#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Fsdb::IO::Reader.pm
# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 by John Heidemann <johnh@isi.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package Fsdb::IO::Reader;
=head1 NAME
Fsdb::IO::Reader - handle formatting reading from a fsdb file (handle) or queue
@ISA = qw(Fsdb::IO);
($VERSION) = 1.1;
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Carp;
use IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress;
use IPC::Open2;
use Fsdb::IO;
Sample code reading an input stream:
$in = new Fsdb::IO::Reader(-file => '-');
$in->error and die "cannot open stdin as fsdb: " . $in->error . "\n";
my @arow;
while ($in->read_row_to_aref(\@arow) {
# do something
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Reader(-file => $filename);
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Reader(-header => "#fsdb -F t foo bar", -fh => $file_handle);
Creates a new reader object from FILENAME.
(FILENAME can also be a IO::Handle object,
or an hdfs: file.)
Always succeeds, but
check the C<error> method to test for failure.
=head3 Options:
=over 4
=item B<other options>
See also the options in Fsdb::IO, including
C<-file>, C<-header>.
=item B<-file FILENAME>
Open and read the given filename.
Special filename "-" is standard input,
and files with hdfs: are read from Hadoop (but not with directory aggregation).
=item B<-comment_handler $ref>
Define how comments are handled. If $REF is a Fsdb::IO::Writer
object, comments are written to that stream as they are encountered.
if $REF is a ref to a scalar, then we assume that scalar
will be filled in with a Fsdb::IO::Writer object later and treat
it the same.
If it is of type code, then it is assumed to be a callback function
of the form:
sub comment_handler ($) { my $comment = @_; }
where the one argument will be a string with the unparsed comment
(with leading # and trailing newline).
By default, or if $ref is undef, comments are consumed.
A typical handler if you have an output Fsdb stream is:
sub { $out->write_raw(@_); };
(That is the code created by L<Fsdb::Filter::create_pass_comments_sub>.)
There are several support routines to handle comments in a pipeline;
see L<Fsdb::Filter::create_pass_comments_sub>,
User-specified -header arguments override a header provided in the input source.
sub new {
my $class = shift @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
bless $self, $class;
# new instance variables
$self->{_unreadq} = [];
# Could pass out the code so rowobj_sub propages down to fastpath.
# Skip that for now.
# $self->{_read_rowobj_code} = ' die; '; # placeholders
$self->{_read_rowobj_sub} = sub { die; };
# setup:
if (! ($self->{_fh} || $self->{_queue})) {
$self->{_error} //= "Fsdb::IO::Reader: cannot setup filehandle";
return $self;
if ($self->{_fh} && ref($self->{_fh}) eq 'IO::Pipe') {
# don't do this if we're IO::Pipe::End, since it's already been done
# Note: reader/writer difference: readers have io subs before headers; writers only after.
if (!defined($self->{_headerrow})) {
# get the header from the file (must not have been specified by the user)
if (defined($self->{_headerrow})) {
$self->{_header_set} = 1; # go read-only
# rebuild io subs in case the fscode changed
} else {
$self->{_error} = "no header line";
return $self;
return $self;
=head2 config_one
documented in new
sub config_one {
my($self, $aaref) = @_;
if ($aaref->[0] eq '-file') {
shift @$aaref;
my($file) = shift @$aaref;
my $fh;
my $mode = $self->default_binmode();
if ($file eq '-') {
$fh = new IO::Handle;
binmode $fh, $mode;
} elsif ($file =~ /^hdfs:/) {
my($hdfs_fh, $compression_fh);
$self->{_hdfs_reader_pid} = open($hdfs_fh, '-|', "hdfs", "-cat", $file);
my $decompressor = Fsdb::IO::_find_filename_decompressor($file);
if ($decompressor) {
$self->{_compression_pid} = open2($compression_fh, $hdfs_fh, $decompressor);
$fh = $compression_fh // $hdfs_fh;
} else {
my $decompressor = Fsdb::IO::_find_filename_decompressor($file);
if ($decompressor) {
$self->{_compression_pid} = open($fh, '-|', $decompressor, $file);
} else {
$fh = new IO::File $file, "<$mode";
if ($fh) {
$self->{_fh} = $fh;
} else {
$self->{_error} = "cannot open $file";
} elsif ($aaref->[0] eq '-comment_handler') {
shift @$aaref;
$self->{_comment_handler} = shift @$aaref;
} else {
=head2 comment_handler_to_sub;
internal use only: parses and sets up the comment handle callback.
(At input, _comment_sub is as given by -comment_handler,
but at exit it is always an anon function.
sub comment_handler_to_sub {
my($self) = @_;
if (!defined($self->{_comment_handler})) {
# just consume comments
$self->{_comment_sub} = sub {};
} elsif (ref($self->{_comment_handler}) eq 'CODE') {
# assume the user did the right thing passing in a sub
$self->{_comment_sub} = $self->{_comment_handler};
} elsif (ref($self->{_comment_handler}) =~ /^Fsdb::IO::Writer/) {
# write a pass-through
$self->{_comment_sub} = sub { $self->{_comment_handler}->write_raw(@_); }
} elsif (ref($self->{_comment_handler}) eq 'SCALAR') {
# write a pass-through, but with one level of indirection
# (This trick is necessary because often the Writer
# cannot be opened before the Reader is created.)
$self->{_comment_sub} = sub { ${$self->{_comment_handler}}->write_raw(@_); }
} else {
croak "correct_comment_handler: invalid -comment_handler argument\n";
=head2 _enable_compression
internal use only: switch from uncompressed to compressed.
sub _enable_compression($) {
my($self) = @_;
return if (!$self->{_compression});
my $phy_fh = $self->{_fh};
binmode($phy_fh, ":raw");
$self->{_fh} = new IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress $phy_fh
or croak "Fsdb::IO::Reader: cannot switch to compression " . $self->{_compression};
# xxx: we now should push our encoding onto this new fh,
# but not clear how IO::Uncompress handles that.
=head2 create_io_subs
internal use only: create a thunk that returns rowobjs.
sub create_io_subs() {
my($self) = @_;
return if ($self->{_error});
croak "confusion: too many IO sources" if (defined($self->{_fh}) && defined($self->{_queue}));
if (defined($self->{_fh})) {
$self->_enable_compression() if ($self->{_compression} && $self->{_header_set});
# need to unserialize data from a file handle
if ($self->{_rscode} eq 'D') {
# Normal line-by-line (rowized) format.
# Carefully optimized.
my $fh = $self->{_fh};
my $fsre = $self->{_fsre};
$self->{_read_rowobj_sub} = sub {
my $line = $fh->getline;
return undef if (!defined($line)); # eof
return $line if ($line =~ /^\s*\#/); # comment, no longer chomped;
chomp $line;
# Note that, technically, the next line is meaningless
# if we haven't yet parsed the header.
# We assume read_headerrow will sort that out adequately.
my @f = split(/$fsre/, $line);
return \@f; # a row
} elsif ($self->{_rscode} eq 'C' || $self->{_rscode} eq 'I') {
# Colized-format.
# Not particularly optimized.
my $fh = $self->{_fh};
my $fsre = $self->{_fsre};
# set up buffers for partial objects
$self->{_rowize_eof} = undef;
$self->{_rowize_partial_row} = [ ($self->{_empty}) x ($self->ncols) ];
$self->{_rowize_started_row} = undef;
$self->{_read_rowobj_sub} = sub {
return undef if ($self->{_rowize_eof});
# get a row
for (;;) {
# get a line to build up a full row
my $line = $fh->getline;
if (!defined($line)) {
$self->{_rowize_eof} = 1;
last; # exit infinite for
}; # eof
return $line if ($line =~ /^\s*\#/); # comment is fast-path return
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
last if ($self->{_rowize_started_row});
next; # skip blank lines before content
# parse one field, carefully
my($key, $value) = ($line =~ /^([^:]+):\s+(.*)$/);
croak("unparsable line '$line' (format should be ''key: value''\n") if (!defined($key));
croak("contents of line contain column separator: <$line>, will correct\n") if ($value =~ /$fsre/);
$value = $self->{_empty} if (!defined($value) || $value eq '');
my $i = $self->{_cols_to_i}->{$key};
croak ("unknown column '$key' in '$line'.\n") if (!defined($i));
$self->{_rowize_partial_row}[$i] = $value;
$self->{_rowize_started_row} = 1;
# special case eof
return undef if ($self->{_rowize_eof} && !$self->{_rowize_started_row});
# now return the new row
my @f = @{$self->{_rowize_partial_row}}; # copy (maybe not needed?)
$self->{_rowize_partial_row} = [ ($self->{_empty}) x ($self->ncols) ]; # reset
$self->{_rowize_started_row} = undef;
return \@f;
} else {
croak "undefined rscode " . $self->{_rscode} . "\n";
} elsif (defined($self->{_queue})) {
# data is preformatted from a queue
my $queue = $self->{_queue};
$self->{_read_rowobj_sub} = sub {
return $queue->dequeue;
} else {
croak "confusion: no IO source\n";
=head2 read_headerrow
internal use only; reads the header
sub read_headerrow {
my($self) = @_;
return if ($self->{_error});
my $headerrow = &{$self->{_read_rowobj_sub}};
# Note special case: if ref($headerrow) than read_rowobj_sub
# parsed the line for us and it wasn't a comment. Bad user! No header!
if (!defined($headerrow) || ref($headerrow)) {
my $printable_hr = $headerrow;
if (!defined($printable_hr)) {
$printable_hr = "[EOF]";
} elsif (ref($printable_hr) ne 'SCALAR') {
$printable_hr = "$printable_hr";
$printable_hr =~ s/\(.*\)//;
} else {
$printable_hr = substr($printable_hr, 0, 200) . " ..."
if (length($printable_hr) > 200);
$printable_hr =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g;
$self->{_error} = "no header line (saw: $printable_hr)";
# Note: internally, headers are newlineless.
chomp $headerrow;
$self->{_headerrow} = $headerrow;
# =head2 read_attributes
# Read the attributes. Called automatically to get attributes,
# if any.
# =cut
# sub read_attributes {
# my($self) = @_;
# croak "double attribute read.\n" if ($self->{_attributes_set});
# $self->{_attributes_set} = 1;
# my $fref;
# while ($fref = $self->read_rowobj) {
# last if (!defined($fref)); # eof!
# last if (ref($fref)); # data (expected exit path)
# last if ($fref !~ /^#%\s+([^:])+:\s+(.*)$/);
# $self->{_attributes}{$1} = $2;
# };
# # put the last thing back
# $self->unread_rowobj($fref);
# # sigh, we now blown the fastpath :-(
# };
# =head2 check_attributes
# internal use only; check that attributes have been read.
# (for a writer, they always are)
# =cut
# sub check_attributes {
# return if ($self->{_attributes_set});
# if (!defined($self->{_headerrow})) {
# $self->read_headerrow;
# $self->parse_headerrow;
# };
# $self->read_attributes;
# }
=head2 read_rowobj
$rowobj = $fsdb->read_rowobj;
Reads a line of input and returns a "row object",
either a scalar string for a comment or header,
or an array reference for a row,
or undef on end-of-stream.
This routine is the fastest way to do full-featured fsdb-formatted IO.
(Although see also Fsdb::Reader::fastpath_sub.)
Unlike all the other routines (including fastpath_sub),
read_rowobj does not do comment processing (calling comment_sub).
sub read_rowobj {
my($self) = @_;
return undef if (defined($self->{_error}));
# first, check unread
if ($#{$self->{_unreadq}} >= 0) {
my $frontref = shift @{$self->{_unreadq}};
return $frontref;
return &{$self->{_read_rowobj_sub}};
=head2 read_row_to_aref
Then $a[0] is the 0th column, etc.
Returns undef if the read fails, typically due to EOF.
sub read_row_to_aref {
my($self, $aref) = @_;
while (1) {
my $rowobj = $self->read_rowobj;
if (!defined($rowobj)) {
return undef; # eof
} elsif (!ref($rowobj)) {
# comment
} else {
# assert(ref($rowobj) eq 'ARRAY');
@$aref = @$rowobj;
return 1;
=head2 unread_rowobj
Put an fref back into the stream.
sub unread_rowobj {
my($self, $fref) = @_;
croak "unread_fref attempted with active fastpath\n"
if ($self->{_fastpath_active});
unshift @{$self->{_unreadq}}, $fref;
=head2 unread_row_from_aref
Put array @a back into the file.
sub unread_row_from_aref {
my($self, $aref) = @_;
croak "unread_row_from_aref attempted with active fastpath\n"
if ($self->{_fastpath_active});
my @a = @$aref; # make a copy
unshift @{$self->{_unreadq}}, \@a;
=head2 read_row_to_href
Read the next row into hash C<%h>.
Then $h{'colname'} is the value of that column.
Returns undef if the read fails, typically due to EOF.
sub read_row_to_href {
my($self, $href) = @_;
my @a;
$self->read_row_to_aref(\@a) or return undef;
foreach my $i (0..$#{$self->{_cols}}) {
$href->{$self->{_cols}[$i]} = $a[$i];
return 1;
=head2 unread_row_from_href
Put hash %h back into the file.
sub unread_row_from_href {
my($self, $href) = @_;
my @a = ('-' x $#{$self->{_cols}}); # null record
foreach (keys %$href) {
my($i) = $self->{_cols_to_i}->{$_};
defined($i) or croak "column name $_ is not in current file";
$a[$i] = $href->{$_};
=head2 fastpath_ok
Check if we can do fast-path IO
(post-header, no pending unread rows, no errors).
sub fastpath_ok {
my($self) = @_;
return undef if (defined($self->{_error}));
return undef if (!defined($self->{_headerrow}));
return undef if ($#{$self->{_unreadq}} >= 0);
return 1;
=head2 fastpath_sub
$sub = $fsdb->fastpath_sub()
$row_aref = &$sub();
Return an anonymous sub that does read fast-path when called.
This code stub returns a new $aref
corresponding with a data line,
and handles comments as specified by -comment_handler
sub fastpath_sub {
my($self) = @_;
$self->fastpath_ok or croak "not able to do read fastpath\n";
$self->{_fastpath_active} = 1;
# use lexical variables to emulate static to avoid object resolution
my $fh = $self->{_fh};
my $fsre = $self->{_fsre};
my $read_rowobj_sub = $self->{_read_rowobj_sub};
my $comment_sub = $self->{_comment_sub};
croak "Fsdb::IO::Reader::fastpath_sub missing comment handling subroutine.\n"
if (!defined($comment_sub));
# xxx: this code should track read_row_to_aref
my $fastpath = sub {
while (1) {
my $rowobj = &$read_rowobj_sub;
if (!defined($rowobj)) {
return undef; # eof
} elsif (!ref($rowobj)) {
# comment
} else {
# assert(ref($rowobj) eq 'ARRAY')
return $rowobj;
# for more visibility:
# $fastpath = sub { my @a:shared; $self->read_row_to_aref(\@a); return \@a; };
return $fastpath;