#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Fsdb::IO::Writer.pm
# Copyright (C) 2005-2019 by John Heidemann <johnh@isi.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package Fsdb::IO::Writer;
=head1 NAME
Fsdb::IO::Writer - handle formatting reading from a fsdb file (handle) or queue
@ISA = qw(Fsdb::IO);
($VERSION) = 1.1;
use strict;
use IO::File;
use Carp;
# do these only when needed:
# use IO::Compress::Bzip2;
# use IO::Compress::Gzip;
# use IO::Compress::Xz;
use Fsdb::IO;
=head2 new
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Writer(-file => $filename);
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Writer(-header => "#fsdb -F t foo bar",
-fh => $file_handle);
$fsdb = new Fsdb::IO::Writer(-file => '-',
-fscode => 'S',
-cols => [qw(firstcol second)]);
# or to add a column to a prior file
$in = new Fsdb::IO::Reader(-file => '-');
$out = new Fsdb::IO::Writer(-clone => $in, -outputheader => 'delay');
Creates a new writer object.
Always succeeds, but
check the C<error> method to test for failure.
=over 4
=item other options
See also the options in Fsdb::IO, including
C<-file>, C<-header>.
=item -file FILENAME
Open and write the given filename.
Special filename "-" is standard output,
and files with hdfs: are written to Hadoop.
=item -outputheader [now|delay|never|&format_sub]
If value is "now" (the default), the header is generated after option parsing.
If "delay", it is generated on first data record output.
If "never", no header is ever output, and output will then not be fsdb format.
If it is a perl subroutine, then the C<format_sub()> is called
to generate the header on the first data record output (like delay);
it should return the string for the header.
sub new {
my $class = shift @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
bless $self, $class;
# new instance variables
$self->{_write_rowobj_sub} = sub { croak "Fsdb::IO::Writer: attempt to write to unprepared stream\n"; }; # placeholder
$self->{_autoflush} = 0;
return $self if ($self->{_error});
# setup:
if (! ($self->{_fh} || $self->{_queue})) {
$self->{_error} //= "Fsdb::IO::Writer: failed to set up output stream";
return $self;
if ($self->{_fh} && ref($self->{_fh}) eq 'IO::Pipe') {
# don't do this if we're IO::Pipe::End, since it's already been done
if ($self->{_fh} && $self->{_autoflush}) {
# Default to agressively generating header.
# Call it for never (!) so we call create_io_subs.
$self->{_outputheader} = 'now' if (!defined($self->{_outputheader}));
$self->write_headerrow unless (ref($self->{_outputheader}) eq 'CODE' || $self->{_outputheader} eq 'delay');
return $self;
=head2 config_one
documented in new
sub config_one {
my($self, $aaref) = @_;
if ($aaref->[0] eq '-file') {
shift @$aaref;
my($file) = shift @$aaref;
my $fh;
my $mode = $self->default_binmode();
if ($file eq '-') {
$fh = new IO::Handle;
binmode $fh, $mode;
} elsif ($file =~ /^hdfs:/) {
my $hdfs_reader_pid = open($fh, '|-', "hdfs", "-put", "-", $file);
binmode $fh, $mode;
} else {
$fh = new IO::File $file, ">$mode";
if ($fh) {
$self->{_fh} = $fh;
} else {
$self->{_error} = "cannot open $file";
} elsif ($aaref->[0] eq '-autoflush') {
shift @$aaref;
my $af = shift @$aaref;
$af //= 0;
$self->{_autoflush} = $af;
croak "autoflush must be 0 or undef, or 1.\n"
if (!($af == 0 || $af == 1));
} elsif ($aaref->[0] eq '-outputheader') {
shift @$aaref;
my $oh = shift @$aaref;
$self->{_outputheader} = $oh;
croak "outputheader must be now, delay, never, or a sub.\n"
if (!(ref($oh) eq 'CODE' || $oh eq 'now' || $oh eq 'delay' || $oh eq 'never'));
} else {
=head2 _enable_compression
internal use only: switch from uncompressed to compressed.
sub _enable_compression($) {
my($self) = @_;
return if (!$self->{_compression});
my $phy_fh = $self->{_fh};
binmode($phy_fh, ":raw");
my $cooked_fh = undef;
if ($self->{_compression} eq 'gz') {
require IO::Compress::Gzip;
# We use "Minimal" on next line, otherwise
# we get a timestamp in the output,
# making output non-repeatable.
$cooked_fh = new IO::Compress::Gzip($phy_fh, time => 0, minimal => 1);
} elsif ($self->{_compression} eq 'xz') {
require IO::Compress::Xz;
$cooked_fh = new IO::Compress::Xz $phy_fh;
} elsif ($self->{_compression} eq 'bz2') {
require IO::Compress::Bzip2;
$cooked_fh = new IO::Compress::Bzip2 $phy_fh;
} else {
croak "Fsbb::IO::Writer:_enable_compression: unknown compression type.\n";
$cooked_fh or croak "Fsdb::IO::Reader: cannot switch to compression " . $self->{_compression};
$self->{_fh} = $cooked_fh;
# xxx: we now should push our encoding onto this new fh,
# but not clear how IO::Uncompress handles that.
=head2 create_io_subs
internal use only: create a thunk that writes rowobjs.
sub create_io_subs() {
my($self) = @_;
return if ($self->{_error});
croak "confusion: too many IO sinks" if (defined($self->{_fh}) && defined($self->{_queue}));
if (defined($self->{_fh})) {
$self->_enable_compression() if ($self->{_compression} && $self->{_header_set});
if ($self->{_rscode} eq 'D') {
my $fh = $self->{_fh};
my $fs = $self->{_fs};
croak "confusion: undefined _fs in Fsdb::IO::Writer::create_io_subs\n" if (!defined($fs));
$self->{_write_rowobj_sub} = sub {
my $rowobj = $_[0];
if (ref($rowobj) eq 'ARRAY') {
$fh->print(join($fs, @$rowobj) . "\n");
} elsif (!defined($rowobj)) {
die; # for now, don't allow undef => close
} elsif (!ref($rowobj)) {
# raw comment
} else {
die; # should never happen
} elsif ($self->{_rscode} eq 'C' || $self->{_rscode} eq 'I') {
my $fh = $self->{_fh};
my $ncols = $#{$self->{_cols}};
my $always_print = ($self->{_rscode} eq 'C');
my $empty = $self->{_empty};
$self->{_write_rowobj_sub} = sub {
my $rowobj = $_[0];
if (ref($rowobj) eq 'ARRAY') {
# assert(ref($rowobj) eq 'ARRAY');
foreach (0..$ncols) {
$fh->print($self->{_cols}[$_] . ": " . $rowobj->[$_] . "\n")
if ($always_print || $rowobj->[$_] ne $empty);
} elsif (!defined($rowobj)) {
die; # for now, don't allow undef => close
} elsif (!ref($rowobj)) {
# raw comment
} else {
} else {
croak "undefined rscode " . $self->{_rscode} . "\n";
} elsif (defined($self->{_queue})) {
my $queue = $self->{_queue};
$self->{_write_rowobj_sub} = sub {
} else {
croak "confusion: no IO sink\n";
=head2 write_headerrow
internal use only; write the header.
As a side-effect, we also instantiate the _write_io_sub.
sub write_headerrow() {
my($self) = @_;
croak "double header write.\n" if ($self->{_header_set});
# Note: reader/writer difference: readers have io subs before headers; writers only after.
# We therefore make them here and immediately call them.
return if ($self->{_outputheader} eq 'never');
# Note, this is the default path when outputheader eq 'delay'.
# generate it
if (ref($self->{_outputheader}) eq 'CODE') {
$self->{_headerrow} = &{$self->{_outputheader}}($self);
# write that header!
die "internal error: Fsdb::IO::Writer undefined header.\n"
if (!defined($self->{_headerrow}));
&{$self->{_write_rowobj_sub}}($self->{_headerrow} . "\n");
$self->{_header_set} = 1;
# switch modes
$self->create_io_subs() if ($self->{_compression});
# =head2 write_attributes
# Write the attributes. Called by interested clients
# if they have attributes. Because attributes are I<not> guarnteed
# to be presevered across filters, interested clients
# must explicitly write them.
# =cut
# sub write_attributes {
# my($self) = @_;
# croak "double attribute write.\n" if ($self->{_attributes_set});
# $self->{_attributes_set} = 1;
# foreach my $key (sort keys %{$self->{_attributes}}) {
# my $value = $self->{_attributes}{$key};
# &{$self->{_write_rowobj_sub}}("#% $key: $value\n");
# };
# };
# =head2 check_attributes
# internal use only; check that attributes are set.
# (for a writer, they always are)
# =cut
# sub check_attributes {
# }
=head2 write_rowobj
Write a "row object" to an outpu stream.
Row objects are either a scalar string,
for a comment or header,
or an array reference for a row.
This routine is the fastest way to do full-featured fsdb-formatted IO.
(Although see also Fsdb::Writer::fastpath_sub.)
sub write_rowobj {
my ($self, $rowobj) = @_;
return if (defined($self->{_error}));
$self->write_headerrow unless ($self->{_header_set});
return &{$self->{_write_rowobj_sub}}($rowobj);
=head2 write_row_from_aref
Write @a.
sub write_row_from_aref {
my($self, $aref) = @_;
=head2 write_row
$fsdb->write_row($a1, $a2...);
Write args out. Less efficient than write_row_from_aref.
sub write_row {
my($self) = shift @_;
=head2 write_row_from_href
Write out %h, a hash of the row fields where each key is a field name.
sub write_row_from_href {
my($self, $href) = @_;
my @a;
foreach (@{$self->{_cols}}) {
my $v = $href->{$_};
push(@a, defined($v) ? $v : $self->{_empty});
=head2 fastpath_ok
Check if we can do fast-path IO
(header written, no errors).
sub fastpath_ok {
my($self) = @_;
$self->write_headerrow unless ($self->{_header_set});
return undef if (defined($self->{_error}));
return 1;
=head2 fastpath_sub
Return an anonymous sub that does fast-path rowobj writes when called.
sub fastpath_sub {
my($self) = @_;
$self->fastpath_ok or croak "not able to do write fastpath\n";
$self->{_fastpath_active} = 1;
# for writing, just the same as rowobj
return $self->{_write_rowobj_sub};
=head2 close
Close the file and kill the saved writer sub.
sub close() {
my($self) = @_;
$self->{_write_rowobj_sub} = sub { die; };
=head2 write_comment
Write out $c as a comment.
($c should be just the text, without a "# " header or a newline trailer.
sub write_comment {
my($self, $c) = @_;
&{$self->{_write_rowobj_sub}}("# " . $c . "\n");
=head2 write_raw
Write out $c as raw output,
typically because it's a comment that already has a "#" in front
and a newline at the rear.
sub write_raw {
my($self, $c) = @_;
# hack
=head2 format_fsdb_fields
format_fsdb_fields(\%data, \@fields)
Returns a string representing double-space-separated, formatted version of
the hash'ed fields stored in %data, listed in @fields.
(This routine is a hack, there needs to be a FsdbWriter to do this properly,
but there isn't currently.
sub format_fsdb_fields {
my($data_href, $fields_aref) = @_;
my $out = '';
foreach (@$fields_aref) {
my $val = defined($data_href->{$_}) ? $data_href->{$_} : '-';
$val =~ s/\n/\\n/g; # fix newlines
$val =~ s/ +/ /g; # fix double spaces
$out .= $val . " ";
$out =~ s/ $//; # trim trailing spaces
return $out;