package HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart;
$HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart::VERSION = '1.22';
use strict;
use base 'HTTP::Body::MultiPart';
use bytes;
use IO::File;
use File::Temp 0.14;
=head1 NAME
HTTP::Body::XFormsMultipart - HTTP Body XForms multipart/related submission Parser
use HTTP::Body::XForms;
HTTP Body XForms submission Parser. Inherits HTTP::Body::MultiPart.
This body type is used to parse XForms submission. In this case, the
XML part that contains the model is indicated by the start attribute
in the content-type. The XML content is stored unparsed on the
parameter XForms:Model.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item init
This function is overridden to detect the start part of the
multipart/related post.
sub init {
my $self = shift;
unless ( $self->content_type =~ /start=\"?\<?([^\"\>;,]+)\>?\"?/ ) {
my $content_type = $self->content_type;
Carp::croak( "Invalid boundary in content_type: '$content_type'" );
$self->{start} = $1;
return $self;
=item start
Defines the start part of the multipart/related body.
sub start {
return shift->{start};
=item handler
This function is overridden to differ the start part, which should be
set as the XForms:Model param if its content type is application/xml.
sub handler {
my ( $self, $part ) = @_;
my $contentid = $part->{headers}{'Content-ID'};
$contentid =~ s/^.*[\<\"]//;
$contentid =~ s/[\>\"].*$//;
if ( $contentid eq $self->start ) {
$part->{name} = 'XForms:Model';
if ($part->{done}) {
elsif ( defined $contentid ) {
$part->{name} = $contentid;
$part->{filename} = $contentid;
return $self->SUPER::handler($part);
=head1 AUTHOR
Daniel Ruoso C<>
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software . You can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as perl itself.