package HTTP::DAV::Lock;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use HTTP::DAV::Utils;
$VERSION = '0.09';
=head1 NAME
HTTP::DAV::Lock - Represents a WebDAV Lock.
Need example
sub new {
my $self = {};
bless $self, shift;
return $self;
sub _init {
my ($self,@p) = @_;
my($owned) = HTTP::DAV::Utils::rearrange(['OWNED'],@p);
$self->{_owned} = $owned || 0;
sub get_owner { $_[0]->{_owner}; }
sub get_token { $_[0]->{_token}; }
sub get_depth { $_[0]->{_depth}; }
sub get_timeout { $_[0]->{_timeout}; }
sub get_locktoken { $_[0]->{_locktokens}[0]; }
sub get_locktokens{ $_[0]->{_locktokens}; }
sub set_scope { $_[0]->{_scope} = $_[1]; }
sub set_owned { $_[0]->{_owned} = $_[1]; }
sub set_type { $_[0]->{_type} = $_[1]; }
sub set_owner { $_[0]->{_owner} = $_[1]; }
sub set_depth { $_[0]->{_depth} = $_[1]; }
sub set_timeout { $_[0]->{_timeout} = $_[1]; }
sub set_locktoken {
my ($self,$href) = @_;
# Remove leading and trailing space from " http://.../..."
$href =~ s/^\s*//g; $href =~ s/\s*$//g;
# Remove < > from around it available
$href =~ s/^<(.*)>$/$1/g;
push (@{$self->{_locktokens}}, $href);
# IS
sub is_owned { $_[0]->{_owned}; }
# Synopsis:
# Full parameters
# make_lock_xml (
# -owner => (owner|http://mysite/~mypage/)
# -timeout => num_of_seconds (e.g. 134123432)
# -scope => (exclusive|shared)
# -type => (write)
# )
sub make_lock_xml {
my ($self,@p) = @_;
my($owner,$timeout,$scope,$type,@other) =
# Create a new XML document
# It may look something like this
# <?xml version=1.0 encoding="utf-8"?>
# <D:lockinfo xmlns:D="DAV:">
# <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
# <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
# <D:owner>
# <D:href>http://mysite/~mypage.html</D:href>
# </D:owner>
# </D:lockinfo>
my $xml_request = qq{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n};
$xml_request .= "<D:lockinfo xmlns:D='DAV:'>\n";
$xml_request .= "<D:lockscope><D:$scope/></D:lockscope>\n";
$xml_request .= "<D:locktype><D:$type/></D:locktype>\n";
#$xml_request = <<END;
#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
#<lockinfo xmlns='DAV:'>
# If the owner is an HREF then set it into an <D:href> tag
# else just enter it as text.
my $o = URI->new($owner);
if ($o->scheme) {
$xml_request .= "<D:owner><D:href>$owner</D:href></D:owner>\n";
#$xml_request .= "<owner><href>$owner</href></owner>\n";
} elsif ( $owner ) {
$xml_request .= "<D:owner>$owner</D:owner>\n";
#$xml_request .= "<owner>$owner</owner>\n";
$xml_request .= "</D:lockinfo>\n";
#$xml_request .= "</lockinfo>\n";
return ($xml_request);
# Synopsis: @locks = XML_lockdiscovery_parse($node);
# With this XML node:
# <D:activelock>
# <D:locktype><D:write/></D:locktype>
# <D:lockscope><D:exclusive/></D:lockscope>
# <D:depth>0</D:depth>
# <D:timeout>Infinite</D:timeout>
# <D:owner>pcollins</D:owner>
# <D:locktoken>
# <D:href>opaquelocktoken:d3ae67b0-1dd1-a5f7-f067587e98e1</D:href>
# <D:href>...</D:href>
# </D:locktoken>
# </D:activelock>
# returns an array of locks (will be more than one in shared locks scenarios)
sub XML_lockdiscovery_parse {
my ($self,$node_lockdiscovery) = @_;
my @found_locks = ();
# <!ELEMENT lockdiscovery (activelock)* >
my @nodes_activelock= HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_elements_by_tag_name($node_lockdiscovery,"D:activelock");
# <!ELEMENT activelock (lockscope, locktype, depth, owner?, timeout?, locktoken?) >
foreach my $node_activelock ( @nodes_activelock ) {
my $lock = HTTP::DAV::Lock->new();
my $nodes_lock_params = $node_activelock->getChildNodes();
next unless $nodes_lock_params;
my $prop_count = $nodes_lock_params->getLength;
for (my $prop_num = 0; $prop_num < $prop_count; $prop_num++) {
my $node_lock_param = $nodes_lock_params->item($prop_num);
# $node_lock_param is one of the following
# 1. <!ELEMENT lockscope (exclusive | shared) >
# 2. <!ELEMENT locktype (write) >
# 3. <!ELEMENT depth (#PCDATA) >
# 4. <!ELEMENT owner ANY >
# 5. <!ELEMENT timeout (#PCDATA) >
# 6. <!ELEMENT locktoken (href+) >
my $lock_prop_name = $node_lock_param->getNodeName();
$lock_prop_name =~ s/.*:(.*)/$1/g;
# 1. RFC2518 currently only allows locktype of exclusive or shared
if ( $lock_prop_name eq "lockscope" ) {
my $node_lock_scope = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_lock_param);
my $lock_scope = $node_lock_scope->getNodeName;
$lock_scope =~ s/.*:(.*)/$1/g;
# 2. RFC2518 currently only allows locktype of "write"
elsif ( $lock_prop_name eq "locktype" ) {
my $node_lock_type = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_lock_param);
my $lock_type = $node_lock_type->getNodeName;
$lock_type =~ s/.*:(.*)/$1/g;
# 3. RFC2518 allows only depth of 0,1,infinity
elsif ( $lock_prop_name eq "depth" ) {
my $lock_depth = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_cdata($node_lock_param);
# 4. RFC2518 allows anything here.
# Patrick: I'm just going to convert the XML to a string
elsif ( $lock_prop_name eq "owner" ) {
$lock->set_owner( $node_lock_param->getFirstChild->toString );
# 5. RFC2518 (Section 9.8) e.g. Timeout: Second-234234 or Timeout: infinity
elsif ( $lock_prop_name eq "timeout" ) {
my $lock_timeout = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_cdata($node_lock_param);
my $timeout = HTTP::DAV::Lock->interpret_timeout($lock_timeout);
$lock->set_timeout( $timeout );
#if ( $HTTP::DAV::DEBUG ) {
# $lock->{ "_timeout_val" } = HTTP::Date::time2str($timeout)
# 6. RFC2518 allows one or more <href>'s
# Push them all into the lock object.
elsif ( $lock_prop_name eq "locktoken" ) {
my @nodelist_hrefs = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_elements_by_tag_name($node_lock_param,"D:href");
foreach my $node ( @nodelist_hrefs) {
my $href_cdata = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_cdata( $node );
$lock->set_locktoken( $href_cdata );
} # Foreach property
} # Foreach ActiveLock
return @found_locks;
# Synopsis: $hashref = get_supportedlock_details($node);
# <D:lockentry>
# <D:lockscope> <D:exclusive/> </D:lockscope>
# <D:locktype> <D:write/> </D:locktype>
# </D:lockentry>
# <D:lockentry>
# <D:lockscope> <D:shared/> </D:lockscope>
# <D:locktype> <D:write/> </D:locktype>
# </D:lockentry>
# Returns something similar to:
# @supportedlocks' = (
# { 'type' => 'write', 'scope' => 'exclusive' },
# { 'type' => 'write', 'scope' => 'shared' }
# );
sub get_supportedlock_details {
my ($node_supportedlock) = @_;
return unless $node_supportedlock;
# Return values
my @supportedlocks=();
my @nodelist_lockentries = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_elements_by_tag_name($node_supportedlock,"D:lockentry");
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#nodelist_lockentries ) {
my $node_lockentry = $nodelist_lockentries[$i];
my $lock_prop_name = $node_lockentry->getNodeName();
next unless $lock_prop_name;
# RFC2518 currently only allows lockscope of exclusive or shared
# <D:lockscope> <D:shared|exclusive/> </D:lockscope>
my $node_lockscope=HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_lockentry,"D:lockscope");
if ( $node_lockscope ) {
my $node_lockscope_param =HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_lockscope);
my $lockscope = $node_lockscope_param->getNodeName;
$lockscope =~ s/.*:(.*)/$1/g;
$supportedlocks[$i]{ "scope" } = $lockscope;
# RFC2518 currently only allows locktype of "write"
# <D:locktype> <D:write/> </D:locktype>
my $node_locktype = HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_lockentry,"D:locktype");
if ( $node_locktype ) {
my $node_locktype_param =HTTP::DAV::Utils::get_only_element($node_locktype);
my $locktype = $node_locktype_param->getNodeName;
$locktype =~ s/.*:(.*)/$1/g;
$supportedlocks[$i]{ "type" } = $locktype;
return \@supportedlocks;
=item Timeout
This parameter can take an absolute or relative timeout.
The following forms are all valid for the -timeout field:
Timeouts in:
30s 30 seconds from now
10m ten minutes from now
1h one hour from now
1d tomorrow
3M in three months
10y in ten years time
Timeout at:
2000-02-31 00:40:33 at the indicated time & date
For more time and date formats that are handled see HTTP::Date
RFC2518 states that the timeout value MUST NOT be greater
than 2^32-1. If this occurs it will simply set the timeout to infinity
sub timeout {
my ($self,$timeout) = @_;
my $timeoutret;
return 0 unless $timeout;
if ($timeout =~ /^\d+[a-zA-Z]$/ ) {
$timeoutret = _timeout_calc($timeout);
elsif ($timeout =~ /infinity/i || $timeout =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$timeoutret = $timeout;
else {
my ($epochgmt) = HTTP::Date::str2time($timeout);
$timeoutret = $epochgmt - time;
# Timeout value cannot be greater than 2^32-1 as per RFC2518
if ( $timeoutret =~ /infinity/i || $timeoutret >= 4294967295 ) {
return "Infinite, Second-4294967295 ";
elsif ( $timeoutret <= 0 ) {
return 0;
} else {
return "Second-$timeoutret ";
sub interpret_timeout {
my ($self,$timeout) = @_;
return "Infinite" if $timeout =~ /Infinite/i;
return "Infinite" if !defined $timeout || $timeout eq "";
if ($timeout =~ /Second\-(\d+)/ ) {
return time + $1;
} else {
HTTP::DAV::Utils::bad("Ugh... can't interpret Timeout value \"timeout: $timeout\"\n");
# This internal routine creates an expires time exactly some number of
# hours from the current time. It incorporates modifications from
# Mark Fisher.
# Borrowed from Lincoln Stein's
sub _timeout_calc {
my($time) = @_;
my(%mult) = ('s'=>1,
# format for time can be in any of the forms...
# "180s" -- in 180 seconds
# "2m" -- in 2 minutes
# "12h" -- in 12 hours
# "1d" -- in 1 day
# "3M" -- in 3 months
# "2y" -- in 2 years
# "3m" -- 3 minutes
# If you don't supply one of these forms, we assume you are
# specifying the date yourself
if (!$time || (lc($time) eq 'now')) {
$offset = 0;
} elsif ($time=~/^(\d+|\d*\.\d*)([mhdMy]?)/) {
$offset = ($mult{$2} || 1)*$1;
} else {
return $time;
return $offset;
=item $r->as_string()
Method returning a textual representation of the request.
Mainly useful for debugging purposes. It takes no arguments.
sub as_string
my ($self,$space,$debug) = @_;
my ($str) = "";
$space = " " if !defined $space;
$str .= "${space}Lock Object ($self)\n";
$space .= " ";
$str .= "${space}'_owned': " . ($self->{_owned}||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_scope': " . ($self->{_scope}||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_type': " . ($self->{_type} ||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_owner': " . ($self->{_owner}||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_depth': " . ($self->{_depth}||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_timeout': " . ($self->{_timeout}||"") . "\n";
$str .= "${space}'_locktokens': " . join(", ", @{$self->get_locktokens()} ) . "\n";
sub pretty_print
my ($self,$space) = @_;
my ($str) = "";
$str .= "${space}Owner: $self->{_owner}\n";
$str .= "${space}Scope: $self->{_scope}\n";
$str .= "${space}Type: $self->{_type}\n";
$str .= "${space}Depth: $self->{_depth}\n";
$str .= "${space}Timeout: $self->{_timeout}\n";
$str .= "${space}LockTokens: " . join(", ", @{$self->get_locktokens()} ) . "\n";
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<HTTP::Headers>, L<HTTP::Message>, L<HTTP::Request::Common>
Copyright 2000 Patrick Collins.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.