpack("n*", AAT_read_subtable($fh, $stateTableStart, $componentTable, $limits))];
foreach (@$components) {
$_ = ($_ - $ligatureTable) . " +" if $_ >= $ligatureTable;
$subtable->{'components'} = $components;
$subtable->{'ligatureTable'} = $ligatureTable;
$subtable->{'ligatures'} = [unpack("n*", AAT_read_subtable($fh, $stateTableStart, $ligatureTable, $limits))];
$subtable->{'classes'} = $classes;
$subtable->{'states'} = $states;
$subtable->{'actionLists'} = $actionLists;
elsif ($type == 4) { # non-contextual
my ($format, $lookup) = AAT_read_lookup($fh, 2, $length - 8, undef);
$subtable->{'format'} = $format;
$subtable->{'lookup'} = $lookup;
elsif ($type == 5) { # insertion
my $stateTableStart = $fh->tell();
my ($classes, $states, $entries) = AAT_read_state_table($fh, 2);
my %insertListHash;
my $insertLists;
foreach (@$entries) {
my $flags = $_->{'flags'};
my @insertCount = (($flags & 0x03e0) >> 5, ($flags & 0x001f));
my $actions = $_->{'actions'};
foreach (0 .. 1) {
if ($insertCount[$_] > 0) {
$fh->seek($stateTableStart + $actions->[$_], IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->read($dat, $insertCount[$_] * 2);
if (not defined $insertListHash{$dat}) {
push @$insertLists, [unpack("n*", $dat)];
$insertListHash{$dat} = $#$insertLists;
$actions->[$_] = $insertListHash{$dat};
else {
$actions->[$_] = undef;
$subtable->{'classes'} = $classes;
$subtable->{'states'} = $states;
$subtable->{'insertLists'} = $insertLists;
else {
die "unknown subtable type";
push @$subtables, $subtable;
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $length, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
push @$chains, {
'defaultFlags' => $defaultFlags,
'featureEntries' => $featureEntries,
'subtables' => $subtables
$fh->seek($chainStart + $chainLength, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$self->{'chains'} = $chains;
=head2 $t->out($fh)
Writes the table to a file either from memory or by copying
sub out
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::out($fh) unless $self->{' read'};
my $chains = $self->{'chains'};
$fh->print(TTF_Pack("fL", $self->{'version'}, scalar @$chains));
foreach (@$chains) {
my $chainStart = $fh->tell();
my ($featureEntries, $subtables) = ($_->{'featureEntries'}, $_->{'subtables'});
$fh->print(TTF_Pack("LLSS", $_->{'defaultFlags'}, 0, scalar @$featureEntries, scalar @$subtables)); # placeholder for length
foreach (@$featureEntries) {
$fh->print(TTF_Pack("SSLL", $_->{'type'}, $_->{'setting'}, $_->{'enable'}, $_->{'disable'}));
foreach (@$subtables) {
my $subtableStart = $fh->tell();
my $type = $_->{'type'};
my $coverage = $type;
$coverage += 0x4000 if $_->{'direction'} eq 'RL';
$coverage += 0x2000 if $_->{'orientation'} eq 'VH';
$coverage += 0x8000 if $_->{'orientation'} eq 'V';
$fh->print(TTF_Pack("SSL", 0, $coverage, $_->{'subFeatureFlags'})); # placeholder for length
if ($type == 0) { # rearrangement
AAT_write_state_table($fh, $_->{'classes'}, $_->{'states'}, 0);
elsif ($type == 1) { # contextual
my $stHeader = $fh->tell();
$fh->print(pack("nnnnn", (0) x 5)); # placeholders for stateSize, classTable, stateArray, entryTable, mappingTables
my $classTable = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $classes = $_->{'classes'};
AAT_write_classes($fh, $classes);
my $stateArray = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $states = $_->{'states'};
my ($stateSize, $entries) = AAT_write_states($fh, $classes, $stateArray, $states,
sub {
my $actions = $_->{'actions'};
( $_->{'flags'}, @$actions )
my $entryTable = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $offset = ($entryTable + 8 * @$entries) / 2;
foreach (@$entries) {
my ($nextState, $flags, @parts) = split /,/;
$fh->print(pack("nnnn", $nextState, $flags, map { $_ eq "" ? 0 : $_ + $offset } @parts));
my $mappingTables = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $mappings = $_->{'mappings'};
$fh->print(pack("n*", @$mappings));
my $loc = $fh->tell();
$fh->seek($stHeader, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->print(pack("nnnnn", $stateSize, $classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable, $mappingTables));
$fh->seek($loc, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
elsif ($type == 2) { # ligature
my $stHeader = $fh->tell();
$fh->print(pack("nnnnnnn", (0) x 7)); # placeholders for stateSize, classTable, stateArray, entryTable, actionLists, components, ligatures
my $classTable = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $classes = $_->{'classes'};
AAT_write_classes($fh, $classes);
my $stateArray = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $states = $_->{'states'};
my ($stateSize, $entries) = AAT_write_states($fh, $classes, $stateArray, $states,
sub {
( $_->{'flags'} & 0xc000, $_->{'actions'} )
my $actionLists = $_->{'actionLists'};
my %actionListOffset;
my $actionListDataLength = 0;
my @actionListEntries;
foreach (0 .. $#$entries) {
my ($nextState, $flags, $offset) = split(/,/, $entries->[$_]);
if ($offset eq "") {
$offset = undef;
else {
if (defined $actionListOffset{$offset}) {
$offset = $actionListOffset{$offset};
else {
$actionListOffset{$offset} = $actionListDataLength;
my $list = $actionLists->[$offset];
$actionListDataLength += 4 * @$list;
push @actionListEntries, $list;
$offset = $actionListOffset{$offset};
$entries->[$_] = [ $nextState, $flags, $offset ];
my $entryTable = $fh->tell() - $stHeader;
my $ligActionLists = ($entryTable + @$entries * 4 + 3) & ~3;
foreach (@$entries) {
$_->[2] += $ligActionLists if defined $_->[2];
$fh->print(pack("nn", $_->[0], $_->[1] + $_->[2]));
$fh->print(pack("C*", (0) x ($ligActionLists - $entryTable - @$entries * 4)));
die "internal error" if $fh->tell() != $ligActionLists + $stHeader;
my $componentTable = $fh->tell() - $stHeader + $actionListDataLength;
my $actionList;
foreach $actionList (@actionListEntries) {
foreach (0 .. $#$actionList) {
my $action = $actionList->[$_];
my $val = $action->{'component'} + $componentTable / 2;
$val += 0x40000000 if $val < 0;
$val &= 0x3fffffff;
$val |= 0x40000000 if $action->{'store'};
$val |= 0x80000000 if $_ == $#$actionList;
$fh->print(pack("N", $val));
die "internal error" if $fh->tell() != $componentTable + $stHeader;
my $components = $_->{'components'};
my $ligatureTable = $componentTable + @$components * 2;
$fh->print(pack("n*", map { (index($_, '+') >= 0 ? $ligatureTable : 0) + $_ } @$components));
my $ligatures = $_->{'ligatures'};
$fh->print(pack("n*", @$ligatures));
my $loc = $fh->tell();
$fh->seek($stHeader, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->print(pack("nnnnnnn", $stateSize, $classTable, $stateArray, $entryTable, $ligActionLists, $componentTable, $ligatureTable));
$fh->seek($loc, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
elsif ($type == 4) { # non-contextual
AAT_write_lookup($fh, $_->{'format'}, $_->{'lookup'}, 2, undef);
elsif ($type == 5) { # insertion
else {
die "unknown subtable type";
my $length = $fh->tell() - $subtableStart;
my $padBytes = (4 - ($length & 3)) & 3;
$fh->print(pack("C*", (0) x $padBytes));
$length += $padBytes;
$fh->seek($subtableStart, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->print(pack("n", $length));
$fh->seek($subtableStart + $length, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
my $chainLength = $fh->tell() - $chainStart;
$fh->seek($chainStart + 4, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
$fh->print(pack("N", $chainLength));
$fh->seek($chainStart + $chainLength, IO::File::SEEK_SET);
=head2 $t->print($fh)
Prints a human-readable representation of the table
sub print
my ($self, $fh) = @_;
my $feat = $self->{' PARENT'}->{'feat'};
my $post = $self->{' PARENT'}->{'post'};
$fh = 'STDOUT' unless defined $fh;
$fh->printf("version %f\n", $self->{'version'});
my $chains = $self->{'chains'};
foreach (@$chains) {
my $defaultFlags = $_->{'defaultFlags'};
$fh->printf("chain: defaultFlags = %08x\n", $defaultFlags);
my $featureEntries = $_->{'featureEntries'};
foreach (@$featureEntries) {
$fh->printf("\tfeature %d, setting %d : enableFlags = %08x, disableFlags = %08x # '%s: %s'\n",
$_->{'type'}, $_->{'setting'}, $_->{'enable'}, $_->{'disable'},
$feat->settingName($_->{'type'}, $_->{'setting'}));
my $subtables = $_->{'subtables'};
foreach (@$subtables) {
my $type = $_->{'type'};
my $subFeatureFlags = $_->{'subFeatureFlags'};
$fh->printf("\n\t%s table, %s, %s, subFeatureFlags = %08x # %s (%s)\n",
subtable_type_($type), $_->{'direction'}, $_->{'orientation'}, $subFeatureFlags,
"Default " . ((($subFeatureFlags & $defaultFlags) != 0) ? "On" : "Off"),
join(", ",
map {
join(": ", $feat->settingName($_->{'type'}, $_->{'setting'}) )
} grep { ($_->{'enable'} & $subFeatureFlags) != 0 } @$featureEntries
) );
if ($type == 0) { # rearrangement
print_classes_($fh, $_, $post);
my $states = $_->{'states'};
my @verbs = ( "0", "Ax->xA", "xD->Dx", "AxD->DxA",
"ABx->xAB", "ABx->xBA", "xCD->CDx", "xCD->DCx",
"AxCD->CDxA", "AxCD->DCxA", "ABxD->DxAB", "ABxD->DxBA",
"ABxCD->CDxAB", "ABxCD->CDxBA", "ABxCD->DCxAB", "ABxCD->DCxBA");
foreach (0 .. $#$states) {
$fh->printf("\t\tState %d:", $_);
my $state = $states->[$_];
foreach (@$state) {
my $flags;
$flags .= "!" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x4000);
$flags .= "<" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x8000);
$flags .= ">" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x2000);
$fh->printf("\t(%s%d,%s)", $flags, $_->{'nextState'}, $verbs[($_->{'flags'} & 0x000f)]);
elsif ($type == 1) { # contextual
print_classes_($fh, $_, $post);
my $states = $_->{'states'};
foreach (0 .. $#$states) {
$fh->printf("\t\tState %d:", $_);
my $state = $states->[$_];
foreach (@$state) {
my $flags;
$flags .= "!" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x4000);
$flags .= "*" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x8000);
my $actions = $_->{'actions'};
$fh->printf("\t(%s%d,%s,%s)", $flags, $_->{'nextState'}, map { defined $_ ? $_ : "=" } @$actions);
my $mappings = $_->{'mappings'};
foreach (0 .. $#$mappings) {
$fh->printf("\t\tMapping %d: %d [%s]\n", $_, $mappings->[$_], $post->{'VAL'}[$mappings->[$_]]);
elsif ($type == 2) { # ligature
print_classes_($fh, $_, $post);
my $states = $_->{'states'};
foreach (0 .. $#$states) {
$fh->printf("\t\tState %d:", $_);
my $state = $states->[$_];
foreach (@$state) {
my $flags;
$flags .= "!" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x4000);
$flags .= "*" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x8000);
$fh->printf("\t(%s%d,%s)", $flags, $_->{'nextState'}, defined $_->{'actions'} ? $_->{'actions'} : "=");
my $actionLists = $_->{'actionLists'};
foreach (0 .. $#$actionLists) {
$fh->printf("\t\tList %d:\t", $_);
my $actionList = $actionLists->[$_];
$fh->printf("%s\n", join(", ", map { ($_->{'component'} . ($_->{'store'} ? "*" : "") ) } @$actionList));
my $ligatureTable = $_->{'ligatureTable'};
my $components = $_->{'components'};
foreach (0 .. $#$components) {
$fh->printf("\t\tComponent %d: %s\n", $_, $components->[$_]);
my $ligatures = $_->{'ligatures'};
foreach (0 .. $#$ligatures) {
$fh->printf("\t\tLigature %d: %d [%s]\n", $_, $ligatures->[$_], $post->{'VAL'}[$ligatures->[$_]]);
elsif ($type == 4) { # non-contextual
my $lookup = $_->{'lookup'};
$fh->printf("\t\tLookup format %d\n", $_->{'format'});
if (defined $lookup) {
foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$lookup) {
$fh->printf("\t\t\t%d [%s] -> %d [%s])\n", $_, $post->{'VAL'}[$_], $lookup->{$_}, $post->{'VAL'}[$lookup->{$_}]);
elsif ($type == 5) { # insertion
print_classes_($fh, $_, $post);
my $states = $_->{'states'};
foreach (0 .. $#$states) {
$fh->printf("\t\tState %d:", $_);
my $state = $states->[$_];
foreach (@$state) {
my $flags;
$flags .= "!" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x4000);
$flags .= "*" if ($_->{'flags'} & 0x8000);
my $actions = $_->{'actions'};
$fh->printf("\t(%s%d,%s,%s)", $flags, $_->{'nextState'}, map { defined $_ ? $_ : "=" } @$actions);
my $insertLists = $_->{'insertLists'};
foreach (0 .. $#$insertLists) {
my $insertList = $insertLists->[$_];
$fh->printf("\t\tList %d: %s\n", $_, join(", ", map { $_ . " [" . $post->{'VAL'}[$_] . "]" } @$insertList));
else {
# unknown
sub print_classes_
my ($fh, $subtable, $post) = @_;
my $classes = $subtable->{'classes'};
foreach (0 .. $#$classes) {
my $class = $classes->[$_];
if (defined $class) {
$fh->printf("\t\tClass %d:\t%s\n", $_, join(", ", map { $_ . " [" . $post->{'VAL'}[$_] . "]" } @$class));
sub subtable_type_
my ($val) = @_;
my ($res);
my @types = (
$res = $types[$val] or ('Undefined (' . $val . ')');
=head1 BUGS
None known
=head1 AUTHOR
Jonathan Kew L<>.
Copyright (c) 1998-2016, SIL International (
This module is released under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.