package HTTP::DAV::Comms;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION $DEBUG);
$VERSION = q(0.23);
use HTTP::DAV::Utils;
use HTTP::DAV::Response;
use LWP;
use URI;
# Construct a new object and initialize it
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, ref($class) || $class;
#print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$self] , [ '$self' ] );
return $self;
# Requires a reusable HTTP Agent.
# and some default headers, like, the user agent
sub _init {
my ( $self, @p ) = @_;
my ( $headers, $useragent )
= HTTP::DAV::Utils::rearrange( [ 'HEADERS', 'USERAGENT' ], @p );
# This is cached in this object here so that each http request
# doesn't have to invoke a new useragent.
sub init_user_agent {
my ( $self, $useragent ) = @_;
if ( defined $useragent ) {
$self->{_user_agent} = $useragent;
else {
$self->{_user_agent} = HTTP::DAV::UserAgent->new;
# Sets a User-Agent as specified by user or as the default
sub set_agent {
my ( $self, $agent ) = @_;
sub set_header {
my ( $self, $var, $val ) = @_;
$self->set_headers() unless defined $self->{_headers};
$self->{_headers}->header( $var, $val );
sub get_user_agent { $_[0]->{_user_agent}; }
sub get_headers { $_[0]->{_headers}; }
sub set_headers {
my ( $self, $headers ) = @_;
my $dav_headers;
if ( defined $headers && ref($headers) eq "HTTP::Headers" ) {
$dav_headers = HTTP::DAV::Headers->clone($headers);
elsif (defined $headers && ref($headers) eq "HASH") {
$dav_headers = HTTP::DAV::Headers->new();
for (keys %{ $headers }) {
$dav_headers->header($_ => $headers->{$_});
} else {
$dav_headers = HTTP::DAV::Headers->new;
$self->{_headers} = $dav_headers;
sub _set_last_request { $_[0]->{_last_request} = $_[1]; }
sub _set_last_response { $_[0]->{_last_response} = $_[1]; }
# Save the Server: header line into this object instance
# We will want to use it later to workaround server bugs.
# For instance mod_dav has a bug in the Destination: header
# whereby it incorrectly throws "Bad Gateway" errors.
# The only way we can munge around this is if the copy() routine
# has some idea of the server it is talking to.
# So this routine stores the "Server: Apache..." line into a host:port hash (i.e. localhost:443).
# so $comms->_set_server_type( "", "Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) DAV/1.0.2 ")
# yields
# %_server_type = {
# "" => "Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) DAV/1.0.2 SSL"
# "" => "Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) DAV/1.0.2 "
# };
# Note that this is an instance hash NOT a class hash.
# So each comms object will be learning independently.
sub _set_server_type { $_[0]->{_server_type}{ $_[1] } = $_[2]; }
# $server = $comms->get_server_type( "" )
sub get_server_type { $_[0]->{_server_type}{ $_[1] } }
# Returns an HTTP::Request object
sub get_last_request { $_[0]->{_last_request}; }
# Returns an HTTP::DAV::Response object
sub get_last_response { $_[0]->{_last_response}; }
# Ensure there is a Host: header based on the URL
sub do_http_request {
my ( $self, @p ) = @_;
my ( $method, $url, $newheaders, $content, $save_to, $callback_func,
$chunk )
= HTTP::DAV::Utils::rearrange(
# Method management
if ( !defined $method || $method eq "" || $method !~ /^\w+$/ ) {
die "Incorrect HTTP Method specified in do_http_request: \"$method\"";
$method = uc($method);
# URL management
my $url_obj;
$url_obj = ( ref($url) =~ /URI/ ) ? $url : URI->new($url);
die "Comms: Bad HTTP Url: \"$url_obj\"\n"
if ( $url_obj->scheme !~ /^http/ );
# If you see user:pass detail embedded in the URL. Then get it out.
if ( $url_obj->userinfo ) {
->credentials( $url, undef, split( ':', $url_obj->userinfo ) );
# Header management
if ( $newheaders && ref($newheaders) !~ /Headers/ ) {
die "Bad headers object: "
. Data::Dumper->Dump( [$newheaders], ['$newheaders'] );
my $headers = HTTP::DAV::Headers->new();
$headers->add_headers( $self->{_headers} );
#$headers->header("Host", $url_obj->host);
$headers->header( "Host", $url_obj->host_port );
my $length = ($content) ? length($content) : 0;
$headers->header( "Content-Length", $length );
#print "HTTP HEADERS\n" . $self->get_headers->as_string . "\n\n";
# It would be good if, at this stage, we could prefill the
# username and password values to prevent the client having
# to submit 2 requests, submit->401, submit->200
# This is the same kind of username, password remembering
# functionality that a browser performs.
#@userpass = $self->{_user_agent}->get_basic_credentials(undef, $url);
# Add a Content-type of text/xml if the body has <?xml in it
if ( $content && $content =~ /<\?xml/i ) {
$headers->header( "Content-Type", "text/xml" );
# Do the HTTP call
my $req
= HTTP::Request->new( $method, $url_obj, $headers->to_http_headers,
$content );
# It really bugs me, but libwww-perl doesn't honour this call.
# I'll leave it here anyway for future compatibility.
my $resp;
# If a callback is set and it is a ref to a function
# then pass it through to LWP::UserAgent::request.
# See man page of LWP for more details of callback.
# callback is primarily used by DAV::get();
if ( defined $save_to && $save_to ne "" ) {
$resp = $self->{_user_agent}->request( $req, $save_to );
elsif ( ref($callback_func) =~ /CODE/ ) {
$resp = $self->{_user_agent}->request( $req, $callback_func, $chunk );
else {
$resp = $self->{_user_agent}->request($req);
# Redirect loop {{{
my $code = $resp->code;
if ( $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY
or $code == &HTTP::Status::RC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY )
# And then we update the URL based on the Location:-header.
my ($referral_uri) = $resp->header('Location');
# Some servers erroneously return a relative URL for redirects,
# so make it absolute if it not already is.
my $base = $resp->base;
= $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new( $referral_uri, $base )->abs($base);
# Check for loop in the redirects
my $count = 0;
my $r = $resp;
my $bad_loop = 0;
while ($r) {
if ( ++$count > 13
|| $r->request->url->as_string eq $referral_uri->as_string )
$resp->header( "Client-Warning" => "Redirect loop detected" );
#if ( $HTTP::DAV::DEBUG ) {
# print "*** " . $r->request->url->as_string . "***\n";
# print "*** " . $referral_uri->as_string . "***\n";
$bad_loop = 1;
$r = $r->previous;
$resp = $self->do_http_request(
-method => $method,
-url => $referral_uri,
-headers => $newheaders,
-content => $content,
-saveto => $save_to,
-callback => $callback_func,
-chunk => $chunk,
) unless $bad_loop;
# }}}
if ($HTTP::DAV::DEBUG > 1) {
no warnings;
#open(DEBUG, ">&STDOUT") || die ("Can't open STDERR");;
my $old_umask = umask 0077;
open( DEBUG, ">>/tmp/perldav_debug.txt" );
print DEBUG "\n" . "-" x 70 . "\n";
print DEBUG localtime() . "\n";
print DEBUG "$method REQUEST>>\n" . $req->as_string();
if ( $resp->headers->header('Content-Type') =~ /xml/ ) {
my $body = $resp->as_string();
#$body =~ s/>\n*/>\n/g;
print DEBUG "$method XML RESPONSE>>$body\n";
#} elsif ( $resp->headers->header('Content-Type') =~ /text.html/ ) {
#require HTML::TreeBuilder;
#require HTML::FormatText;
#my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse($resp->content());
#my $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0);
#print DEBUG "$method RESPONSE (HTML)>>\n" . $resp->headers->as_string();
#print DEBUG $formatter->format($tree);
else {
print DEBUG "$method RESPONSE>>\n" . $resp->as_string();
close DEBUG;
umask $old_umask;
# Copy the HTTP:Response into a HTTP::DAV::Response. It specifically
# knows details about DAV Status Codes and their associated
# messages.
my $dav_resp = HTTP::DAV::Response->clone_http_resp($resp);
$dav_resp->set_message( $resp->code );
# Save the req and resp objects as the "last used"
$self->_set_server_type( $url_obj->host_port,
$dav_resp->headers->header("Server") );
return $dav_resp;
sub credentials {
my ( $self, @p ) = @_;
my ( $user, $pass, $url, $realm )
= HTTP::DAV::Utils::rearrange( [ 'USER', 'PASS', 'URL', 'REALM' ],
@p );
$self->{_user_agent}->credentials( $url, $realm, $user, $pass );
# We make our own specialization of LWP::UserAgent
# called HTTP::DAV::UserAgent.
# The variations allow us to have various levels of protection.
# Where the user hasn't specified what Realm to use we pass the
# userpass combo to all realms of that host
# Also this UserAgent remembers a user on the next request.
# The standard UserAgent doesn't.
package HTTP::DAV::UserAgent;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(LWP::UserAgent);
#require LWP::UserAgent;
sub new {
my $self = LWP::UserAgent::new(@_);
sub credentials {
my ( $self, $netloc, $realm, $user, $pass ) = @_;
$realm = 'default' unless $realm;
if ($netloc) {
$netloc = "http://$netloc" unless $netloc =~ m{^http};
my $uri = URI->new($netloc);
$netloc = $uri->host_port;
else {
$netloc = 'default';
no warnings;
if ($HTTP::DAV::DEBUG > 2) {
if (defined $user) {
print "Setting auth details for $netloc, $realm to '$user', '$pass'\n";
else {
print "Resetting user and password for $netloc, $realm\n";
# Pay attention to not autovivify the hash value (RT #47500)
my $cred;
if (
exists $self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc} &&
exists $self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc}->{$realm}) {
$cred = $self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc}->{$realm};
else {
$cred = [];
# Replace with new credentials (if any)
if (defined $user) {
$self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc}->{$realm}->[0] = $user;
$self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc}->{$realm}->[1] = $pass;
$cred = $self->{basic_authentication}->{$netloc}->{$realm};
# Return current values
if (! @{$cred}) {
return wantarray ? () : undef;
# User/password pair
if (wantarray) { return @{$cred} }
# As string: 'user:password'
return join( ':', @{$cred} );
sub get_basic_credentials {
my ( $self, $realm, $uri ) = @_;
$uri = HTTP::DAV::Utils::make_uri($uri);
my $netloc = $uri->host_port;
my $userpass;
no warnings; # SHUTUP with your silly warnings.
= $self->{'basic_authentication'}{$netloc}{$realm}
|| $self->{'basic_authentication'}{default}{$realm}
|| $self->{'basic_authentication'}{$netloc}{default}
|| [];
print "Using user/pass combo: @$userpass. For $realm, $uri\n"
if $HTTP::DAV::DEBUG > 2;
return @$userpass;
# Override to disallow redirects. Also, see RT #19616
sub redirect_ok {
return 0;
# We make our own special version of HTTP::Headers
# called HTTP::DAV::Headers. This is because we want to add
# a new method called add_headers
package HTTP::DAV::Headers;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw( HTTP::Headers );
require HTTP::Headers;
# $dav_headers = HTTP::DAV::Headers->clone( $http_headers );
sub to_http_headers {
my ($self) = @_;
my %clone = %{$self};
bless {%clone}, "HTTP::Headers";
sub clone {
my ( $class, $headers ) = @_;
my %clone = %{$headers};
bless {%clone}, ref($class) || $class;
sub add_headers {
my ( $self, $headers ) = @_;
return unless ( defined $headers && ref($headers) =~ /Headers/ );
#print "About to add headers!!\n";
#print Data::Dumper->Dump( [$headers] , [ '$headers' ] );
foreach my $key ( sort keys %$headers ) {
$self->header( $key, $headers->{$key} );