package HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment;
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTTP::Server::Simple;
use vars qw(%ENV_MAPPING);
my %clean_env = %ENV;
=head1 NAME
HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment - a HTTP::Server::Simple mixin to provide the CGI protocol
This mixin abstracts the CGI protocol out from
L<HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI> so that it's easier to provide your own
CGI handlers with L<HTTP::Server::Simple> which B<don't> use
=head2 setup_environment
C<setup_environemnt> is usually called in the superclass's accept_hook
This routine in this sub-class clears the environment to the
start-up state.
sub setup_environment {
%ENV = (
SERVER_SOFTWARE => "HTTP::Server::Simple/$HTTP::Server::Simple::VERSION",
=head2 setup_server_url
Sets up the C<SERVER_URL> environment variable
sub setup_server_url {
||= ( "http://" . ($ENV{SERVER_NAME} || 'localhost') . ":" . ( $ENV{SERVER_PORT}||80) . "/" );
=head2 setup_environment_from_metadata
This method sets up CGI environment variables based on various
meta-headers, like the protocol, remote host name, request path, etc.
See the docs in L<HTTP::Server::Simple> for more detail.
protocol => "SERVER_PROTOCOL",
localport => "SERVER_PORT",
localname => "SERVER_NAME",
path => "PATH_INFO",
request_uri => "REQUEST_URI",
method => "REQUEST_METHOD",
peeraddr => "REMOTE_ADDR",
peername => "REMOTE_HOST",
peerport => "REMOTE_PORT",
query_string => "QUERY_STRING",
sub setup_environment_from_metadata {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
my $self = shift;
# XXX TODO: rather than clone functionality from the base class,
# we should call super
while ( my ( $item, $value ) = splice @_, 0, 2 ) {
if ( my $k = $ENV_MAPPING{$item} ) {
$ENV{$k} = $value;
# Apache and lighttpd both do one layer of unescaping on
# path_info; we should duplicate that.
$ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
=head2 header
C<header> turns a single HTTP headers into CGI environment variables.
sub header {
my $self = shift;
my $tag = shift;
my $value = shift;
$tag = uc($tag);
$tag =~ s/^COOKIES$/COOKIE/;
$tag =~ s/-/_/g;
$tag = "HTTP_" . $tag
unless $tag =~ m/^CONTENT_(?:LENGTH|TYPE)$/;
if ( exists $ENV{$tag} ) {
$ENV{$tag} .= $tag eq 'HTTP_COOKIE' ? "; $value" : ", $value";
else {
$ENV{$tag} = $value;